Dragon Age

I only ever played a little bit of the first one on 360 as a rental when it released. Been thinking of going back and giving the series a try.
>Is it worth it?
>Is there a specific order i should play them in?
>If i skip to Inquisition which i've heard lots of good things about, will i miss a lot of the story, and worthy moments from earlier games?

Also how much do the choices you make actually matter and affect the playthrough in these games?

It doesn't matter, dead characters get revived in sequels and some things happen, even if you didn't do them because the writer "never meant to support different outcomes" it's just fluff headcanon until the sequel makes something canon.

>Is it worth it?
>Is there a specific order i should play them in?
Start with DA:O and then fucking stop
>If i skip to Inquisition which i've heard lots of good things about
You heard wrong.


Awakening is good too

Start with Dragon Age: Origins and then stop and never play another Bioware game that came after DA:O

start with DA:O

then move on to maybe ME1 and 2, KotOR series, Jade Empire and then NWN

then stop

Kek alright i'll at least give Origins a try.
Jade Empire was awesome been wanting to go through that again, does the PC version run well?

If you don't play as a Dwarf Commoner Rogue you are playing wrong

origins and awakening, that's it.

play DAQ first, replay it 1-2 times if you liked it.
play DAII second, replay only if you really like it
play DAINQ last, don't replay it, it's like replaying an mmo

the order is Baldurs Gate 1, 2 then Throne of Bhaal

Solaris was such a dingus he was all like "dude Im gonna kill you guys but Im not a bad guy" fuck off I kept the inquisition and told him I will fuck his shit up

I always tend to start with a standard human warrior or thieflike character on my first playthrough of RPGs, just to get that vulnerable feeling of entering a harsh world filled with crazy shit for the first time

>the vanilla mage robes look plain disgusting
>let's see what the nexus has to offer
>prefect, this looks nice
>meet Wynne

Have you ever regretted installing a particular mod?


>tfw playing Ostagar with nude mod installed

Could I romance that dwarf girl in inquisition? She said she would be at the bar but I never went there

Well, there's Better Bodies mod and that part in Return to Ostagar...

You can flirt but it never goes anywhere. Lead writer felt romancing a dwarf was too close to pedophilia.


>romancing dorfs
What are, a fucking pedo?

If you're playing a coldhearted and powerhungry character with a bit of persuasion you can get some pretty unexpected choices.

Get DA:O on pc- whatever computer you have should be able to run it. It's worth a good two or three playthroughs at least.

City Elf > Commoner Dorf > Noble Dorf > Human Noble > Mage >>>>>>> Power Gap >>>>>> Dalish Elf
You literally can't dispute this.

>Start with DA:O and then fucking stop
Came here to say this. Buy the Ultimate Edition on Steam, it includes Awakening and all the little DLC. It's probably $20 by now.

>Commoner Dorf > Noble Dorf

So if I go to the bar she wont be there? Nice tease

Dwarf Noble should be top, but other than that it works.

>Download stupid slut armour to make mages look like stupid sluts
>Get upset when a mage shows up in stupid slut armour

What did you expect to happen user?

Mage wins by virtue of letting you be a mage.

I forgot about old hag mages.

Recommended mods.
Some I'd deem mandatory like for example the storage chest, deathblow or respec mod.

>meet companion late in game first time
>utterly fucked skilling due to dumb auto levelup


>play glass cannon rogue
>want to finish off enemy fast
>get stuck in epic deathblow animation for several seconds and die

Play them in order. All of them, don't skip shit.

>no fade skip
>no dog slot

>skipping fade first time

>dog slot
Makes it too easy, 5 companions is steamroll mode even on highest difficulty.

IIRC you have to run it in compatibility mode but otherwise it’s flawless

If you do end up playing 2 (I recommend it just for the shit game experience) DO NOT FORGOT TO GET COMPANION ARMOR, CHECK VENDORS AFTER EVERY MAIN MISSION

if you forget ONE UPGRADE and move onto the next act, you will not be able to upgrade your companion’s armor. This actually makes the game hard but not in a fun way because one of the main design choices in DA2 was to remove any sort of actual sustain (potions gimped, healing can only be done with player character or that fag anders) and when you’re fighting hordes of ninja darskpawn jumping off roof tops, having upgraded companion armor matters a lot

Remember when stuff like this was perfectly allright?
Good times.

are there any mods or anything that makes inquisition not garbage?

Uninstall mod.

Fucking thissssssss
i bought Inquisition and only played like 4 hours and droppped so hard.
just waiting to gift it to someone who will like it

Just to reiterate what other anons have said buy the ultimate edition on steam unless you want to port over your save file to affect some minor story related stuff if you decide to play the sequels. However, I honestly would not recommend playing DA2 or Inquisition unless you really love Dragon Age. Both sequels had some neat ideas but overall were burdened with too many flaws to be overall enjoyable.

I liek 2, guise

Don't listen to this guy. 2 is trash, Inquisition was almost redeemable but still trash.