Skyrim was not great, but it wasn't terrible either

Skyrim was not great, but it wasn't terrible either.

Been playing this for the first time this week, and I must say that the girls in this game are sexy as hell.

They dumbed it down far too much, totally killed the immersion. Nice world though, I found it pretty comfy for some reason

>Skyrim was not great, but it wasn't terrible either.
this. The first time I booted it up 11/11/11 at the midnight release on my PS3 it was one of the best experiences I've had entering a game's world. the intro cart ride to my execution was slightly deminished when my game on the PS3 froze and I had to restart it. still skyrim is 10/10 on your first playthough up until you finish the final quest and realize that it was a all a big waste of time.

agreed. ignore the contrarian virgins that inhabit this board

i get why people get angry about it since morwind best gaym evur but it really isn't that bad

it was a 7/10 game on a bad engine, and with some flawed design featuers, but it was filled with content and there was a lot to do so people ignored the bad combat and shitty animations and character development and claimed it was the gratest geam of all time

i expect too much of it after playing morrowind. levelled world is really weird. you don't have to 'try' as hard.
try has the marks around it because if you know what you're doing in morrowind it's alright, but the novice robes for instance in skyrim always have the +50% magicka regen

Pretty much this.

Unlike Oblivion, which also has a shit combat system, shitty animations, bad character development and the blandest TES world todays, which is why it's forgotten today except for a few nostalgia babbies.

Also it had good content-price ratio as you could sink countless hours into it, but the quality-price ratio was much worse, as it was pretty repetitve and bland in terms of setting, the writing was at shitty level as well as for an "RPG"

It's not terrible but fuck is it close.

Riverwood, home

>orc degenerate
>skyrim hype
As expected from human trash

comfy fags fuck off

There's not a lot of games that do the same kind of open world that Skyrim does
It was piss easy though

>every single skyrim dungeon not involved in quests

game was trash. babby's first rpg

i'm still mad at the generic setting
>ancient evil returns
>only one hero can stop it
>civil war which is basicly freedom vs security
>vampires vs werewolfs

Agree. There's a lot of fun to be had if you mod it, and still a decent amount of fun if you are of lower IQ.

One of my gripes with this game are the fetch quests you get. Why couldn't they be more local? I don't like talking to someone about a problem, only to have the solution be across the fucking map. It just encourages fast traveling and takes me out of the game. I wish the objectives would have stayed more localized, and the areas be more different from each other.

It would take a baby to misspell baby.


This. It's 6 years old and it's a certified classic no matter what contrarians say.

Jesus fuck I hate Reddit

And they're still less shit than Aylied ruins.

>goo goo gaa gaa opinions i dun liek are reddit!

Radiant quests are bullshit. If I want to clear the dungeons then I'll clear the fucking dungeons. I don't need a quest pointing to a random one to incentivize me.

At least it's not as bad as Fallout 4, where there was so little content that radiant quests were included as part of the main story chains.

No, he's saying that your fucking ignorant of a commonly known meme. He assumes you don't know the meme because you're from Reddit, but I'm in my thirties now and I think that meme is at least a decade old, so I suspect you're a random teenager and kids today just don't know what's what.

Honestly, going back and playing Oblivion this week has given me a new appreciation for the world design of Skyrim

>Cyrodiil is a big, empty, and uninteresting mass of nothing
>Cities are huge for the amount of NPCs living in them. What this results in is a bunch of empty space that isn't occupied by anything, the Imperial City is the worst about this
>Alyied ruins are still the worst ruins ever conceived, it's literally always the same boring flat hallway that leads to the next boring flat room to another boring flat hallway

And people call Skyrim's combat bad, yet Oblivion just feels like I'm whacking a wet noodle at empty air until their HP is zero.

