why do low powered overpriced gaming consoles designed for autistic kids get so much attention and love from everyone? even their games have substance in neither visuals, mechanics, nor story.. they're often dumb sequels or mash ups to overmilked franchises and yet you see great amount of high quality fan art and r34 of them everywhere, with everyone discussing them as if the games were actually taking themselves seriously..
I never grew up with nintendo. I did play some nintendo games when I was a child, and watched pokemon too, but it wasn't an integral part of my childhood. It didn't influence it much. So I think I'm seeing this from a somewhat of an outsider view and I can't just wrap my head around the huge success and influence this meme company has achieved.
>why do low powered overpriced gaming consoles designed for autistic kids get so much attention and love from everyone? I don't know why the PS4, Xbone and Switch sell so much. Sorry.
Sebastian Rogers
Kevin Jones
They're putting soy in the water
Camden Rogers
Nintendo's greatest strength is its brand recognition. Nintendo is one of the earliest participants in the video game market and helped the industry escape its crisis in the 80's. Many people are also deeply aware of many of their IPs - Super Mario, Mario Kart, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, etc. How many people outside certain communities are aware of Sony or Microsoft's unique IPs?
Nintendo may have low powered consoles, but then again competing on graphics and power alone isn't what they are going for. Nintendo has always been unconventional, pushing past the boundaries that other video game developers have refused to touch. Hell, Sony and Microsoft have adopted many of the innovations Nintendo brought to the industry, such as their controller scheme.
Part of the reason why people attach themselves so strongly to Nintendo's IPs is because of the childhood factor. Mario came out in the 80's and was one of the few video game icons from that decade. He stands out for both a legacy standpoint and for not having much competition. Pokemon stands out because it is one of the best games on the then most popular handheld system ever made, and it had a tie in with a trading card game and an anime that aired on broadcast television alongside it.
Also, it's kind of rich that you criticize Nintendo for its sequels and overmilked franchises, when most of Sony and Microsoft's latest games are exactly that. Madden, NFL, FIFA, Call of Duty. It's the same game every year with slight modifications.
Jordan Jackson
OP from your typing style you literally sound autistic.
Are you autistic?
Colton Gomez
I'm a nintendo fan.
But i don't like the switch, honestly Skiping a new smash bros is a deathblow to the console for me
Jaxson White
>Redpill me fuck off back to Sup Forums you hilarious sperg
Sebastian Carter
As a nintendo fan, it’s been alright. Zelda was disappointing, Mario was good and Xenoblade was great. Pretty good first year compared to other consoles this gen but second year is looking empty. Waiting on VC4, Travis, MP4 and SMT V.
Isaac Sanchez
Samuel Phillips
>l don't play nintendo games but l'm going to comment on their mechanics anyway kill yourself
Aiden Reed
Its from a time when things were simpler i suppose. Videogames have came a long way since then and I can see where if you never had a Nintendo or experienced it growing up that the idea of them could be lost on you. I don't know how you could have missed out on the gameboy/Ds line of handhelds though, they were always a treat when going on long trips or hiding under the blankets or playing with friends at recess. Maybe youre a chadbro Xboxlive cod player? And realistic gore and super serrious attitude has ultimately shaped your childhood instead of adventure and wonderment. Blame yer mom and dad kid.
Thomas Johnson
10 points nostalgia bonus
Jackson Bennett
>Madden, NFL, FIFA, Call of Duty >Sony and Microsoft games
Are you fucking retarded? Those are all EA and Activision garbage and 3 of those are on Switch too
Ayden Bell
Retard detected.
Zelda was great, Xeno was autistic weeaboo tier
Jace Cox
It's unfortunately a Bayonetta console for me, just like WiiU
Juan Ward
>normalfag thinks his opinion matters
Colton Wright
>Skiping a new smash bros ?
Nicholas Wilson
It's just americans, if it was not for them, nintendo would already dropped out of console business.
Henry White
Angel Perez
Camden Butler
>expecting a new game when the retarded nintendo fanbase wants ports
Grayson Wright
Shitpost harder, faggot
Joseph Lee
Because then they don't have to pander to autistic kids like you who only buy consoles for MUH GRAFFIXX and instead, make an effort to make a game fun to play instead.
