Tried both. English sounds better on pretty much every character.

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Im with you bud. also, ff15

I feel the same with the whole series

Dubs are fine.


Dubfags are truly the worst. Persona dubs sound like a Nickelodeon kids live action show, it's supposed to sound like anime. Also
>playing a Japanese game of a Japanese highschool in Tokyo with Japanese names and characters with English voices



>Sounds like a Nickelodeon kids live action show
>It's supposed to sound like anime
didn't think that one through all the way before pressing that "post" button, huh user?


For me that's almost every game since I only speak English and don't give a fuck about listening to Japanese bitches squeak and squawk nonsense in my ear.

The dub is always better, because I’m not some neckbeard faggot weeaboo who pretends I understand nuance in the shrill female voices that every Japanese character has

The only time I would say that in regards to Persona is 3. The dub got worse and worse with each sequel

Are you crazy? The acting on the English voice acting is cringey as fuck

The pronunciation is butchered to hell and back in the dub. With that many Japanese words, the voice actors who can't make R sounds to save their lives made it unbearable to me

The dub is good, especially for the (human) male characters and most of the awakenings, but it's not better than sub.

My main issue re: VA in this game isn't even the dubs (outside of Igor and Caroline.. what the fuck did they do with Igor's voice?), but the sound clips play way too much. If your'e in the Velvet Room looking at multiple things you'll be going in and out of menus and every single click they say something, if you click really fast because you know what you're doing they call you rude. Or every single fight Morgana has to say 10 things even though the fight is several seconds long. Makes grinding really annoying when auto makes you kill everything and Morgana is still doing his intro phrase.

Reminder the actors could do it fine but the directors told them otherwise.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

The core cast in English does well but all the villains are grossly under acting for how bombastic they’re supposed to be.

I'd rather listen to a bad dub that I can understand than listening to the original voices, that by the way are better only arguably. Anyone saying otherwise is a kissless virgin weeaboo. If you actually speak japanese then congrats, you speak a language barely useful to anyone.

World of final fantasy

i tried watcing the sub, and holy fuck is squeaky japanese as always.

when did Sup Forums get invaded by normies preferring dubs over subs?

>What did they do with Igor's voice
Did you finish the game, or is there something else up with it in the dub?

>"Hello character-SAN"


t. Didn't play the game.

Solid English VA work in this game.


>instead of making the cat a cute girl it's an annoying squeaky voiced boy
>They even gave it a girls name
Mascot characters were a mistake.

Kill yourself dubcuck.

It's incredibly different from 3 + 4. Does it change?
Clearly I'm playing the game if I'm complaining about specific shit like that, autist. I'm guessing by both of your responses that his voice goes back to normal at some point?

I too hate it when they say it in japanese

voiced by a girl, though
in fact, voiced by best girl in smtiva

English dubs are garbage in Persona. They can't even pronounce the names right.

Sakamoto is said as Sa KA moe toe, it's just terrible.

Source on this? Got me curious, why would the directors tell people to do a horrible job? It's not like names such as Madarame can pass as north American if you pronounce it like English

The World Ends With You

Every single Dynasty Warriors game. Samurai Warriors too.

>this is the average intelligence of a dubcuck

>It's incredibly different from 3 + 4. Does it change?
Hoo boy

Yes it does, but that's all I'm telling you; leave before you're spoiled on the specifics

Basically most Square Enix games since they are created for international audiences, so English fits well.

i bet you named MC with some random ching chong name


It's different for a reason, both in the dub and in the original audio. You'll understand it eventually and the classic voice comes back, don't worry

Finish the game, phoneposter. Don't critique games that you're not done with. I'm not even saying complete it, just don't return until you've researched your topic.

Seriously, what in the fucking name of fuck is this shit?

There's only one place in the universe where English speakers use Japanese honorifics: It's called your high school anime club.

A reminder if you played P5 with the dub you actually played a completely different game.

As a dirty foreigner I find it funny how upset English speaker weebs get about dubs. Everything gets dubs and they are fine so long as they don’t lose the core of the experience.

>passing up on the Miyano Mamoru, Sugita, Lelouch as the main character, Pikachu as Mona instead of that annoying English voice, and the actual Ikeda Shuichi as the character that is literally fucking Char

What a faggot. The scene at the airport in Hawaii doesn't even make sense without the Engrish and how it's referencing that Steins;Gate OVA. This is without mentioning the weird directing decisions with the pronounciation of names.
JP has an all-star cast, as opposed to mostly a bunch of nobodies who addmitedly did a good job, but it's still incomparable.

