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Video Games #4057
Video Games
What games feature spooky ghosts?
Kingdom Come: Deliverance NEEDS a female Protagonist!
Remember Samtron5000?
*dies to easiest boss in Terraria*
Want to play some VN with cute anime girls
Dodogama appreciation thread
Resized box-art thread? I'll start off something easy
Yfw the exact same fucking people summon you third time in a row
Top 5
He's wrong...right boys?
How do I get past the Cam Winston miniboss?
Get extra content that is completely optional to support the game and developers
R1 or R2, how do you shoot?
Is VR the future?
Should Persona 6 have Philemon return in person?
Are ya winnin, son?
How do you get past that feeling that gaming is a time sink and a waste of time as you get older?
Are we going to get cheap hardware now?
Darkest Dungeon
So..uhhhh... how's the FFVII remake going along?
Game let's you transform into/play as a monster
200 years after the bombs fell
Here you go plebs, get our burnt cards
This board has been claimed by the Tau Empire
Why are there no games that portray Churchill or Roosevelt in a disrespectful manner?
Do you secretly browse Sup Forums at work, user?
Kotaku - Persona 5's Sexual Relationships Can Get Complicated
There are people on Sup Forums who get mad about how Okumura wasn't an objectively evil villain when that's literally...
*ruins your game*
What's are your honest opinions on Final Fantasy VII? How would you improve it?
Where was the cut off point quality-wise for you Sup Forums ?
Is she black or Hawaiian?
Walks into Gamestop while you're shopping
She got paid to have sex with her clients right?
What am I in for?
Thank God I didn't waste my money
Go to play vidya
Is this the only game ever worthy of 10/10?
Why do Amerimutts love niggers in their game so much?
Subnautica is racist
Is Eurojank a separate video game category next to western and eastern?
True patrician taste is realizing that all P5 girls are good even Ohya
I’ve sat many friends down in front of Dark Souls for the first time and I’ve learned that the greatest hoop...
Got drunk last night and peed on my computer
Think of your favorite video game series...
Hmmm...explain yourself Sup Forums
Psycho Mantis?
Don't let me down, Phelps
This is the worst boss
What does Sup Forums want for Hiveswap Volume 2?
Could you handle more realism in videogames?
I'm told that being a gamer in Japan is actually frowned upon, despite many seeing it as a sort of gaming Mecca...
Mischief Makers is not only the most underrated game on the n64, but might be the most underrated game of all time
Abandon our entire team for me or I'll never talk to you again
The Darkness
How come you'd never see something like this in a commercially released western videogame?
Why do you hate Uncharted, Sup Forums? Why do you hate fun?
Has there ever been a concept in vidya that genuinely horrified you or at the very least unnerved you...
Why do people hate this game so much?
4craft thread
Literally impossible
Is there a more charming Final Fantasy?
Hey Sup Forums, you're a fart head poopy pants!
Snake Pass on Switch
Am I the only one who still prefers single player games?
Press X to talk to dog
*oink* *moooooo*
Crash Bandicoot on the Switch
Which FF is best?
What is the Krogers self checkout lane of video games?
1. What consoles do you own?
Really makes you think
Is this the most reddit videogame reviewer?
Which game should I get, Sup Forums? Fallout 4 or Resident Evil REmake/HD?
So what's Sup Forums's opinion of Samus Returns? How does it hold up to the original and AM2R?
ITT: Music that takes you back
What would you want to see in the next Crash game?
How many on Sup Forums have got xbox1, ps4 and highend pcs to never get locked out of any good games?
Any WW2 games where you get to play as the good guys?
Monster Hunter World has 31 monsters
Actually looks like a game developed in the 2010s
Game payments
Games similar to Diablo 3 and Path of Exile?
Let's remember Halo ODST and how fucking amazing it was
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Steam friend finally plays that game you gifted many months after they received it
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Would you like it if the next Pokemon game had real time battles rather than turn based?
1. Year of birth
/vg/ doesn't even have a Destiny General anymore
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
Game improves the source material
Coworker starts talking about pirating videogames
What are your thoughts on the Mother series?
Seriously, what does this dude gain by pretending to be a girl...
6 years
Everyone who plays games like final fantasy, is a fucking fat faggot
Go here and make a vidya-related book cover. Last thread >>405755029
Tomorrow is a day off
Would it better for Superman to get a Telltale game rather than an action game from Rocksteady?