Robert Bennett
You must be a normal healthy European.
Nintendo has a huge culture amidst the mentally ill manchild niche. They're adults pretending they're still excited about Mario and Mario Kart and Mario Tennis and Mario Golf. They never grew up. So they desperately cling on to icons from their childhoods to lessen the damage from missing out on a normal growth.
The entire culture of Nintendo is sick. The AGDQ shitstorm made it all more prevalent that growing up on Nintendo fucks your shit up real good.
Hudson Wilson
Cameron Phillips
>Nintendo doesn't pander to kids That's their entire business. The manchildren spawned from it was a mere accident and they can't suffer the PR blow of telling them to fuck off. But Miyamoto has implied as much countless times now.
Dylan Hill
american infantile nature is a reason to why nintendo flourishes.
Henry Phillips
Why do Nintendo manchildren get so easily triggered? Imagine if they found out there's entire continents that don't buy nintendo
Christian Carter
I didn't say Nintendo doesn't pander to kids. I said they don't pander to kids LIKE YOU WHO ONLY CARE ABOUT MUH GRAFFIXX so much, you have nothing to do but shitpost on an anonymous chinese website just to try and make drama from something that is a non issue
Wyatt Brown
>Also, it's kind of rich that you criticize Nintendo for its sequels and overmilked franchises, when most of Sony and Microsoft's latest games are exactly that. Madden, NFL, FIFA, Call of Duty. It's the same game every year with slight modifications.
Uh-oh. Better not make Sonyfags aware of this fact since they'll have an autistic meltdown.
Colton Jenkins
I like this post
Brody Perry
Keep telling yourself that frame rate and resolution doesn't matter. To the rest of the normal populace it does.
Justin Martinez
>implying just Nintendo speedrunners are autistic fuckholes
Oliver Young
This. This is also why America is singlehandedly responsible for keeping capeshit alive.
Gabriel Barnes
>To the rest of the normal populace it does.
And who is that? The average buyer does not give a shit about resolution and framerate. Hardcore gamers do and they're in the minority.
Blake Hall
>uncharted: created in 2007, 9 games >the legend of zelda: created in 1986, 19 games what did they mean by this
Gabriel Anderson
Whenever it was a Nintendo run it became a coin toss if it was a tranny or not. The other platforms had atleast a higher ratio of sanity. The Metroid Prime 3 run was literally a couch full of dilating trannies I kid you not.
David Lopez
The "average buyer" has phones with 1440p screens and TVs that are now 4K. You're delusional if you don't think the average person is impressed by improved tech. It's what keeps the smartphone and TV business going for years now.
Nicholas Cooper
lol nigga why you so mad about Nintendo instead of just playing games you like?
Levi Stewart
>"to the rest of the normal populace, it does" >Switch is literally the fastest selling console >Outpaces PS4 >Outpacing Wii the normal populace is all in on Switch, nigger, its just you virgins that havent bought in.
Chase Peterson
Is that why both the PS4 and Xbone have hardware revisions dedicated to high end performance and 4k?
Luis Clark
It's selling on par with 3DS. Once the gimmick of hybrid fades it will melt away as quickly as 3DS did.
Jeremiah Stewart
>He doesn't know how to read >He expects a company to stop making games for an audience that is still there and willing to pay money for more games
Only /biz/ can save you.
Ethan Parker
At this point anything would be perfect on Switch.... please.... I'll take anything... we're starving here bros
Angel Butler
Cool, then you compare it to the 3DS and realize it's selling exactly as fast as that
Hunter Young
>forgot about Xenoblade 2 So did the rest of the world
Joseph Jones
PS4 sold 20 million in 2017
Eli Roberts
>pander to autistic kids >pander to kids
Sad to see when nerds got to misconstrue shit so god damn hard simply to pretend to have any sort of point and protect their lil faggity and autistic feelings like some sort of homosexual loser.
Daniel Bailey
>Following baby Josh with the weird haircut
Samuel Moore
For Nintendo platforms, it seems like its users are so desperate for games they are actually acting like activists trying to push devs to their platforms. PC guys are branded as beggars on this board but from what I've seen lately, it's the Nintendo guys jumping on every dev there ever was to make a Switch port for their games. And then they do that and everyone gets upset at the results - a game that reminds you that Switch is just a PS3 compared to current-gen consoles.
