Do they actually exist, Sup Forums?
What do female gamers play?
Do they actually exist, Sup Forums?
What do female gamers play?
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>Do they actually exist
Stop making these garbage idpol threads you giant fucking faggot.
normie shit exclusively, especially overwatch and lol
they exist but they dont look like the op pic
my cock
Not vidya
they plat mmos
i found my gf by talking shit on OW.
protip: be dominate if you wanna score a girl through these games. they want someone to will ravage them, not put them on a pedestal like some cuck
are you retarded. idpol stands for identity politics, which a thread specifically about a character's real world group affiliation is subject to.
Yes. They don't talk it about, though. Think about hiding your power level and multiply it by ten. Those are your odds of actually finding an actual woman (female) who genuinely enjoys playing video games for reasons other than attention whoring or some other gain.
this isn't politics at all though
Why is it at all significant that a gamer be female or male. Gamers exist, subdividing that group based on race and sex is idpol.
Of coursethey do! I'm right here, silly!
It's just the reality of things, user.
Of course, and I bet you at least 10% of the anons posting in Sup Forums are women. They just don't call themselves gamer girls or whatever the hip new term is. Many do it for attention, but most I think do it just as a hobby.
simply discussing a gender and their preferences within a medium isn't idpol, now if there would be discussion of government policy or identitarian movements surrounding it sure
They are rare. Usually they want validation though for being slutty or acting like they are better than the sluts.
Pic related, they are both cancer. But I'd take the one on top over the bottom
it's amazing how these useless retarded threads pop out just when americans wake up
kys autistic retards
I had a crush on the cashier girl in my local game store when I was a teen (she was in her twenties) she played all kind of games - GTA, Max Payne, Final Fantasy, Mafia, Elder Scrolls
Why should I care so much I they do exist or not, girls will never wonder if I exist, it doesn't mater if they are gamers or not.
Why are you so obsessed on what people play?
Asian girls are low tier
You want those hot Russian birds
No you don't. EE girls are fucking awful
I know one who is a complete Hi-Rez shill since she's a poorfag, even though she spends any money she gets on skins for their "free" games.
I just finished MGQ Paradox for the third time
Yes, but they keep it to themselves and don't attention whore about it.
GGgab is the only gamer girl worth watching
>Watching someone with gamer gate in their name
Just regular girls like play games
surprisingly enough games that don't require reflex and competition. good luck finding a girl that plays any competitive shooter that isn't csgo or overwatch is an exception because it's babby shit.
>animal crossing
>phoenix wright
>phone gacha (FGO/granblue)
>final fantasy XIV
trust me on this one, i'm an expert. those games' player base are at least 30% female.
>wanting a literal slut instead of a girl that needs some stress relief after an online match
You are such a faggot, holy shit.
Are you saying that there isn't precisely a 50/50 split between male and female gamers? Are you seriously being this ignorant?
>wanting a mentally unbalanced womanchild that screams at the screen because videogames make her mad
not even the biggest neckbeards do that. i'd choose top too, at least she's hot
How do I get a girl like this?
best case scenario is that they play some interactive walking simulators like Telltale Games =
Be Chad
>Sup Forums prefers a trashy hooker over some normal girl
And you guys wonder why girls don't talk to you
My girlfriend mostly just likes Nintendoshit, Dark Souls, and Danganronpa.
>1 guy represents the entirety of Sup Forums
Not him, but you are really retarded.
What is ValkyrieAurora then?
One girl I know love jrpgs
One girl I know only play harvest moon kind of games
One girl I know only play girly games like cooking mama
Other girl I know is heavy on mobile games
rest I know play random games on mobile
How hot is your mom and sisters? Post pics
you're a girl, right? let's have sex!
My gf is a huge LoL fag living on NEETbux. Before she met me, she had all the time in the world to get up to Diamond 5 rank. Generally speaking, she's into the sort of games where you build thing and see your progression. Whether it's building a character like BotW or an RPG (Dark Cloud 2 and Romancing Saga are among her favs), or building a setting like Starfew Valley or the upcoming Dragon Quest Builders.
