Hey Sup Forums lemme hear your GameStop stories

Hey Sup Forums lemme hear your GameStop stories.

I went to GameStop to buy Lords of Shadow when it was new, the case on the shelf was opened. I thought it was a display copy they had sitting around. I took it off the shelf, and handed it to the guy. Guy smiles at me (looked like a fat soyboy) goes into the back drawer and I see a bunch of sealed copies of the game. He pulls out that shitty little paper case, and puts it in the box, as well as a shitty little sticker over Gabriel's face. I took the game out of the case to find a scratch and I ask how much I owe him.


I just left the game on the counter and left.

Around 10 years ago I was going to buy a game for the Wii when they were going to give me a gutted copy for a "new" game. I thought it was ridiculous and didn't go through with the transaction and I never went back to GS.

why didn't you ask for one of the sealed ones?

>autistic cousin likes skylanders
>take him to gamestop for his birthday
>they have a basket of skylander figures
>10 for $5.00 or something like that
>soyboy clerk rings us up quickly with a smile
only good experience at gamestop

Fake stories will have fake replies on why it was impossible to ask for a sealed copy.

I don't wanna support them for attempting to sell me the shit copy. I got the game at some place at the mall that sold vintage stuff like NES games instead.

>walk into store
>go to register and ask for new game
>acquire sealed copy without wasting time grabbing useless case off shelf

this isn't funcoland, man

>go to FUCKING gamestop for a pokemon give away
>codes are supposed to be free without purchase
>new guy says you have to buy something for a code
>won't budge
>fuck it
>get a $10 game
>gives me 2 codes
>do you want to sign up for these multiple scams
>get lunch few doors over
>go back to car and use codes
>go back to return game
>same dude
>won't accept return
>talk to manager
>gives me $25 giftcard and my money back
>never saw the dude again

>grab a sealed copy of new leaf
>take it to counter
>tofuboy clerk asks if i would like a used copy for $18.99
tell him why when i can get a new sealed copy for $19.99
>gives me a blank expression and then proceeds to ring me up

true story.

>go to gamestop
>ask for free "swag" (since that's what they fucking call free shit they give out)
>receive free shit they have lying around in the back

my best gets were an l.a. noire shirt I wore a bunch (even tho the game is shit) and a cute little figure of winston from overwatch that you only got if you pre-ordered from gs

We wouldn't give you the display case if we had sealed copies, dumbass. We'd have to gut anothee one to display.
Man, we just gotta ask, its policy.

Gamestop faggot mad that he works for a shit company.

>Check the website for XC2 Special Edition
> Call the store nearest me, a male worker tells me they have a copy
>I head over in a couple of hours later,
>A girl's at the counter
> Ask her about the special edition, she tells me they have no copies
>I explain to her that a dude here said you had a copy, but she says there hasn't been anyone working today besides her and another female.
> I pull up the website and show her it says they have a copy, bu t she tells me they don't and maybe I called the wrong store
>I dial it while she looks in the system and proved her wrong
>Still no, left without game

FUCKIN' Gamestop....

because when they do that shit it's usually because that's the last copy they have.

I also work at eb games and I like my job even tho we're literal cancer of a dying market.

Do you know if they still do this user?

I've got an old story I've only posted a few times

>walk into EB Games
>wait through lineup and tell clerk I'm there for my FE Fates SE preorder
>he pokes at the computer to confirm my order
>he squats down and opens the bottom drawer behind him and starts rummaging through it
>I can see in the drawer, they have 3 copies with pieces of paper horribly stuck on with those round seal sticker things
>he finds my copy
>while standing up, for some reason he throws it spinning directly up
>he seems to lose his balance slightly from the effort of standing...
>he fails to catch my FE Fates SE, it kinda knocks off his hand and flys like 12 feet away
>I stare at him as he walks over picks it up and brings it back to me
>one of the corners is plainly dented in
>I tell him I don't want that copy anymore because he's damaged it
>he says he can't switch it because that piece of paper has my name written on it
>I insist
>he gives in and grabs me a different copy
>after ringing me up I notice him pull my name off my ex-copy
>he's careless about it, as the circular sticker passes a seam it starts tearing the box off, and rips an inch by inch & half chunk of the box art off
>the piece of paper on mine had the name written on with ballpoint pen, which forever indented itself onto my box
>Alexander Chan, I'm sorry your copy got totally fucked up when I tried to pick it up

>take nephew to FUCKING gamestop to return game
>decide to take some of my old shovel ware games from my old consoles and get a few bucks for them because can't be bothered to sell them online
>lady at the counter says I need to take a picture, give my height and weight, and a while bunch of other shit
>nephew gets his new copy of NBA 2k18 and we leave

>lady at the counter says I need to take a picture, give my height and weight, and a while bunch of other shit

They don't need that. It's for her personal collection, she took it home and masturbated furiously while looking at your picture

yeah, I still do it all the time. the latest t-shirt I got was a wolfenstein 2 one but it's an XL and it's too big on me

I wish l, it's their new trade in policy.