Hudson Moore
>"Switch will sell as good as a console that has sold over 70 million units in its life" damn, you sure showed Nintendo.
Carter Jones
bravo, now did you already forget, from the hundreds of time this has been said, that a console sells more later in life, from year 3 to 5 approx when it get pricecuts, already has a large library, etc ?
Carter Gray
This. The only games Switch can run with any parity to other platforms are simple 2D indie games like Celeste - even Yooka Laylee dropped frames on Switch and there's no sign of AHiT
Kayden Walker
>then you compare it to the 3DS and realize the 3ds needed a drastic pricecut to sell as much as switch while switch sells to that level while costing almost twice as much
also 70 million+ sales is a success by any standards so what are you even arguing here
Julian Powell
>price cuts >large library >holidays Give Switch another year and it'll hit those numbers too, silly
Kayden Moore
3DS sales started strong and then dropped off a cliff when people got tired of the gimmick and realized it was barely an improvement over NDS otherwise.
Switch had its launch with all the hype its gimmick brings but now it faces an entire year of no games. We'll see how it holds up to platforms that will receive games like RDR2, MHW and Battlefield 5.
John Hall
nice try, shitposting sony negroid.
Mason Lopez
Jacob Hall
>tfw bought a used 3DS and pirated its 3 games (Pokemon X, Pokemon Sun, and project Mirai)
Shitendo won't get a dime from me
Ryan Jones
Nintendo platforms have recently peaked in year 1 and 2, not 4. Wii, Wii U and 3DS all peaked abnormally early for consoles. But it's what happens when you're competing by using last-gen hardware.
Jonathan Price
yes, you are indeed very mad. That's been the baseline for sony ponies for 11 months now.
Samuel Wright
>that a console sells more later in life The only Nintendo consoles this has ever happened to were the DS and gameboy
Juan Kelly
I wish normalfags would just be somehow permabanned on sight. Why don’t they just post on reddit if they want to be part of an accepted group of people?
Nathan Gomez
nice revisionist history. 3DS sales started like trash and only after a price cut and marketing push did they bounce back and start doing gangbusters year over year. They only JUST started dipping.
And yeah, RDR2 and Battlefield 5 are big games no doubt (lol @ trying to put MHW on the same level), but Nintendo still has Smash, Animal Crossing and Pokemon in the backburner. They'll be fine.
Levi Cook
Andrew Long
well, is there a place where i can reach you to laugh at your dumb ass in 2-3 years ?
Josiah Wood
Yes this is true. It becomes very misleading when using an average console life span and putting it on Nintendo when
a, the only reason that average is so high is due to abnormal longevity of Playstation consoles
b, Nintendo consoles have always peaked early with some exceptions
talking strictly about retail or naw? Cause has the eshop not gotten new shit being released on there from time to time to make up for the lack of big retail shit?
Angel Hill
3DS sales didn't peak year 3 or 4 though like is happening with PS4. The price cut happened extremely early and then it sold a ton from that price cut and then it started to dive into poor numbers. PS4 has now already gone past 3DS despite weaker launch numbers but much stronger momentum in its later years.
And yes MHW is now playing with the big boys. Even western AAA games can struggle with shipping 5 million copies in just three days. That number will increase over time.
Noah Hall
Is the Switch the Trump of game consoles >It's DOA at its inception! >It's gonna be a launch failure! >Nintendo's Dreamcast! >It's not gonna outpace Gamecube! >It's not gonna outpace PS4! >It's not gonna outpace Wii! >Uhhh, its second year will be an absolute failure! 7 years, mah dudes
Chase Allen
I mean, did people forget PS1 and PS2 were also weak compared to say Saturn, GCN and Xbox?
Logan Morgan
No the PS4 is.
Christopher Howard
PS2 was weak compared to GCN and Xbox because it was released almost two years earlier. What did you expect, for Sony to put tech from the future in there? Relative to time PS2 was still high-end.
Bentley Allen
sonygroids post like #ImWithHer faggots so I gotta agree
Eli Brooks
i just pity nintenbabbies. pretty surprised they even exist. everyone knows their games and consoles are for 16 and under.
