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Video Games #4045
Video Games
Elder dragons are equally stron-
Blazblue CrossTag Battle thread. Is anyone still looking forward to this shitshow...
Never again, eBay
PC (((((gaming))))) was a mistake
I love my 3ds
Mario Odyssey > Mario 64 > Mario Galaxy > Mario Galaxy 2 > SMB 4 > SMB 3 > SMB > SMB 2 > other Mario titles > Mario...
What games let me feel like in a quentin tarantino movie
Yume Nikki Dream Diary
What went wrong?
Trying this thread again because I have nothing better to do, which ring Sup Forums?
Which big release are you getting this week? Anyone getting both?
I miss him
That'll be $80
Same voice actor thread
Literally NOBODY on Sup Forums will defend this
Post God-tier video game screenshots
Fast paced shooters
It's an upgrade
Characters redesign is infinitely worse than the original
Chinese level
No tiem for love!
What did A Hate in Time do that Yooka Laylee didn't?
Let's play a competitive game: Beat my score
Did anyone actually enjoy this shit game?
Game has fucking sick enemy design with unique movesets and weapons
Born into the world not knowing what the fuck is going on
Indie dev
ITT: Character designs that piss you off to no end
Virtual Avians
The servers for this game will be shut down in a month
How can I help you King Sup Forumsv/v/?
Let's listen to some relaxing pokemon music together
Are dinosaurs truly better than zombies?
Why is this allowed? false advertisement is illegal
What can Honey Parade Games do to make Senran Kagura good again?
Why was the Vita so shit compared to the PSP?
Which ones are you buying, Sup Forums?
Make a group of RPG antagonists, user
Choose your character
Your favorite game
What made the Nintendo Switch launch so successful?
Dragon Ball Fighterz
Thanks for watching the Christmas special of Ryan and Friends Play here on Cinemassacre boys and girls! A special thank...
Why isn't there an outrage for the lack of cross play on PS4? I wanna play Monhun World with my Xbro dad
Who has better IPs? Sony or Nintendo?
Game with character creation
Is Bloodborne really just "It was all a dream"? So if you die in the waking world...
Meet Biowares newest developer
Best Metroidvania
*Breathes in
What is the best yugioh videogame?
Give me one (1) good valid reason why you are on Sup Forums and not playing a video game right now?
I want a good point and click game
Shameful faps?
Yummy Nikki
What's the most bourgeoisie thing you have ever done in an online game?
ITT: we come up with ideas for the next fallout game
Dragonball z budokai tenkaichi 3
DA:O Thread? DA:O Thread!
I'ma Wario
Was there ever a consensus on who was the best girl?
Why is this game so fucking yellow
Why hasn't Nintendo fixed the d-pad yet?
Doki Doki Literature Club Mods Make The Game Less Depressing
Long link
Dark Souls Trilogy
Any fans of the SWAT series?
The great debate
Where does Sup Forums go for news on vidya?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Why did Civ 6 choose such weird leaders?
Post them gamer fuel boi
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
How do I beat this man and his beautiful teeth? I can't breath when he rushes me down
Why the Playstation 2 have such a shitty hardware?
What did she mean by this?
How do you feel about the new D Va skin?
Filename thread
Why does A Link to the Past feel like such an enchanting, Zelda-y Zelda?
This shit feels too repetitive
I don't know what to play guys
Post a flaw and I will tell you why you’re fucking wrong
Yakuza Thread
Loli is the canon route
Vidya & Family
Point out a problem
Super Sonic DLC Now Free Forever
It's up
ITT: vidya buzzwords
What's your opinion of new Sonic character Tangle the Lemur, Sup Forums?
Big open areas
What do you hope for this year?
Why haven't you enrolled in university yet Sup Forums?
Why is the combat in the Witcher 3 so bad?
Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2
I've just turned 30. Any tips for enjoying games when you're old?