Favorite series suddenly becomes popular
Character has high magic defense so they get healed for less by healing magic
Final Fantasy XIV
BREAKING THE Yakuza Thread
How would Sup Forums have made a better Homestuck game than what we got?
Food isn't stackable
So...this is The power of PS4
I play as female characters because muh ass
Games only you've played
Has SJW pandering ever made a game better?
Rainbow Unicorn Attack's 8th anniversary
Is there a single bald woman in video games?
PROUD vidya faps
Longest play session
>British Voice Acting in Anime Game
When is Dan going to ditch this corpse of a show and start making music again?
What games has caused tremendous butthurt on Sup Forums?
Here... take it
Best way to start MGS?
Need 1 player for battlerite
ATB was a mistake. Suddenly, instead of each action being thought out and deliberate...
What's wrong with Fallout 4? Is it worth $15?
Team Fortress 2
Can we have a serious discussion on this game for once?
So is botw actually a good game?
Fashion Souls
Mount and Gun
Kingdom Come: Deliverance NEEDS a female Protagonist!
Least favorite class to fight against?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
What happened to this series? Why did the localizations suddenly stop, and why was PSO2 so garbage?
Is there something good about Resident Evil 6? From what I heard, there's not
Exploit a bunch of obscure glitches to warp straight ti the credits
Make tiny mistake
Which is the ideal analog stick layout?
Select your character
I can’t figure out how to fix rimworld to play it. This happens after installing mods...
Why does everyone hate pikmin
So what the hell IS the Labo? I don't even understand how this is a product at all
Is this the edgiest game ever made?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Was it shit?
Just won a 320 GB PS3 off eBay with Uncharted 1, 2, 3, The Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption...
Okay user, who do i pick?
How do you answer Sup Forums
New Nexus Mod Manager
8 billion people on the planet
Emulation Resolution
Why is she so perfect, bros?
“Balls of steel”, what is that?
What did you think of it?
Why does vidya attract so many professional beggars?
What was his fucking problem?
Dark Souls 1 is better then Dark Souls 2
ITT: casual filters
Are you worred Sup Forums ?
I'm considering getting into the Touhou series. What are some things I need to know before getting into it?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on metro exodus?
What is Sup Forums's favorite Dragon Quest? I like 5 because I'm a faggot with no taste
It's high time for a Starbound thread
Is Tokyo Mirage Sessions any good as its own thing?
The best final fantasy game is on mobile
Legitimate question. Why do girls play much less video games than guys?
Nier Automata
What was his deal?
Isn't a henchman for Master Hand, instead just wants some bodies to spice up his bachelor pad
Did you ever play video games at school?
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Rance has now replaced the protagonist of the last game you played. How much does it change?
What should I play? Haven't started any
Well Sup Forums?
Find a flaw
Is Lawbreakers a game, Sup Forums?
Post your soyboys, Sup Forums
I'm not a fucking lesbo Chloe, why can't you just stop coming onto me already, you're hot garbage...
What are some really annoying game levels?
Forced meta bullshit
Vidya Box Art Thread
ITT: post how a game ends without giving away the title
What is it about this mon that makes it so popular among the fanbase?
Monster Hunter
Shin Megami Tensei V
Recommend me games where I can develop a death knight-esque character. A mixture of melee combat and dark magic
ITT : Shit that was allowed
Stop buying Pop Vinyls
"She was almost a Jill sandwich"
What is your definition of "challenging but not frustrating"?
10 years old this July
Hey Guys Josh Sawyer With a Reminder
Mario Retardy
Who is the most cancer out of the fighterZ roster and why is it goku black? also, FighterZ thread
What are you playing for Black History Month, Sup Forums?
Twist controller ever so slightly in hand
Do cats into video games?
Lynels are really easy to beat
And X-Play
Performance report
Be me
Well Sup Forums?
Make it Sup Forums related
He killed billions
What are you emulating, Sup Forums?
Just started this game
What went so right?
What games come with Journalist Mode difficulty?
Video Game-related Adaptions
Find a flaw
Kirby Star Allies Thread
What are you expect from Switch monhun
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Video game quotes that are burned permanently into your brain
Just watched the new video. Should I trade in my copy of Monster Hunter for DBZ now?
What the fuck is the plot of this series? this shit is the most jumbled thing ive ever seen
Post series that never coming back/finished/axed
ITT: shit remakes
Good thread
With stores like Toys R Us going out of business, how long do you figure GameStop will stick around...
That one guy that always picked Yoshi
Why are the first two Paper Mario games so beloved? Genuinely asking
What are the chances of us getting another 2D Zelda...