Cooper Perez
Levi Bailey
Unironically this. Blows my mind Odyssey is so highly praised when it's clearly designed for children with its baby tier difficulty and CONGRATS YOU GOT A MOON every 5 seconds
Hunter Sanders
Do yourself a favor and stop concerning yourself with what other people like and dislike, you'll be a lot happier.
Grayson Turner
nigga all of the stuff those two had were contemporaries of PS2's tech, they weren't "from the future"
Lincoln Rogers
Kind of true. Europeans hate Nintendo because while everyone in North America was enjoying the NES, they were playing Amiga.
Josiah Lewis
You're delusional if you don't think having an almost two year advantage won't yield better hardware. Technology is always a matter of time until it's cheaper and faster.
Chase Brooks
>easy games can't be highly praised
Chase White
a better question would be: what is it with nintendo that provokes this insane level of autistic asspain?
and my take on this is it's all about projection and self hatred
vidya nerds have been lying to themselves for years in desperate attempts to have their retarded hobbies validated by the mainstream, look at how they pestered the unfortunate roger ebert with their direct to dvd tier narrative games, nooo vidya isn't a pointless manchild hobby i-it's art l swear we can be as cool as film buffs and music fans!!
and here comes nintendo, fully embracing the instant gratification and escapist aspects of vidya, not following the acceptable narrative, and it's no wonder insecure spergs worldwide get triggered, they're being reminded their pathetic pretentions are lies, they're still playing with toys way past the appropriate age
nintendo haters are the nerdy kids that tried so hard to be part of the chad group they'd shit on their fellow social rejects for brownie points without realizing it made them despised by both groups
t. shlomo vidyaberg, internet clynical psychologist
Christian Green
you'd have a point for cheaper, but your argument was "it didn't exist", they already exist but obviously not as cheap
Colton Lopez
The Saturn was objectively worse at pushing polygons and pulling off graphical effects compared to the PlayStation due to its weird architecture. It was a 2D powerhouse with 3D capabilities sort of grafted on.
Austin Lee
Ok so if I said
Sony could've had PS2 much stronger but it would've been absolute financial suicide at that time to gun for hardware that powerful
Would you have been satisfied? Because with some reading comprehension one could make out my original implication being just that.
Anthony Clark
Is Bayonetta pandering to kids?
Charles Cooper
How come Sup Forums is so S E E T H I N G right now?
Joshua Ross
But i'm european and i'm a huge nintendo fan
Carter Reyes
That explains all the soyny ps4 sales
Camden Gray
oh but is it? it had no competition then except for itself, DC was already out by then and yet it was apparently not doing so well due to piracy, if anything it was in a good position
>reading comprehension
no, your post was literally a flat "oh they don't exist!" as though you're saying they didn't, hell DC exists and it had better tech going for it at the time
Jayden Brooks
Dreamcast was definitely not stronger than PS2 you retard.
This entire thing about "b-but PS2 was weak" completely ignores the fact that PS2 was released much earlier than both Xbox and GCN making it almost implausible to assume that PS2 could somehow release two years earlier with power to rival high-end consoles of late 2002. Use your brain. I shouldn't need to do it for you.
Luis Adams
and yet PS2 couldn't run fucking ports, and even had loading times
and no, your point was "they didn't exist", they did, they did exist, your argument wasn't about the cost, you were denying the existence of its possibility, especially when Sony has pretty much cornered the console business at that time
I feel like I'm arguing with a person who didn't live through this.
Jaxon Wood
They make the most interesting hardware and the most fun games.
Nolan Thompson
>uncharted >9 games in 9 years
>Zelda >19 games in 31 years
Uncharted seems more heavily rehashed.
John Jones
Dreamcast was weaker than PS2. I'm arguing with a retard who thinks early ports are somehow indicative of console quality. PS2 did almost everything better than Dreamcast.
And no, my implication was always it being implausible to assume that PS2 could somehow have tech to compete with Xbox being released almost two years earlier. Something you STILL haven't admitted to be true. I wonder why....
Lucas Robinson
Everyone who plays video games above the age of 14 is a man child. They are all for kids, not just Nintendo