RollerCoaster Tycoon for the Switch announced!
Do Afterbirth and Afterbirth+ add anything worthwhile to the game to make them worth buying...
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Do people really expect this to not flop? Sure Capcom will recoup its losses through the games microtransactions...
NS2 will never die
Why do people like MGS 3 bosses.. there a fucking joke.. I felt like I was playing a power rangers game
Gg ez
Who here /bramble blast/
Fuck videogames
Why aren't you playing Escape from Tarkov Sup Forums?
What video games will women flock to once they've become obsolete
Be a humble ham salesman
Why does Sup Forums hate Nintendo so much while Sony gets a free pass for everything?
Game gives you magic spells and a arsenal making you the most deadly motherfucker on Earth
My time at Portia
There is a large group of people on Sup Forums who will actively defend this
The studio now feels this game is a make-or-break situation for them
Every single videogame ever made would be improved if the main character was a cute girl
If you could choose a Vault to be in the next Fallout game, what would the story/gimmick be?
Is I5 6600k enough for PC gaming?
IASIP Online Thread
Pirate game
Game with custom character creation
This is a handheld game
I'm tired of all you faggots telling me that video games are easy...
Post well known locations where no video game has ever, ever, taken place
Post your best poppis
What does Sup Forums think of Angry Sanchez?
Top 10 Final Fantasy Games
What do you think of the latest tier list for Ed, Edd, n Eddy FighterZ?
Isn't this MAGIC™ and WHIMSICAL™ fellow gamers?
Where the fuck is it?
ITT: healthy vidya girls only
Subnautica Bread so close yet so far edition
Let's post stupid boss fight ideas
WoW Classic
Do you prefer the term Spectacle Fighter or Hack and Slash? Also...
Which Breath of Fire game is the best and why is it BoF 3
Why is this game so perfect
R6: Siege
No seriously why did DICE do this?
Pick one
Why are masochists allowed to be game designers at nintendo?
How are we liking the new Splatoon update?
Sup Forumsirgin Recruitment Center
What does Sup Forums think of Fate/Grand Order?
You can only have 1 ring at a time, which one?
I activate Pot of Greed
Best Metal Gear?
Loot boxes aren't going away, Devs need lootboxes to survive
Sonic is even more dead that before
Don't mind me, just being the greatest handheld ever made
GTX 980 to play at recommended settings
So this is the critically acclaimed WoW that's been talked up by so many people for years...
*blocks your path*
How do you pronounce Ardougne?
Is this game a good enough upgrade to warrant a purchase?
Same voice actor thread
Night in the Woods
Are there seriously still people who deny that video games are a sport?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on v-sync? On or off?
Best eShop games for the 3DS? What are some hidden gems for the system?
Start this
Dragon Ball Fighterz
Name a better Weaponfu in the entire Souls series
What went wrong?
User you've been accused of a crime you didnt commit...
Worst party member in the game
Resident Evil
Anthem delayed to 2019
ITT: Characters that are great in both English and Jap dub
Scotland announced for Civ VI
Why haven't you pre-ordered this gem yet?
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Its another ground pound this spot to get a moon
Monster Hunter: World not doing well in Japan
This is how SEGA can get a free 100 on metacritic
Why can't the Western indie scene ever compare to the Japanese doujinshi scene?
Nintendo Labo Vs God of War
Are you lower left, Sup Forums?
Playing through this for the first time ever. I love this shit...
The Nintendo Switch is a hit, and game developers are flocking to the console
Thoughts on retro style pixelated games? Is this a trend that will die off or will they continue to have a future...
What game are you planning on getting each month this year
I want to date MENAT!
What´s the vidya equivalent of this
How did they mess up so bad with Destiny 2?
What are some games that numb the pain
Why don't you have a girlfriend yet, Sup Forums?
Wanna ride Joker?
Vermintide bundle
Sonic is fucking dead
Now that the anchor has settled, what are your thoughts?