Clive Barker's Undying
Have you ever loved a game so much that you wanted to live in its universe?
Get hurt in a cutscene
Which Zelda game is objectively the best?
Video games are dead
Fortnite battle royal
Can we an Ace Attorney thread?
What's your favorite PS3 game Sup Forums?
What went right?
Game has anthropomorphic characters
Pick up a game
You're still playing my game, right user?
I'm just going to leave this here
Game gives you the option to defeat enemies by non-lethal means
Were you expecting some cute girl like Karin?
This man is the hero we need
We are the racing generation
What game has the worst dialogue?
Nintendo makes a masterpiece
More of these, please
Haha you were supposed to die :)
What do you think of Bamham-style melee combat?
How on Earth am I supposed to kill Orphan of Kos in its second phase...
This is Jessica Albert undeniably the best Dragon Quest girl ever created and dare I say maybe even the best vidya girl...
Is it possible to still find new GENUINE ps3 controllers now a days?
15 million sales with 2 months left in its first year even without system sellers like Pokemon, Smash...
Did you get over it?
Character is breathing
Hey Sup Forums, is it okay with you if Doom 2016 is my favorite FPS of all time?
What kind of games do people in this region like?
Dragonball FighterZ Eternal Thread
Pillars of Eternity 2
Discuss this game
Seems like they had to spend a lot of money on building gender-neutral bathrooms
This is a boy
ITT: Sequels that improved upon their predecessor in every way possible
Risk of Rain
What is his endgame?
What went wrong?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
ITT: The bad gameplay is a feature!
Remember when GDQ was fun?
The Three Stooges are suddenly in the video game you last played. They don't replace any character...
He started this Let's Play shit and this the motherfucking thanks he gets?
How would you make a Zootopia video game?
4craft thread
Who is the best Valkyria Chronicles girl?
She's so perfect oh my fucking christ
You can't just make a game that is 90% cathedrals
AC:Origins, worth a pirate
Who else is starting to miss the ps2 and GC age of gaming?
Tell me about the last game you finished and finish by either recommending, or not recommending it. I'll start
Where exactly did Bethesda go wrong with Fallout?
This is your emperor tonight
This is Fitch. Say something nice about him
Do people really find the "master race" schtick funny?
This is a Futuba thread where only nice things can be said about Futuba
Tfw just sold my csgo knife for $430 usd
This is what modern parents are like
Murderer Rose
Favorite Vidya Soundtracks
Is Stefanie Joosten's career in gaming over? From what I've heard...
3x3 thread
What's the most unrealistic videogame out there?
Mighty No 9
Game has Karma system
Uh oh Sup Forums up next you have to fight Juri how are you gonna beat her?
What went right?
Is it good? I'm about to buy it but my brainlet ass is unable to make decisions without validation from Sup Forums
All together now
Leave my battle station and go in public for the first time this week
All these indie releases keep underperforming on the Steam compared with consoles
How does this make you feel?
Oh ohh OHHHHHHHHHHH ohhh ohhh ohh ohhhh
Why was PC gaming so far ahead of console gaming in graphics and resolution in the late 90's and early 2000's...
ITT: games that aged like fine wine
PC games with good optimization
Admit it
ITT: THAT enemy
How do we save King of Fighters?
Rapunzel mains
It's on sale
It's up
Witch's Wish
ITT: Real life people/locations that could be boss/places in a vidya
Post the most kino screenshot you have
Nintendo fans don't support third par--
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
What was your favorite quest ?
Why can't Yoshi go in the castles?
Monster Hunter World is too eas-
That info page really doesn't tell me anything. Is this an otome...
Ugh, another great series dumbed down and made easy for FUCKING CASUALS
Beat an old game
Dragonball FighterZ and the state of fighting games
If you sided with the Stormcloaks, you hate progress and stability and love Elves taking over Tamriel...
Why are normies afraid of playing a race other than human? You're not a normie are you?
Lazy night, which game should i play today?
"hey I'd like to start getting into fighting games, where do I start?"
Hey mister, I'll buy the console with the largest library
How long until normies meme it to Undertale levels of obnoxiousness?
Is the Japanese "potato" phenomenon over already? Did you enjoy this era?
Why do people like Kirby so much?
He killed billions
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Its up
Why is this game so overrated?
ITT : Stories better than the gameplay
Did Gollop just fixed Xcom genre?
