If peach is for Mario and Daisy is for Luigi, does that mean Rosalina is for Wario?
If peach is for Mario and Daisy is for Luigi, does that mean Rosalina is for Wario?
Captain Syrup is for Wario you newfag.
She's for me and only me, faggot
wario own's daisy's pussy, tho
Wario has no time for games. He takes what he wants and leaves them ripped and bleeding.
He's gonna ween.
Mona is for wario. Wario is a lolifag
>a loli
Mona is an adult, Ashley is the loli
Daisy is dead, Luigi is for Rosalina now.
No she's for Waluigi because they're both giants.
Shes 14 years old oppai loli
She is in jailbait territory then. Still, Wario x Syrup could be a more interesting relation
Mona is 17. Ashley is 15.
OBJECTION! Nintendo has never given Ashley an age!
Rosalina is for motherhood
no, Money is for Wario.
The purest Rosalina~
>Palutena not being into shota
How did they fuck this up?
By not having shit taste.
Shame on you
>implying Palutena isn't into sexually assaulting little boys
daisy is for mario golf and the other party games they need a D list character for to fill out the roster
Cute ship is cute.
Rosalina is actually for Mario because she is the future daughter of Luigi and Peach.
But hey, that's just a theory
user that's literally incest.
Wario loves money. Women are a waste of time for him.
Rosalina is for toad
Hello King Bowser.
What about Pauline?
>Peach and Daisy are royalty
>Rosalina is a goddess
>even Pauline is a powerful politician
W-wait, is Mario a feminist franchise?
>Rosalina is a goddess
Why do people say this?
DK obviously
Pauline will be forgotten by the next game.
I'll be surprised if she even gets a slot in Mario Kart. Beloved characters like Pink Gold Peach and Baby Daisy are much more popular.
All girls are for Mario, hell even Daisy got Mario'D back in the day.
Nice guess, but I just got back from dinner. Not a fan of the nose on the Smash model, either. Or the stars on the dress.
This user speak the truth
Is this cropped porn?
End of Galaxy 1 literally had Rosalina oversee the rebirth of the universe thus causing her to ascend to godhood
Yup. Can't remember if it's good or not, so probably not.
Daisy isn't in any primary Mario game therefor she isn't canon.
Her existence was preserved by the Lumas, the ones that actually reset the Universe. She doesn't have any control over how things get reset, as far as anyone is aware.
>is Mario a feminist franchise?
>Mario (a man) has to save Peach/Daisy/Pauline (all girls) from X villain because they (and their armies) are too useless to save herselves
thanks for reminding that BitF is still over, asshole
And who was raising the Lumas user? If the Lumas see Rosalina as their mother/caretaker what does that make her?
Also by preserving her existence that technically makes her one of the oldest living beings in the universe.
she was in super mario land. mario rescues her.
What this user said. Besides, what "goddess" manages to have their main power source stolen by bowser of all people? I'll concede her to having magical powers due to hanging out in space around lumas for so long, but won't ever consider her some kind of goddess
What would the correct response to a loved one being stolen from you in this case?
>"Oh, she's a strong independent woman, I'm sure she'll be able to handle it herself."
And then Mario fucks her brains out in a spaceship, Luigi probably can't even kiss her.
>Rosalina will never be your wife
nice squat!
bitch did you even play galaxy? rosy is allabout that green dick.
>what is super princess peach
Who got the biggest tits? And who has the biggest butt?
But who is for Waluigi
>implying peach and daisy aren't for wario too
Sure if he ever gets another Wario game
Sorry, but she’s mine user.
>Implying they aren’t both mine
They are all equally smashable user. But if you had to choose one. Who would it be?
Mona is Wario's girl
Wario is for money and garlic.
He is "disregard females, acquire currency" the character