Many fall in the face of chaos; but not this Darkest Dungeon thread, not today
Did anyone here play Nier...
If this game is so good why is it dying so fast
God he looks so sexy
Race war thread. What race should I choose and why?
Is it true?
The alpha male that's too autistic to realize that all the hot women want his dick is my favorite trope in games
Name a more overrated game
God of War is Last of Us
Are 7.3.5 and the RAF changes the straw that broke the camel's back? Is WoW finally on its last legs?
When does this game get good?
ITT: Tropes that you hate
*joins your guild*
Sonyfags will defend this
Continued from >>404544451
Why can't we all just get along?
Anyone else got mad when it turned out in this scene that they actually weren't drinking alcohol at all?
Has there ever been anything that has cause more salt on this board than these two systems
Is Whis the first openly gay DBZ video game character?
You jelly user?
ITT Deepest lore
Why don't graphic cards come with cool monster or robots on the box anymore?
Who are some good Starcraft 2 streamers?
Should i wait for the Switch Pro edition?
Fortnite Battle Royale Thread
Is it even possible to make cute girls in Souls games/Bloodborne?
Simpsons Mosaic Thread
What is the best-looking game to date and why is it Uncharted 4: A Thief's End?
On the moral limits of entertainment
Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea
Whats going on here?
Lets talk League of Legends. Swain just got a rework and personaly, I'm not to impressed with it...
What video games do girls you know in real life play?
Super Mario Sunshine
Ugh did I just hear Laura Bailey? Time to switch on the superior Nippon dub
Oh shit, someone stole Kirby's cake...
I suck at heavy. What loadout should I use to shred noobs?
What is your opinion on Spec Ops: The Line?
Death stranding
Boss is glitched and cant move
Sup Forums believes in free market
Who's the best merchant/shopkeeper in vidya?
Ps4 controller
Do you regret spending thousands of hours trying to get good at dota?
If sex sells, how come this franchise failed?
What's your opinion on the PS4 remaster of Shadow of the Colossus?
Fire Emblem Heroes
You fags will argue anything
Why is Overwatch popular despite being a shitty ass game?
This is a Japanese Ninja
Silent Hill leak
Battlefront 3
Skeleton boss
This game looks like it’ll be max comfy
Why so many female characters in games now are so boring and uncharismatic?
Do you think Dark Souls should be more accessible?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
These are the best video game protagonists. You cannot argue this
How SJW is this game?
Game has a level that's literally about taking a shit
What do you want to see in the next Animal Crossing?
Tfw you genuinely forget the Xbone exists
Why do Nintendo soyboys put up with such garbage displays?
I have $15 left on a gift card, sell me on this game. Have never played a Suikoden game before...
So....New Tenchu game?
So, Sup Forums...
I like these threads. Spear or 1kat...
So it gets worse with every new game
Doki Doki Literature Club
The Switch is selling like hotcakes and everyone loves it. Why don't you have one yet user?
Just 100% completed this game
Game is only good with mods
Dead by Daylight
Find a mirror ingame
The witcher 2 supports native 320 x 200
GTX 980 to play at recommended settings
It doesn't "hold up"
It's comfy
I really like link!
Game has no music
Is DKC racist?
Would you use Linux if software support weren't an issue?
Who is the queen of Sup Forums?
Was fallout 4 really that bad?
Switch games
Yume Nikki
Best received adventure game in last years
Subtle vidya clothing
Where are all the LGBT video game characters? I can count the number with my 10 fingers
I know Sup Forums hates dark souls 2 but what are some things that it did right
Send me your best snow level music anons
New Kingdom Come gameplay featurette
What is the Sup Forumseredict?
Is this game worth getting if you've only ever lightly dabbled in strategy games...
Dark Souls 3 is by far the best in the series and I can't even imagine how contrarians can say otherwise
49% DaS Nostalgia
Is Fire Emblem 7 the peak FE game?
