>that fucking 9/10 on the cover
As time goes on, will these covers for nier become more common? Should I just buy the game now that doesn’t have that review on the cover?
Box Cover
>implying review scores do not elevate covers to art
You should charge your phone
And you shouldn't even be using that cover
I got the steelbook so no shitty art for me
>he didn't get a superior day one version with reversible cover
Could've been worse
Is this some kind of ascended shitposting?
Didn't these come with reversible cover arts?
>tfw I did, but I left a Carls Jr cup next to it for too long and the soda seeped through the paper cup and the games cover sleeve soaked it all up turning red and wrinkled
That was the day I went full digital.
>carl jr.
Fat ass detected
I wish I made enough money to gorge myself with that overpriced shit and get fat.
This is how you do it
Guess I remember wrong.
Buying physical games.
The inside image is better anyway flip that shit.
It's only on the day 1 edition
t. got the "riveting" version for christmas
10/10 is plastered on every fucking thing it has lost all impact and meaning.
9/10 makes it seem slightly more genuine while still being a decent rating.
Someone post the edit
How the fuck is it better? False advertising that some giant ass amazon is the heroine of the game to some faggy looking damsel in distress kid?
At least A2 is portrayed exactly as she is in the game: an afterthought.
Has anyone tried out the new DLC that came out today?