Literally Breath of the Wild (except for english)

Oh shit, this is exciting news. Thanks for not spoiling anything. Pretty hyped for whatever's going to lead up to the change now.
I'm on my computer you sperg. I'm about 70 hours in, so god forbid I voice a complaint. kys.

>muh pronuntiation
who in the fuck knows or cares if its right or wrong? those are chink words, its basically random nonsense

It sounds odd hearing American actors use Japanese honorifics. But I love English Akechi's FEEL MY WRAAAAATH.


Just FYI, you don't need to be a weeb to be bothered by the dub. A number of hobbies can get you in touch with different languages, and listening to someone failing completely on French words will give me the same cringe as it does for Japanese. Is it a custom in the states to listen to everything foreign in dubbed versions? That sounds odd to me

Welp i can't even know how different it is because I DON'T KNOW JAPANESE YOU KNOW.

Localization works are a mess sometimes you know.

How can anyone say the dub is better? Truly, it is better to play ALL games in their native language.

I've never gone out of my way to play any Japanese game in Japanese instead of English and don't plan on doing so.

Absolutely no point to having characters speak a language I can't understand at all.

FF12, no contest.

Yeah no fuck the dub.

Do you only watch dubbed anime?
You realize that's what the written text is for, right? So you can understand what they're saying?

Americans are allergic to non-English language for some reason. they need EVERYTHING dubbed.



I unironically enjoyed Blazblue's dub

Danganronpa series with the exceptions of the animes.

Well the game does take place in Japan, and use Japan's culture as well such as honrofics and such. Even the English dub of Lucky Star the characters still did the honorifics.

The only anime I've ever watched in it's entirety is DragonBall Z, with the funimation dub and Faulconer soundtrack. No point watching it in Japanese since the music is shit and Goku is voiced by a grandma.

>they need EVERYTHING dubbed.
You do realize that japs dub their shit as well? You weebs are so damn deluded.

Well actually there is some nuance to it that could mean the proper emphasis would be on the KA.

Ah, come the fuck on. japanese VAs are known for being energetic as fuck.

That being said, it would have been nice if the original voices erte in the english version, granted.

about to post this
gook monokuma gave me ear aids, he sounds so boring, sleepy and uninteresed
and jesus christ, jap monomi is even worse

>Danganronpa dub
Are you a contrarian or just retarded?

Nobody screams people's names like that in English. This guy screams his lungs out but you don't see him going HEEEEECTOOOOOOR!

Japan prefers the English Kingdom Hearts dub.
The Faulconer score has actually aged better than the Japanese score.

Less emotion, no futaba voice cracking. As expected from an english dubs but this is better than most.

I don't think the translation wasn't so bad, especially not as bad as the liberties nintendo takes with theirs. It's so hard playing through their games with japanese audio when you can clearly tell the lines are completely different.


>Pikachu as Mona

I think using Chopper would be a better example cause he actually talks. But yes, I agree they had an all star cast for this game.

because English is the language of the world for a reason and you can articulate emotion without screaming the last syllable of a word for an eternity

Probably because Disney’s voices are iconic to those western characters. There was actually a painfully detailed process to select them.

P5 dub is only bearable if you're a native english speaker, or otherwise if you never heard a word of japanese in your life, cause they butcher every japanese word they speak.

>shitting on the voice of Doraemon voicing a deadly bear
English Monokuma is just generic edge guy. The long history of the VAs in Jap contributes a lot to letting you appreciate their role in a certain work, whereas in English it's always nobodies or the same 20 people.

If a game is 120+hours long, its better to listen to language you understand. Its just efficient, unless its a bad dub.

Hey Sakamoutou!

this but unironically. it's like 25% of the fun for me

No idea if this is because I play too much yakuza or am friends with too many sushi chefs, but dubbed content of anything with too many Japanese terms bother me a lot. It sounds so wrong that it instantly pulls me out of the experience

yeah, nah fuck the dub

You can't read subtitle?

>because English is the language of the world for a reason
Because the British Empire had a wider spread than others and it's easy as shit to learn, in terms of grammar specifically. It's certainly nothing to do with how it expresses emotions, how it can be used for word play, or its vocabulary.

Igor is actually the evil god and last boss who imprisoned actual Igor and influenced people to grow evil.
You deserve the spoilers for being such a retard.

Redditshitters and ResetEra faggots.
Dubs are a cancer only equalled by their own.

So just got Persona 5 and apparently according to this thread I should play it with subs?


I love how you just posted a video of someone screaming out a name in English while telling me people don't scream out names in English.

What's you logic behind that?
You usually finish reading the text long before the character finishes speaking, so it's not like being able to understand the voices will make you finish the game faster.

>that one random student that correctly pronounces "Takamaki" in the dub
Atlus USA a shit.