Online is a shit lagfest
Skyrim was not great, but it wasn't terrible either
When will the Switch OS get a big ass update? I want themes!
Do yo no da way?
Shit that you don't understand why Sup Forums was contrarian towards
Miss me yet?
I'm marathoning all the Resident Evil games and i made it to CV
Are there any Let's Players/streamers who actually add something to the game and aren't just friend-simulator...
Yakuza thread
I just picked up a working Sega Saturn with a/v cables for $20. What are some good games for this piece of shit?
What was your reaction the first time?
Blazblue: Cross tag battle DLC discussed
Divinity 2 vs Pillars of Eternity
Mom is a party member
Is he going to make it? He just posted his best of 2017 video and it's just 1 hour long and his voice sounds very weak...
How were you supposed to know to jump in the painting?
Vidya betrayels that hurt
Speccy thread
Your thoughts Sup Forums?
Party-based RPGs
What are some games where i can alienate all my friends and end up alone
Stopping spamming his heavy attack
Monster Hunter World Hype
Any game where the MC is a skeleton?
Persona 5
I entered this guy into a pixel art contest to try and win a copy of Iconoclast but I don't think I've come close to...
How the fuck do people actually enjoy this broken, glitchy, bloated, unresponsive piece of shit game?
It's coming out this friday
User, what is your preferred video game genre?
Pony here. You know...
Daily reminder that "aging" is not an argument against a game's quality. if it was good 20 years ago...
"Praise the sun and git gud, fellow hardcore gamers!" t. the average soulsfag
You can't romance best girl
Tfw Ocelot killed Miller
Which type of armor do you prefer?
Dude 80$ cardboard lmao
Why does Sup Forums love jap games so much again
Subnautica bread
Itt: things that made you cry
Stop shitposting! Go play games!
Why Are Nintendo's Consoles Much Easier To Emulate Than Sony's And Microsoft's Consoles?
“Ada... Ada Wong.”
Final Fantasy XIV is an MMO for people who don't play MMOs
ITT those we could not save
Sum up your last year on Sup Forums with one image
How do you hold your controller when playing?
Are any of the class storylines actually good in this?
H-how many of you we're alive when Pokemon Red/Blue came out?
Scotland confirmed for Civ 6
Installing BnS, boys
Post the most overrated games of all time
What went wrong?
Piss boss
Mfw I only have 1 day off
Dragon Ball FighterZ
What game lets me be a slut?
Ancient Roman Stealth game
ITT: Games that nobody on Sup Forums likes
FTL: Hard Run
Are you ready for valentines Sup Forums?
Keyboard Games
What was your reaction to this game the first time you played it?
How hard will this game flop?
There’ll never be a game focused around being on Alpha-1 retrieving new SCPs
The great debate
Why boxing games aren't a thing anymore?
Doki doki LITERATURE club
Is Sup Forums ready for the 2018 GOTY and the co-op survival horror renaissance?
I finished The Painful and The Joyful for the first time recently
Nitw thread?
How do I get good?
Accidentally kicked my Xbox adapter and part of it got stuck. If I pull this out will I die?
Thanks nig
Tfw you can only play on very easy difficult
Why does Sup Forums suddenly like this game? I see alot more threads about it in the past few days
Dragon Age
First wife and child die from his own mistake
Only 90's kids may post ITT
You play how many hours of video games a week?
What does BJ in his name stand for?
Uh oh Sup Forums. New Sonic comic character
Sea of thieves
Is Lara done?
With graphics cards so expensive, is it more with while to buy a top of the line gaming laptop at this point?
ITT: Post dead games
Well Sup Forums?
Are you ready to buy mining cards really cheaply from these retards when the difficulty is gonna skyrocket...
Are you hyped for his return?
My GPU died and the GPU prices will be absurd for a while so I can't repleace it
Tfw no gf
What was the point of this character?
