ITT: it's 2010
ITT: it's 2010
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Half life episode 3 when?
i was a male back then
you still are
I can't wait for Supreme Commander 2
no nuclear war. wow.
We can all agree the mayans were right and the world did truly end in 2012.
>going to
>was gonna post it here
>check it out
>they fixed it
Wow. That shit's been there for close to a decade and just now they decide to randomly fix it. Fuck you.
Design is so better than that clown fest we have today.
We're getting a UI rework soon anyway.
>there are more people playing pubg at peak every day than total were online then
You could use the wayback machine.
I don't remember it looking so minimal, I wanna see what it looked like in 2007, that's about when I first started using Steam.
Bitcoin was worth 5 cents
The post right above yours.
Alien Swarm is going to be huge and filled to the brim with player created content.
my compoter not good enough to play gmod. wat are some tricks i can do to play my mom said that i can only get one gift for my birthjday and this was it
It looks a lot better in op's image. Green color scheme was pretty ugly.
Yea but you had 99% chance of being scammed once you tried to exchanged it for real money.
7 years later
thou art
Post your PC specs in 2010
same specs as now
Man Steam is just full of quality games! I hope this quality control continues to the future!
Dipshit. it was worth 5 cents and now it’s worth $13000
Nothing changes because 2010 had no memorable culture just like today.
>2010 was 8 years ago
Do you even know what an exchange is you retard?
Man, Team Fortress 2 updates are so good! I can't wait for Meet The Medic!
>people killed themselves too early
What in the fuck are you talking about you fucking moron?
>buy bitcoins for 5 cents in 2010
>sell them in 2018 for huge profit
What is wrong with your head?
You'll never not be a man.
He's saying often times, people would say they would give you the bitcoins, but just take your 5 cents instead.
>gf tells me i'm not a man and leaves me
>okay guess i'll be a woman then
>Sup Forums tells me i'm a man no matter what i do
>duh youtube taught me everything
>except how to read
I have a feeling this will be the Dark Souls 2 of sex products.
there are far better ways to make money with a time machine, user.
I’m talking about how they were dirt cheap and now they are worth a fuckton, so if you had held them you’d be rich now. Holy fucking shit, you are so fucking stupid.
I can't post on Sup Forums, I'm underage
>not recognizing that Sup Forums was best girl the whole time
Mods take these jokes seriously.
I hope so. If he was underage in 2010 he'll be underage forever.
I was indeed underage in 2010
I've been here since 2007 but I'm only 23 now.
>image was already reposted so many times the jpg is starting to lose quality
What's the original site called?
From Sup Forums to Sup Forums to /lgbt/ to /trash/
this is the cycle of life.
No idea. Just google silicone sex doll and you'll likely find it within seconds
>Quake Wars
>It's not even in the store anymore
that interface was perfect but they had to change it like mobile shit fuck the interface designers in general
Skyrimjob is gonna be shit! Bethesda is gonna go bankrupt!
Valve aren't designers, they are soybois
C2D E6600
Eyyy look at me I'm in 2010
Boopy boppy
the only game people played was warcraft, steam was dead
I'm going to put off building my own PC for exactly 8 years.
And what would be the Dark Souls of sex products?
Oh man what if Kojima made an open world game of this with better graphics i can't wait for it
That will literally never happen, the series is dead. Kojimbles ruined the series with Peace Walker. You'd sooner see a shitty Metal Gear clone of Dead Rising.
real sex dolls and the model name was xandra or shakira, cant remember
>8 years later Sim City 4 is still $20
>Still 50 bucks
My friend who was big into Armored Core got me this game with a stupid sounding name of Demon's Souls. It's got some flaws but it's pretty great. Really demanding though, I can't see a game like this becoming popular.
can't wait for Alien Swarm 2
What if he was a girl, became a man, then went back to being a girl?
I hope they make a third installment of this game involving more crime families, surely nothing will go wrong.