>go to gamestop to pick up xenoblade
>there's a bit of a line
>people are just sitting around eating food
>kinda weird
>get to counter
>ask for xenoblade
>counter dude tells me that I'm in a yogurt shop
>aw shit that explains all the spoons I stole last time I drunkenly broke in here
>I hope gamestop still has my xenoblade
>tell dog that dogs can't eat yogurt
>he says I don't know what I'm talking about
>he's right but he threw up last time so I'm not doing that again
>drive to the other gamestop
>pick up xenoblade with no issue
>as I'm leaving an employee blocks the Monster Hunter display
>kinda weird
>on the drive home my boss calls
>asks if I know what happened to the graphics cards on the CAD workstations
>no idea
>get home
>house is burning hot
>stupid mining rig is like a space heater
>turn up AC
>go to play xenoblade
>remember that I never bought a Switch

>brought my virtualboy in one day
>no one knew what it was
>they asked me to donate it
>kindly leave
the curse continues

>Walk into Gamestop
>Cashier gives his greeting
>I wave back
>Browse the playstation wall
>Grab a couple games that look good and go to the register
>Cashier compliments my Maiden in Black shirt
>We talk about the Souls series, Bloodborne and the at the time upcoming Nioh and the differences between the alpha and beta Nioh demos
>He finishes ringing me up and we exchange farewells
>Go home and get ready to play the game I bought
>Unwrap the game and open the case
>One of the pegs meant to hold the disc in place is broken
Fucking gamestop.


>go to GameStop to buy SFV
>qt behind counter is mirin newage black
>she says she plays SFIV
>double take in case tranny like gllty
>ask her what she mains
>she plays shotos, charge characters and grapplers

>One of the pegs meant to hold the disc in place is broken
This shit drives me nuts, same with the ones that keep the game case closed

Nah, I'm not mad. Company's shit, but the employee discount is nice, and I can put down manager experience on my resume

Doorways need to be thinner

are you 18, anything more than 21-22 i'd say that is pretty embarrassing

people laugh but this is my dream life

21, so it's not that bad.


I've never really had a bad experience at GameStop. I went in one time and I bought a used copy of Bad Company 2 so I could play with one of my friends. I brought the used box up and the cashier said "Sorry, looks like we don't have anymore used copies." I said it was no problem and as I was about to go look for something else, he told me to wait a minute. He opened one of the drawers and pulled out a sealed copy of the ultimate edition. I payed for it and left. The codes for the DLC had a couple more months before they expired. It was a good day that day.

cant stand game stop

Fun fact: Gamestop's computer system is hilariously bad. That rental service they were teasing back last year? Canceled, since the registers literally couldn't handle tracking the rentals.

this isn't true merely because if gamestop put sealed new copies of games out on the floor for people to be able to grab, they would lose so much fucking money. I myself would run in there, grab new leaf, and run the fuck out.

>At the mall with my sister
>Recently bought a switch, so decide to walk in and see accessories and games I would consider buying.
>Crowded as fuck, kids flying around and people just generally being retarded.
>Larger GameStop employee walks up, textbook nerd
>Says ”If either of you are huge pokemaniacs preorders are now available for Ultra-Sun and Ultra-Moon!”
>immediately leave.

How so user? Just because it's FUCKING Gamestop, or just the type of job in general?
Being genuine.

Burgerland is truly a strange and terrifying place

>go to gamestop
>trade in dragon age inquisition and fallout 4 that i got from a kid at my school
>get 4 dollars for both games

I'm never buying from these fuckers again, I hope gs goes bankrupt.

That's not the case with EB Games (Australia). They gut all their new games. They have piles of cases sitting around and you take one to the counter so they can put the disc in for you.

This is likely because EB Games has a seven-day return policy, so this allows them to take those games back and then re-sell them as new without it losing any value.

nobody forced you to go through with the trade, you dumb fuck

how the fuck can you be a teenager and not have a fucking ID.

why does every other gamestop employee have so much fucking attitude?
all retail sucks
what's their fucking problem?

Dealing with idiots all day makes you bitter as fuck.

His social anxiety prevented him from even stammering out a "n-no thanks" to the woman they had at the register
Gamestop knows what they're doing