You were broken
Good morning Sup Forums! What games are you going to play today? Ihope all of you have a great day as well :)
Support capitalism
How do I get more viewers without having to resort to playing Just Dance or doing Yoga?
It's Wednesday
Micheal Myers
Thoughts on him?
The fatphobia has to end, Sup Forums
Well, Sup Forums?
Media Create
What is the best Mario Kart of all time and why is it Mario Kart Wii?
Dragon's Dogma 2 when?
Meanwhile on Balamb Garden Sup Forums
This minigame is boring and pointlessly long. Do I really need to do it for Wakka's overdrives?
BEIJING – Beijing is starting a special investigative campaign into online video games to root out those with “low...
Fantasy game
What's the verdict on ps4 pro? Is it better than the original? Can it play 4k with a decent framerate?
Man, this game is amazing. I should've bought it sooner
Monster Hunter XX has 93 monsters
ITT:Horrifying fan-art
Ac thread
Criticise game
Perfect gameplay
Run around in my Sanchez doing nothing around the city
Which is the best srpg?
Game has "hand powers"
Here's your controller Bro!
Video games are bleeding into reality
What does Sup Forums think of Sea of Thieves?
What's the worst game you ever played Sup Forums?
2 days Sup Forums. What weapon you guys gonna use? PS4 or Xbox One?
What is Sup Forums's definition of a "mature" game?
Kingdom Come: Deliverance $36 pre-orders on
What games let me play as strong, independent, black woman?
What are some games with a satisfying crossbow?
Why does this image upset so many people?
That smile you want to protect
Female characters in Dragon Age Inquisition
Twitch stream
PS4 was the 'worlds best selling console' in 2014,15,16 and 17
Play 20 minutes
So, "My Time at Portia" has entered early access yesterday, supposedly it's similar to Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon...
Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 trailer
Real talk Sup Forums
Playstation Shoes
Was he right about OoT?
Let's have one more shanghai thread
The Blood Chad VS the estus virgin
What's the angriest you've ever made someone in a video game?
Dragon Ball Fighterz
Is it just me or is Nintendo the greatest video game company of all time?
Black Desert
[incomprehensible techno babble]
Filename thread
Man Of Prey/Maradeur
How does the FX-8320/8350 perform in games? Mainly interested in Dark Souls 1
What is your opinion on Hotline Miami 2?
Can you direct me to a MMORPG? I'd really like to play a MMORPG
Watcha playin in this horrible weather, Sup Forums? And would you recommend it?
Why is Sup Forums so triggered by this guy?
Overwatch is so fucking bland and boring. The only good thing is the unholy amount of Overwatch porn
Tfw no fleshfang bully
In China they say
I'm so fucked up
Steam Avatars
3x3 thread
ITT: Places that look like they should be in videogames
5 million WW first week
Why can't Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft fans all get along?
Which campaign was the best?
How do we make Samus real Sup Forums?
I was 12 when I've played this
Almost 10/10 games
What went right?
Opinions on this man?
Make a challenging game that's mechanically flawless
Fire Emblem
What's the appeal of this character?
Why aren't there more Vietnam games?
4craft is back
How were you supposed to know to get on the bike?
Game has swords
Opinions on this man?
Were you ever bullied for liking video games?
El ogro de las americas
Who here plays Dark Souls like this?
Now, tell me, what is it that you want? What is it that you expect?
How were you supposed to know to go into the castle?
Mario Fucking Tennis is going back to it's roots
What do you think of Monster hunter World's final boss?
What're you playing to keep cool lads?
Sup Forums's top 50 of 2017
21 hours until GOTY is revealed, lads
Did MGSV flop?
What systems do you consider to be retro in year 2018?
In the end of God of War kratos son will die and zeus will will come to this realm from his son body and in God of War...
Which WAD is the best?