Dota thread
Fighting games
Make it vidya related
If you picked Zoe, you're pathetic. Mia was your wife, who you came to save...
Thanks god PC gaming is dead. Fat manchildren nerds will have to face reality now
90% of young boys go through a yellow fever phase at some point in their life
If games are art why aren't they in a museum?
When did you stop playing minecraft?
15 million sales with 2 months left in its first year even without system sellers like Pokemon, Smash...
These are the only good Souls games
Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy heading to PC and Switch in 2018
SoTC Disscussion
What was the best racing game in 2017?
Super Mario Odyssey is a masterpiece. Fuck you
What am I in for?
Europa Universalis IV
Who could sate Bastila's ravenous cocklust?
I have never played a Souls game before
3x3 thread? Don't forget to rate
How do we fix Twitch?
Is it actually that good or is it a meme?
The software behemoth teased that it will be offering a 'world-exclusive first look at what comes next' for Sonic and...
Criticize anything about this game
This game is a masterpiece
Backlog Thread
She's killed trillions of children
Why Europeans love FIFA?
Kingdom Come Deliverance Non Shill Edition
Art direction is the most important non-performance-related visual aspect of video games
ITT: Games that killed its series
ITT: Same voice actor thread
Has a non-indie game ever displayed the far-right in a good light?
Hacked PS4 when? I'm waiting
This is cancer
These are squids
Perfect hair perfect smile and makes the best games. I didn't say his name but he popped into your head didn't he?
Gacha games
Is there a classless game where everybody is equal and points are being shared equally?
Is this the end of PC gaming? Bitcoin is below 9k and every time it looks like it's recovering it dips again...
2 more days until Melee gets the boot. Are you excited?
Game has a scene that's exclusively there for fanservice
How should we start our quirky disney rpg?
Why don't game devs fucking compress their shit?
This is surprisingly one of the best final bosses in monster hunter
Post cute vidya girls
Hurr jap games are so ridiculous with huge anime swords those would never work in real life
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Feels good being 100% digital on my PS4 with over 200 games
He killed dozens
Why is this kind of shit acceptable in the vidya industry nowadays?
Moon Presence should honestly have been an unwinnable fight unless you kill his body in the chalice dungeons first...
This is Spy. He is a wasted player slot. Say something mean to him
Is Detroit a good choice?
Fallout 4 is a good game
Why it's okay when Nintendo helds hostage a franchise by using exclusivity contracts that only hurts the industry?
Why are cute brown girls so rare in videogames?
If Shigeru Miyamoto is such a good game designer...
Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition Is A Generation Ahead Of The Console Version
Persona 5 was such a fucking let down
Legion was good. Judging by the new systems and the latest Q&A about design philosophy, this is gonna be fucking great
There's been things of a disturbing nature going on at the New Vegas thread
Why do we hate her so much?
Windows this game get targeted by the soyboy meme?
Did you ever bully someone in a video game Sup Forums?
Was this the beginning of the end for videogames?
Play RPG
Did the original Xbox menu give anyone else the heebie jeebies?
Do these still have defective Dpads?
Sims thread
What are some good game where you can play as a cute girl?
B-but my wojacks.... m-my plastic race.......... "idorts"????
This wasn't as bad as people made it out to be...
What was the last game you bought full price, no discount, no coupon?
I miss you
So who's buying the Shadow of the Colossus remaster next week?
Just completed this. Is it dare I say: Lovecraftian?
Opinion on Undertale?
What's the best PC controller? I want to get into dark souls, but I only have m&k
Getting a current gen console
Dude farm souls until you don't die in 1 hit lmao XD
How does one get into old CRPGs?
Is this game really one of the series worst?
Fate/Stay Night
Name me ONE(1) vidya music that surpasses the likes of Corridors of Time
Literally less than half the content of the last 3 or 4 + games only about 100ish or less hours or so
How does it feel? Killing your own kind
I was not playing games for a quite some time because I was too focused on work
Top 5 Steam Games
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Do they actually exist, Sup Forums?
ITT things players won't experience anymore
It is time to discuss the dying genre: MMO
I just beat this game last night Sup Forums
Uganda Knuckles gets kicked off in every server and basically extinct them
What went so fucking wrong?
EYE Divine Cybermancy
Should historical inaccuracies in video games be allowed for the greater cause?
Filename Thread
4XM is legit
You can make one vidya male canonically female. Who do you choose?
With the success of dragon ball fighterz what anime would you like to see arcsys tackle next...
What did you think of Celeste?