I liked it a lot on my first playtrough i did everything there was to do, the expansions as well
I like it now on legendary with fighting mods, not so easy to bust trough everyone and kill the chief anymore
the exact thing i find a lot of pleasure in is fighting with a shield and a mace, i love to just WHAM the fucker in the head, with mods sometimes its a one hit kill, but so can he
no longer can i run up, jump and hit at the lowest stamina, and so the moves are slow too

its terrible. it takes everything i enjoy in an rpg and makes it terrible. there is no redeeming quality of skyrim at all. its a piece of shit

I like the game. I hate rpg's but i like skyrim. There is nothing you can say or write that will change my mind, we all know that you are just trying to portray yourself with a finer taste in games, as if you are someone special and piss on everything around you that normies like, just so that you have a chance to be 'different' and 'special'
You were the ones that bought that game, i wasnt. I can bet my balls you bought other games as well

It's pretty good with mods

I started playing it for the first time on the Switch. Only other ES game is Morrowind. It's definitely not as good gameplay wise, but the world is beautiful and honestly, I'd probably enjoy it a lot more on PC with mods but portability is too nice to pass up

your playstyle?
me stealth archer

Isn't there at least bethesda's shitty modding platform on Switch? Xbox has some basic mods.

haha nope. Not even the creation club shit that PS4 has. At least there's motion controls, which is nice

Mace and shield, both light and heavy armor, enchanting, smithing, alchemy. No archery and no other magic except for enchanting and absolutely no stealth whatsoever.

pure frost mage or daggers only restoration thief.

>Playing ES on console

Sneak mage with dagger and illusion magic. In case stuff goes bad I also keep destruction leveled for nuking rooms.

>he first time I booted it up 11/11/11 at the midnight release on my PS3 it was one of the best experiences I've had entering a game's world.


As someone who has pumped 700+ hours into this game since it came out, you are right, but it's so addictive

As someone who has pumped 700+ hours into this game since it came out, you are right, but it's so addictive because wandering around is so fun.

This is the best playstyle but it gets kinda lame when you just stealth around every, go invisible if you really need to and then just 1 shot everyone with a backstab. Pacifying and then backstabbing is also a kek.

best play-troughs were without the ranged attacks except for shouts, 3 shouts are enough, the first one, marked for death and dragonrend

Dragonrend wouldn't even be necessary if the game had any kind of momentum conservation. The fact that dragons can pivot on a dime or instantly change their direction of movement was what would have really made them impossible for mortal men to kill. 3D movement with no way to predict where the enemy will be next is the stuff of nightmares for the Imperial foot soldier.

Two-handing whatever hits hardest.

Is Jeremy Soule the only consistently good thing about TES games?

No. It's Todd's smile.


no, its a great game, it's just that a lot of people (including most of the shitposters who talk about it being dumbed down) went in with the wrong expectations
none of the 3D bethesda games were ever hardcore RPGs
having less factions a minus but doesn't kill the game especially when stormcloaks vs imperials was far far more interesting than any conflict in morrowind
having less puzzles doesn't kill the game, who the fuck played morrowind or oblivion for the puzzles?
the game has a great open world, tons to do in quests and other side content, a decent main quest, the best combat in the series (even if it still isn't great), the best art design in the series, one of the best soundtracks in the series, the best character creation in the series
everything that makes the TES series great is in skyrim, and nobody but contrarians are actually upset about the reduction of fucking puzzles

That's basically what I've been saying for years. Skyrim isn't a good game, but it's a decent game with 10/10 world design.

The only good thing about it is the soundtrack

Just fuck off already Todd. I've bought it 4 times, what else you want, FUCK OFF!
Jesus, Todd...

Post your half-naked waifus

>Playing through for the first time recently
>Everyone ingame keeps telling me to go to Winterhold
>Actually trek up the mountains to go find it
>Blood dragon attacks
>Lydia tanks like a champ so we can kill it
>Both of us are now overencumbered and can't carry all the dragonbones/scales
>Abandon a couple and some other useless junk so I can maximize as much profit as I can
>Start looking for Winterhold again
>Ice bear comes out of nowhere
>He gets a lucky hit in and I bite it
>Respawn and realize I forgot to save after killing the dragon
>Fuck the dragon then, just get to Winterhold
>Kill like six fucking ice bears along the way
>Merchants in the town have no money so I can't unload anything
>Turn the game off for the night
It's fun, but I really gotta get that Speech perk that gives merchants more cash.