This is the ideal JRPG party. You may not like them, but this is what peak performance looks like
Nintendo Switch & The Soy Pandemic
America is diseased
Please buy it
What are some comfy games to play while baked, Sup Forums?
How do I get better?
Does optimization not matter in this day and age?
Find a single fucking flaw
It pains me to look at the destiny art and read the grimoire cards. So much potential, squandered
Twilight Princess in black and white
Flawless games
Fortnite Battle Royale Thread
I was looking at the dbf thread where people are getting early copies n' shit and someone said v is shit at fighting...
How did they make the physics so tight?
What are some games where your character has to poop?
Holy shit, I knew there were controversies about this, but I didn't expect it to be that bad
There are no better vidya fus than ratfus
Does not seek to be innovative
Fastest selling console in over a decade
Gamepad Discussion
Finally get a ps4
No one has done the open world horror zombie survival game correctly and that's deeply unsettling for me because I...
It's good because i had fun
How are you liking the current Smash 5 roster so far, guys?
Can we talk about how good this game is and why no one ever talks about it?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Dragon Ball FighterZ
You did 1cc Windia's game, right Sup Forums?
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Which was inferior to the other?
Shitty character designs
Did you like doing my task me in Every Kingdom, Sup Forums?
Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Do you think nips praise western games as we praise theirs?
So this is the power of warcraft
Release emulator of 12 year old game
Is there a video game about a man fighting a hate cult?
"I don't know how you won at all Ayane! you probably cheated!"
Switch Thread
Wth? What were they thinking?
Banned from DaS3 on PS4 with no warning whatsoever
I've never played a Metal Gear game. Where should I start and what order should I play them in?
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
I can't believe I've been a fucking shut-in NEET for 6 fucking years now...
Did you like my game?
Just heard about this game today. It seems pretty interesting desu
48GB/s of frame buffer/texture access
Make a game for kids
So, why in 2018 i still cant play PS2 games on some portable shit? Vita is visual novel failure without games...
Guess it
Play Metal Gear Solid dubbed
Who's in the wrong here?
Hey guys!
Yumme Nikki
I bought this because it was on sale for $7.50. Did I waste my money?
What are some good jrpg games?
Filename thread
Visual Novels
*Destroys your ass*
Oops, wrong controller haha
How are you guys liking the new DLC?
ITT: Games you want to finish, but don't want to play (anymore)
Do you think Sony will ever make another portable Playstation after Vita failure?
Lets get one of these threads going
Congratulations user, you've won the twisted metal tournament!
Webm thread?
What happens if you play the entirety of Oblivion at Level 1?
Mado's new game(?) is revealed tomorrow! Anyone else hyped?
SFV character poll proves that fighting games are played only by weebs and pervs into femdom
Under Night Thread
Nintendo promoting pedophilia smdh
What can save this gimmick?
Subnautica Thread Scary radio transmissions edition
Okay this is just getting idiotic now
Hey Sup Forums, just came to say if you main this bitch, you're a faggot
What're you most looking forward to in 2018?
Land of """"""""Free"""""""""
Pixel thread
What's up Sup Forums it's ya boy LOW
Which series is the most deserving of a reboot of these three and why:
Sup Forums my chest/heart has been hurting really bad for the past couple days and I can’t afford to go to the...
How do we crush the virgins and nu-males and rid our hobby/industry of them forever?
So which was your favorite city in GTA SA?
“Thanks for making a river in my dry land master”
A video game makes you choose between 6 elemental blades. Which do you choose?
Have you ever met Vidya celebs?
Stop clicking it daniel
What video games do girls play?
It's a level full of spiders
Who's your favorite Danganronpa character
Why does every modern controller put a bright light in your face?
Yeah, no, fuck this, I'm done...
Sup Forums makes fun of a guy for trying to be a good father
I never got into EVE Online, how is it nowadays? Are there any other decent MMOs out there?
What game do you refuse to play because the fan base has made you hate that game? Pic related
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...