This thread is for cute vidya characters ONLY!
The game is great and all but 30fps is just unbearable
She killed millions
What are some games where I can BTFO SJWs?
Monster Hunter Worldo
You motherfuckers got about 10 seconds to name a better flash game than triachnid
Recently bought a ps4 pro and horizon zero dawn. Love the game
What went wrong?
Im borrowing my friend's PS4
Has anyone ever been BTFO harder than this in video game history?
Will Sup Forums ever be the same after Matthew releases his Breath of the Wild video?
Haven't played this game in years, forgot the question they ask early in the game
You can determine a Nintendo character's true power level based off of how much money they'll add to your eshop account
Can anyone explain to me why the humans are now friends with the elites and the elites now friends with the humans...
What non-H game panders to your fetish?
What games are you looking forward to, Sup Forums?
When will you concede that Dark Souls 2 is a good game? Didn't based HBG convince you?
Is Junko a good villain?
Indie games thread
Ps4 is a bloodborne machine
Reads your inputs and 0HKOs you
6 years ago we defeated a well-coordinated and heavily practiced reddit team with a rag-tag group of Sup Forumsirgins...
Is this any good on PC?
Why was Undertale such a success while this game wasn't?
If I wanted to play this for the first time now, what would be the best way?
It's actually beating PUBG in popularity
Crack came out a day ago
Say hello to the new President of Nintendo of America...
About to start Xenoblade Chronicles 2, any tips or tricks I should know for a better experience?
Puyo Puyo Tetris sells almost 1 million on Switch
Diversity doesn't ruin Games
Why japanese gamers don't like western vidya as much as western gamers like japanese vidya?
Risk of Rain
When the fuck will we get Bully 2?
Overwatch Vs TF2
Based Square Enix
So will Sup Forums ever admit this is a great game?
That'll be 63.99 plus tip
Would Persona games be better if you were allowed to kill your friends?
What do these three studios have in common Sup Forums?
*blocks your path*
Let's have one those threads again
What was the last good FarCry?
What games do you play on your phone?
Intentionally pitch a bad idea for a game
Am I an idiot for preferring this game to its sequel? I am really not sure what I like more about it...
Damn, so this is the power of DRM...really makes you think
About 2 months ago I started meditating
What's the best Initial D game?
Goblins are for ______
That one game mechanic that pisses you off every time
When is ps5 cumming out and any rumors about it?
Monster Hunter World is currently top selling game on Xbox ahead of PUBG
CT/FighterZ Crossover
Lets not get carried away
We want the Oblivion audience
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
DmC changed Dante's personality
Tournament arcs in vidya
Tfw you wake up and realize you can play bloodborne
Subnautica Thread
Two Worlds 2
Why do so many gaymurz have the attention span of a goldfish/ADHD?
What went right?
Does Darkest Dungeon still hold up?
Itt: the last game you beat and your reaction to it
Curious about playing Stalker. Can you guys "sell" it to me? Why should I play it
PTSD Thread
Oh I am laffin
I'm on the verge of buying a Switch
What did we think of this game?
Say gg
Is there literally any reason to play old GTA games anymore? 4 and 5 blew them out the water too hard
What the fuck am I supposed to be doing in this game? I'm going through the Watching Woods...
What is this, dark souls?
What is the best fighting game?
I'm a 100 hours into the game and just realized Makoto is best girl...
Will we ever see old Lara again?
Xbox One or Nintendo Switch
Does Sup Forums like Sonic and All Stars Racing Transgenders?
What do you think about Asmongold?
*loud micspamming*
You hear it, you lose
Fire Emblem Heroes
What's the appeal of MMOs?
A Chie
Nintendo Labo hands-on: how these cardboard add-ons work
Is the second disc truly that bad, or is it just memed on?
I can't believe people think this is a better option than Gamestop
Just ordered this, what do I do with it when I get it?
What did she mean? Her purse?
ITT: Unpopular opinions
How are you still alive?
Absolute gamekino
200 word essay due to tomorrow
[Speech 100] They work for the mercenary, the masked man
Here's your controller, bro
So these....people are the average console players
Who exactly is your favourite FE girl Sup Forums?
Your realistic expectations of TES 6
Are there any good games that feature animals or animal companions, Sup Forums?
T-third party support
What's the point of flatchested girls in vidya when cowtits are always superior?
What games are made by third worlders? I guess Slavs are too easy with Stalker
Will you be picking it up?
What games let me use classic spells, Sup Forums?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...