Unless you like the stuff Speechcraft offers, just get a mod that increases vendor gold.

Nah it was great and has a ton of replay value
V sperges about it despite having 500+ hours logged
V also praises bloodborne despite having a max of 30 hours logged because it has 0 replay value

It should be fine, cause I want that perk that lets you sell anything to any vendor too, then sell stolen goods so I don't have to make Lydia launder my stuff anymore. There's a lot of perks that look fun, I'm having a tough time choosing which to level first.

You might not like it, but Skyrim's OST was Soule's peak performance.

Nah it was shit and has a little of replay value
V sperges about it despite having 500+ hours logged into a heavily modded sex version of it, fucking around and dropping it before finishing the game.
V also praises bloodborne for having 30 hours logged because it has a great pay off for time investment. Learning about the enemies and building muscle memmory to finally overcome difficult challenges, makes those 30 hours feel rewarding. Which skyrim has none of that.


what the fuck is this newfaggotry?
go back to wherever you came from you embarassing faggot

Skyrim has some of the best video game music of all time. Instant classic imo.

>up until you finish the final quest and realize that it was a all a big waste of time.

You mean whenever you enter the second dungeon and realize all the assets were copy pasted from dimhollow crypt and all you have to look forward to it fighting draugr. By time the snow elves and centurions roll around, your sense of wonder is so diminished it's hard to even care.

I like the dungeon completed jingle 2bh.

I like you 2bh.

Guys please stop this insanity
I know you're all trolling
No one actually likes this game

What Werewolf armor mod?

It's as large as a lake and as shallow as a puddle.

Wow man rly maed me thing

>replay skyrim remember thinking it was just okay
>play it until 4 in the morning for three days
i-it's just a decent game, todd. nothing worth squealing about.

Is SE a viable option for waifu modding yet?

It's my third favorite game of all time.

t. played only 3 games

I like it.

deeb :^DDXDD

Skyrim is pretty good when you're playing it. When you're shitposting on Sup Forums is when things change.

I don’t want retards posting my husband, can you delete this please?

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

o-oh y-yes well I guess it has it's merits
fighting dragons is pretty cool isn't it xD

Sonic CD > Planescape Torment > Skyrim > Dark Souls > Yoshi's Island

try harder next time :^)

Skyrim’s combat is about as good as Drakengard 1’s
At its best it’s 6/10

Exploring interesting locations with lore littered all over the place is cool.

I-is this bait?

you misspelled Oblivion

answer the question

force me

you answered it already by avoiding it because you dont like the answer

fucking this. i never played Skyrim but Sup Forums said it's shit so it's shit

And you get an awesome variety of consumables and spells to use in a pinch!!1

my first playthrough is almost always stealth archer and then i go battle mage on my second (though this is much easier in oblivion because i can hold a shield and use spells...)

I don't hate Skyrim as a game, but I think Soule did a simply superb job at capturing the province of Skyrim through his music. Soule's work on Morrowind and Oblivion were also amazing, Morrowind's OST is still one of my favorites to this day.

It's funny, the only "radiant" thing that actually worked well was the "radiant" way Skyrim's music played.

please enlight me with your obvious post about you being the chaddest of chads

least it was till i fucked everything up

Plebs. Top tier strat for cashing in and leveling is to use +alchemy skill and fortify restoration exploit, create potions that sell for over 1million gold, sell 1 at a time to drain all vendor cash and level speech up from 15 to 100 in a single sale. Then you just go legendary on speech and keep doing it for free perks

Fuck everyone, I like it.

im so chad that i dont even have the vapor account

im so chad, the last time i gave money for a game was in 2000 something as a gift for a birthday party

Ooh, that sounds delicious. I've just been using alchemy to reveal ingredient traits so I can make my own health potions, cause food isn't doing much. But that sounds fun.

im so chad, im actually bad at video games and never played them long enough to get any good