Her last bf was big into fighting games, so she learned how to be really good at those.
I have no sisters.
Post roast
And probably weighs in pretty heavy I bet too
The problem with real “gamer” girls is that people assume there gonna be like their anime or manga and in reality they’re ugly and mostly fat
>this is totally the first time Sup Forums has ever dicussed gamurrrrr gurllllls, must be Sup Forums
So new it hurts.
How did this have such longevity? Nowadays tumblr shits out something worse every 5 seconds.
>tfw CSGO has been degraded to normie gamer girl-core
>i 'member the CS golden days
>do they actually exist
We are in an age were meme's are manufactured constantly
That is when meme's were more pure also its vintage now
It's just become iconic, meme status maybe. Stuff like this wasn't as common then.
>And probably weighs in pretty heavy I bet too
Nope, she's pretty close to 100 lbs -- I can hug her and my arms can go all the way around back to me.
Your assumption is entirely reasonable, though.
>All these girls that force the arch
I see it everywhere
Not getting mad at video games was when I realized I had mostly conquered my anger issues.
It's really embarrassing in retrospect.
Usually they play Zelda or Pokemon, in my experiences. Pretty rare though, and usually mental. The sane ones don't ACTUALLY play video games, they just jump in and play Smash with their boyfriend in a free for all.
She's a 4/10 female, so taking inflation into account, be a 8/10 male or higher.
I feel so bad for average dudes today. It wasn't like this even ten years ago. Not nearly as bad at least.
>What do female gamers play?
Mainly free to play shit.
War Face, Black Squad and all of that.
I play league but I suck (Gold)
Other than that I like old autism simulators and danmaku.
I realized just now that I don't belong here and that my only purpose is to bait nugamers.
How do you think it's for ugly dudes? We can't even get a 1/10 girl.
That's what most girls look like without makeup on.
I don't think you would know that unless you've fucked a girl so hard her makeup came off or you have a gf.
Emilycc is the best female streamer on Twitch
>most girls look average
Holy shit someone call the press.
Name one (1 [uno]) non-trans gamer girl who plays real roguelikes. Not the shitty "roguelites" of steam, REAL roguelikes like nethack and zangband.
Wanna carry me out of Silver 1?
They do, my wife is one but sadly she's a complete Nintendo whore that only plays zelda-mario-smash.
Only hipsters play roguelikes so the can feel special.
When I started playing I didn't hide that I was a girl and easily got carried to Plat I but it wasn't fun and I had to always play with my dude or I would get destroyed.
Don't get carried user, if you're not screaming because you're about to lose a promo again you're not having fun the right way.
>Do they actually exist, Sup Forums?
Narcissa is a real gamer.
just saying for the virgins who don't about the power of makeup
Game of Cocks
Yeah I know you're right. Finally was gold in this last preseason but now I'm hardstuck Silver 1 75 LP alternating WLWLWLWL and I want to die
rate my gf
Go to Target
>Do they actually exist
yes they do. this girl i used to hang with back in college tend to play vidya on my gaming laptop. watching her playing portal 2 is entertaining. ;_;
Adventure games from my experience, but not real tough ones more tame ones like Blackwell series.
Noone cares about your "advice" or wants girlfriends from video games, dipshit.
you sound like a person people enjoy being around
I didn't read the wall of text, but the picture alone just makes it evident that she's a living mem such as how the wall behind her is plastered with Flavor of the Month series and characters. I'm not judging, these are just observations.
Roastie here. I play pretty much all the RPG and ARPG I can get my hands on. I love loot, exploring and crafting. Baldurs Gate, DOS2, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Witcher, Soulsborne, Dragon Age etc. In the last year also Prey, Dishonored2, SOMA, AC:O, Subnautica, VR games, Horizon Zero Dawn, FFXIV, Inside, Deus Ex and so many others I cant remember. It's my only hobby and I'm a bad uni student so I have time.
steam or gtfo
A pirate as well.
>A pirate as well.
I like it
Every time.
Well it worked on you didn't it?
>generic run of the mill AAA titles
ok wow youre such a gamur
Welp there you have it. thread over.