Holy fucking shit I hate this section and its killing my joy
Zelda Breath of The Wild
This took me like five minutes and I don't remember how it went aside from me scrambling on the ceiling
same, I do remember struggling a little the first time I did it, but on my second playthrough took 5 minutes tops, just place a couple bananas (or break the banana platform on top of the guards) and just use Ravioli's gale on the last section to skip the entire thing
>Babbys 1st stealth section
It's not that hard, user. Drop a ton of bananas to distract the guards. They're located all over the place in the hide out.
The entire desert region felt shoehorned.
No it didn't.
The only quest that felt rushed and unfinished was Rito's, Gerudo and Zora are the best DB's quests.
I wish the Yiga had their own camps throughout the overworld rather than being stuck in one area with the rare scripted encounter. Would have added some much needed enemy variety.
I'm very bad at stealth, so I just murdered them all. Bomb arrows are broken.
At first it was cute but later annoying how it was easy to spot the Yiga "traveler". At first I was all "aw they think I don't know it's them". Later it was "really? another?"
Yes it did.
Good point.
lmao just kill them
Gerudo town is by far the best developed of the main four, and its quest line is solid. What makes it feel shoehorned to you?
The rito questline sucks, but Hebra is by the far the best area. I just kept finding shit the more I climbed their mountains, it was so much fun
Cross dressing
oh, you're just a shitposter, keep it up then I guess
I gotta agree with that, Hebra is one of the best zones, it was just so fucking comfy running around in the snow while panning the camera around, I got a sense of solitude and isolation that no other area gave to me
And the moment where you find one of the wooden houses, either the surfer girl or that one cozy house with a bed for you.
Good shit.
It has the best shrines too. My favorite moment in the game was finding the hebra leviathan skeleton
>Later it was "really? another?"
Having different stuff in the game would mean developing actual new content, and that's haaaaaaaaaaard :(
You should play modded Skyrim with some minor graphical upgrades and the hypothermia mod. Having to actually stop and dry off or warm up from the cold every once in a while is really goddamn cozy.
you didn't play the game
is there a mod that doesn't stop time when in your inventory? waiting to dry/warm up could give good downtime to manage inventory or read a book
>either the surfer girl or that one cozy house with a bed for you.
Literally found out about those more than 100 hours in and after I beat the game. It's incredible really.
Hell, I didn't realize there was a Stable on the road to the Gerudo Desert for like 150 hours.
this was hard as fuck for me.
Dude, just climb to the ceiling and drop some bananas to distract the guards.
I've found two different stables after 120 hours. Playing with sound on completely changes how easy it is to find certain things
I fucking hate whenever a Yiga guy appears in the wild to fight you. Its not hard, just fucking tedious and distracts from your exploring
My favorite shrines are those with electricity. Breaking them with metallic weapons and shields just doesn't get boring.
Why would you play a game without sound, you fucking idiot?
I like listening to my own music. Sound is usually just a distraction. I bet you download vidya osts
>I gotta agree with that, Hebra is one of the best zones, it was just so fucking comfy running around in the snow while panning the camera around, I got a sense of solitude and isolation that no other area gave to me
>And the moment where you find one of the wooden houses, either the surfer girl or that one cozy house with a bed for you.
>Good shit.
God damn, you're making me want to play the game all over again. Should I do a Master mode run?
Does anyone know where the shrine that gives the rubber helmet is?
No, I play games like a normal person and not like a mentally retarded child.
Just look in the jungle part of the map and you'll find it eventually.
>like a normal person
>dark extra-contrast cemu
Are you upset about colors buddy?
sound design is fundamental to video games you fucking pleb, goddamn I can't even imagine how many games you have ruined with your faggotry
If my word on a taiwanese basket weaving forum means anything, I'd tell to completely ignore Master Mode, I thought it'd make for a great challenge mode that'd force me to get gud, but it ends up making every encounter a chore where you end up losing way more than what you get, in Normal you'd blow them all up with some explosive barrels and get 5 bomb arrows, in Expert you will lose 4 weapons, 40 arrows to get those same 5 bomb arrows.
After a couple hours you start finding ways to cheese every encounter, like tossing them off cliffs and stuff.
And the Sword Trial is a fucking nightmare, health regen was a mistake. It'd have been perfect if it was just stronger enemies, or making the pause menu not actually stop the game but made it slower, or instead of insta-heal food, have them slowly regenerate you.
I don't know, it just felt incredibly cheap.
It was the prettiest shit, makes we want to go back home to mountains.
he's a child lay off him he doesn't know any better
Nah, most games are just shit at it. I'm here for gameplay, not some autismo's idea of "atmospheric" bgm
Jesus christ... This is you average Sup Forums poster
Dunno, on the one hand I know I'll end up regretting it, but on the other hand it sounds like I'll have to play the game differently this time around, so I think I'll give it a go.
Sure, give it a go, you can always go back to Normal since they are two separate saves.
i just shot them with a bunch of shock arrows until they died. where's the difficulty?
