Other urls found in this thread:
>break phone
I will never buy your game
I just bought Skyrim again, what do you want?
Todd if you are using GameBryo I will fucking kill you
But you already have user
Look at your hands
Your game is a shit.
Haha guys Toddposting is so fresh and new
where's my money, todd? where's my money?
Hey user just your buddy Todd telling you I'd come over to your house so we can play that copy of Skyrim you told me you bought.
v iz srs bsns
I don't know you, and I never bought a copy of Skyrim. How did you get this number?
Haha always the jokestar. Don't worry buddy I'm already by your door thanks for opening it for me btw
Don't worry Todd, my pirated copy is almost done downloading.
Five minutes? You want five fucking minutes, Todd? You know what? I haven't got five fucking minutes! I'm going to ask you again, Todd. Where's my money?
I think I'll get some free mods while I'm at it.
moshi moshi?
>Buy skyrim
>Play for 2 hours
>Get a refund
Oh sorry wrong number didn't mean to call some loser
>buy skyrim
top lol
Alright you got me Todd, I'll buy one of your games.
Let's all just calm down here and talk through this like men. Todd, what's going on, big guy?
Funny funny but that's just an old photo user
..... Yes?
Stop getting mad at me for everything and just buy my games already. Direct your anger towards Pete Hines.
Hello? Who is it?
Never should of come here
look at this fucking manlet, he's barely higher than a fucking doorknob lol
"I'm an extraterrestrial and I am here to share my knowledge with you, the peak of wisdom is...
buying skyrim for the 4th time"
Hello, this is Sneed's Feed and Seed, you're speaking to Chuck. How can I help you?
*cough cough*
It's been fun, user. I'm dying, but I'm glad I got to have so many fun times with you. We played some good games together... right?
But Mr Toddian, I already own twenty copies!
hello mr howard I was a big fan of your role in Logan, really showed some acting chops
Nah your games were trash
I want to believe Bethesda's employees plastered their offices walls with framed toddposting edits
hmm sorry todd, couldn't hear you
*muffled BING BING WAHOO in the background*
what was that you just said?
Hey Todd, you wanna come over and play some Dark Souls? That Miyazaki guy sure is creative, huh?
anons... please...
Take care of the kids for me. Tell Betsy... That I love her
who's betsy? and i didn't know you had kids
i'll tell someone about them, probably
Yea sure he sure is creative hahaha, but how about we play some skyrim instead eh?
You seem like a kind user. Thank you for being here with me in my final moments. It means more to this old game developer than you could possibly know
please, some user who is dedicated to toddposting, make a todd model so I can import it into VRchat. I want to tell people to buy my game
No thank you, Todd. I’d much rather play the new Dark Souls Remastered Edition available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch.
hold that thought todd i need the UTMOST concentration while putting together my new Nintendo™ Labo™
I didn't want to have to do this user but you leave me no choice but to release my bees
haha... I'm sure my kids would love a Nintendo Labo. I can see the light quickly approaching... user. May I please ask one last thing of you, before I punch out?
"Ah but check again they are not where you left them, buy three more or face my WRATH!!!!!!"
no, go back to the keebler tree or wherever you dwarfs normally hang out
Just try it, Howard. Your shitty games have no effect on my elegant game design.
i mean, i guess so
I believe you don't know who you're messing with
Please buy Skyrim for the Nintendo Labo, only 89.99 + tax
Actually they're right here...
Oh wait! My mistake.
It's actually 20 copies of The Witcher :)
Remember that time when Gabeposting used to be a thing and then he goes full Jew and betrays everything Sup Forums used to care about.
Damn these used to be the good times. Damn good times.
*holds your hand as you pass into the great beyond, a single tear rolling down my cheek*
yeah that's not happening todd
He gave me the remaster of his game for free since I already owned the previous version, that's more than I can say for other companies.
Todd is a cool guy.
Yeah New Vegas was pretty fun, good times.
but at the same time he is trying to make me a pay FULL PRICE of 60 us dollars for a game I've already bought that has a small modification to the controls for VR. should be 10 dollar DLC, 20 dollars max.
*wakes up*
Well I don't have VR and if I did I'd probably be shitting too much money to care.
Dark Souls Remastered won't even give me a fucking discount, that's low.
oh shit
*puts the pillow back over your face*
just go to sleep, todd
"Delete this before I remaster fallout 4 onto the Commodore 64"
Why should I care? Do it.
___ __ ____.
No thanks
I'm so homo?
Eat my dick?
toddposting is literally the only thing this board has still going for it. fuck off
You do know that Todd is a homosexual, right.
Yes i fucking bought it *hangs up*
>1.88 is smaller than 1.82
do you see the quotes?
he is lying about his height
Ah I missed that
I like that the phone call meme is still using froyo/gingerbread.