Ill try.
I wish, it would be less embarassing
Damn, I didn't thought about this, after seeing that they just 1hitKOd you I thought they were invincible
Still you can do the Hideout faster if you just evade them
Just stealth takedown everybody
I honestly didn't know until last week that sneak attacks dealt more damage
I best this without knowing about bananas. I just used the time stop and ran past them in ninja cloths
they're not invincible, just they have a shit ton of health. shoot them with a shock arrow, get a hit in, shock arrow, attack, etc. and they'll go down after a while. that's how i did it because i didn't want to bother with stealth shit. probably died four times but after i figured out how to get past them with that method the rest were easy to take down.
no you're definitely still a child lol
Bomb arrows were easier, for me. You don't even have to go in for a hit, they just die really fast. Especially if you're using a lynel bow
>720p 30fps
cemufags are insufferable
...do you not play video games, because that makes sense with you being on Sup Forums
i've found 60 shrines and honestly dont know where more could be. should i use a map with the shines locations on them, or just keep exploring?
u mad?
It's not like they outright tell you the rules of combat.
Keep exploring, it's not that hard to find more where you're at. Make sure you really dig through the Hebras, they have a bunch of hidden shrines.
At least post a picture where the emulation looks better. The game being sharper means nothing when you fucked up the colors.
Just keep exploring. I found all but like 4 or 5 shrines by just looking around the map. If you have the dlc, using the map feature to see where you haven't walked is helpful for finding shrines.
keep exploring. It's neat that the game shows you where you've went, but I do wish there was a sort of fog of war overlay on the map to see. Wouldn't be hard to implement currently.
it's pretty much common knowledge in games like this at this point.
8 times the normal damage. And you can chain attack the same target as many times as you want with sneak attacks.
This. I don't even have the DLC, but korok seeds are really effective at keeping track of where you've been, too.
case in point
>but I do wish there was a sort of fog of war overlay on the map to see. Wouldn't be hard to implement currently.
Instead of using the towers to reveal the map?
literally the only good part besides Hyrule Castle, what the fuck are you smoking?
>1080p and worst girl
I thought I could never see "Niche Weeb" pictured in one image. Thanks user.
Oh OK, buddy here you go.
Just like it was meant to look on a WiiU and the Switch!
Are you just mad that you can't a afford a WiiU or Switch?
Pretty good taste aside from the lesser waifu
Switch is 1080p while docked.
How much is your CEMO version on portable mod- oh...
Why did you post a 720p image?
>can't afford a Switch
>can't even shell out for a WiiU
The tower doesn't show the specific places that you've actually explored, just the general area. It's just another way of rendering the hero's path.
Yes, with the proper colors. At least it looks like a hot desert and not like a sandbox near London.
is the desert littered with koroks? seems kinda empty aside from the fairy, the big ass tremor monster, the labrynth and then the town
Look, man. I don't have anything against emulating. Nor do I have anything against being a graphicsfag. Graphics are nice. But I do have something against you being a fag and trying to start shit and derail threads, acting like I somehow care about some guy on Sup Forums emulating something. So I'm going to have to ask you stop being a fag and trying to derail the thread.
This is a highlight for me on both playthroughs
Mostly due to the way it ends
nice filename
There are the shrines, the heroine statues, and some more stuff near the edges, but the true desert area is definitely pretty desolate.
so much salt lol.
Is that cemu version? Looks disappointing in its ability to replicate the same image in whatever engine its running on cuz that just doesn't look right
>itt children, emufags and a bunch of blind folk
have fun being poor faggot
Rei>Mari>background characters>Asuka
no problem, check out my manga
>Plays undertale with no sound
>It's just okay, I guess.
>Plays with sound
>Omg characters suddenly feel more real, the mood is just enhance and the boss fight just went from okay to amazing.
Sound is part of a game and will improve a game, sometime up to a masterpiece status just from it.
I bet you play horror game with sound turned off and say it's not scary.
ur a faget
Why is there a sudden rise in ironic weebs?
You have the taste equivalent of a dude saying he likes Metal and listening to Metallica.
does cemu actually work yet?
What are you even talking about? What part of that pic is ironic?
Joke's on you, I have every Nintendo console from the last 30 years lol along with pretty much everything except for Xbone and a bunch of niche consoles from ages ago. I also make a pretty decent living and really like my job.
Nice ad hominem, dummy.
No this is what the game really looks like on the WiiU and similarly on the Switch. Also the game doesn't run 1080p natively, it's usually running at 900p and then upscaled. Also at 30fps.
Why does your dumb fucking ass have the worst novels by Murakami?
Where's Tokyo Blues or 1Q84?
>Also the game doesn't run 1080p natively, it's usually running at 900p and then upscaled. Also at 30fps.
on the switch**. I forgot to specify
1Q84 is not that good. At least he doesn't have Norwegian Woods, which is genuinely a bad book.