You can't just make a game that is 90% cathedrals
You can't just make a game that is 90% cathedrals
it's a 40/60 split between swamps and cathedrals. get it right.
why is the atmosphere in this game so fucking crummy
Devil's Advocate time:
3's levels are actually mazelike and fun to play through, especially for PVP, with tons of verticality to utilize. The fact that the window-dressing on the gameplay is similar is pretty acceptable. Particularly contrasted with 2, which had a bunch of different-looking environments that were generally just horizontal sprawls that all played the same.
because in dark souls 1 when you run wearing armour it goes CLANK CLANK CLANK but in 3 it just goes FWISH FWISH FWISH and something just doesn't feel right.
>the first cathedral go into is after a swamp level and its ground level is made up of a swamp
Retread environments
the zones are pretty short
they had to make everything orange because muh fading fire
It's actually pretty decent. It's just that FROM decided to stick with medieval cities/cathedrals/swaps instead of creating some outlandish stuff.
Irithyll and Archdragon Peak are both fantastic.
Cuck souls 3 is shit
Sure you can
what you can't do is make a game 70% swamps
>in these two moments of the game where it isn't washed out piss yellow or washed out shit brown, it's washed out stone gray!
Irithyll isn't fantastic you just have fucking visual Stockholm Syndrome by that point and the borealis is basically the first and last range of brighter colors you see in the game.
Vagrant Story
Dark souls autists are an anomaly to me.
>hates 2 because it's too different from 1
>hates 3 because it's too similar to 1
>1 is the greatest game ever made with no flaws whatsoever.
absolutely atrocious color grading along with slapped together level design using old assets from bloodborne
>3 similar to 1
How to tell you never played the game and are just an anime tard starting shit
Die you moronic nigger
so much of the level design makes no fucking sense from an architectural or logical perspective, buildings designed in ways that make sense only to the gameplay and buildings placed in or connected to locations that don't make any fucking sense
Well not him but it does try so hard to pander to them with obnoxious fanservice, even demon souls shit is shoved in
Doesn't make that dumb nigger any less retarded. Yeah it has lot's of allusion and reference but that doesn't make them similar in any way.
you didn't even read his post you humungous cocksucker, there's people that complain there's too much pandering to dark souls 1 and not enough new stuff and those people are right, go get creative with a noose and a balcony
'member Souls 1?
>yuuka poster
How to tell you have bad taste in 2hus are just salty she didn't get in to the new Fighting game
ds3 was made just because of their contract with bamco.
shadows die twice is the real shit from miyazaki
That guys from Demon's Souls you nigger.
they're similar sure, but both clearly inspired by berserk, like much in dark souls, including the black sun in ds3
DS3 > DS2
They should've, I liked the cathedrals. Instead DS3 was mostly swamps (including at least one swamp in a cathedral) and in a game that's full of old shit FROM didn't see fit to bring back the rusted iron ring. We've got our memetacular knight rings complete with + versions but we ain't got a rusty iron band.
Because you have shit taste. 3 is objectively the best atmospherically in the series and if you think otherwise you're just a typical hivemind retard that thinks 1 is the best game ever.
ofcourse, the only true list is
DAS1 >>> des=das3 >>> any janky euro wrpg = das2
nioh is much better than dark souls 3
Nioh is not comparable to Souls
It's an unfortunate segment of the fandom. You can find the same thing in other ones; see New Vegas.
Did we play the same game? It’s linear, even the individual levels are linear. This is despite the meme shortcuts that miss the point compared to the DkS1 shortcuts.
haven't played 3 yet, but I hate when games/movies do that. There would be no reason to put statues of those fucking demons there especially of the fucking taurus demon considering he's pretty common in lost izolith and nothing really special.
DS3- 10
BB- 9.5
DS2- 8.5
DS1- 7.5
DeS- 7
All of these are with DLC included. The fact that people can honestly believe 1 is the best when half the game wasn't finished and the other Lost Izalith exists boggles my mind.
it was a meme game that was taylor-made for reddit
they're not statues, they're petrified
>numerous pathways throughout many of the levels with hidden rooms
>pathways stacked on top of each other allowing ambush and escape routes for PVP
>"Levels are linear"
>Can't decide if you want the level to be a cathedral or a swamp
>End up just making a cathedral swamp
Bravo, From
Taylor is an asshole.
Should I get this from Humble Montly?
I'm scared they are gonna release a SotFS 2.0 again or have the other DLC never go on sale.
Yeah, people make fun of the castle being an elevator ride from snaketits room in DaS2 but an ancient city housing the lands greatest warrior being right below a jail being right below a town being right below anor londo was far more jarring
Definitely. Sup Forums is dumb and hasn't liked anything since GG.
And you are telling me this via a post on Sup Forums. Does that mean you don't like the game?
The worst part about Anor Londo was that it was just slapped on there, If Anor Londo is there then where's the archive? The towers that were straight across from the staircase?
>Hurr time is convoluted so it doesnt have to make sense
Are straight swords still OP as fuck? I haven't played since the first week after I 100%'d it.
Right, because the giant lake full of trees being below the giant lava pit being below the catacombs being below the poison town being below the flooded city makes much more sense, amirite?
They directly say in the opening that Lothric is considered the "transitory lands", not to mention it's been stated numerous times throughout the series that the flow of time in the DaS universe becomes mired and convoluted once the fire starts to fade.
yeah so fucking boring to play
petrified of what?
>the black sun
t-the eclipse?
well the difference is the atmosphere and sound direction was actually good, so you were enjoyign the game too much to care, the fact that you're thinking more about the layout of the areas than enjoying the game tells you it;s pretty shitty game
I love how nobody has any valid complaints about this game. It's just retarded meme arguments. If you don't like the fact that there's no poise or the level design isn't as good as the first then that's a fair argument. But if your arguments boil down to "DURRRRR WHY ARE THERE REFERENCES TO THE FIRST GAME!?" and "DURRRR WHY DO BOSS FIGHTS DO COOL THINGS!? THAT'S TOO WEEBSHIT FOR ME!" then you're a fucking idiot.
Dark souls 3 is pretty much better than DS1 in almost every way.
why would they be petrified of you?
>the fact that you're thinking more about the layout of the areas than enjoying the game
That's literally what you're doing you dumb DS1 nigger.
This, it's the entire reason why the ringed city DLC and the kiln show buildings rolled up and smashed together like something out of katamari damacy.
Irithyll is literal corridor
>You have to go through all of them 3 fucking times to get the good rings.
Fuck you, Miyazaki
The best area in the game is irithyll pre-pontiff, kiln of the first flame and Profaned capital honestly.
They were the only areas that made me stop dead in my tracks and appreciate it, Those areas made me want to explore every corner of it.
Indeed. DS1 is better in exactly 3 ways, and only 3: NPC characters, atmosphere, and level design. But all of this goes to shit in the second half of the game, whereas 3 is MUCH more consistent.
So how come everyone gets on Dark Souls 3 for looking grey/washed out, but Demon's Souls does the exact same thing and people say it has the best atmosphere?
Honestly I'd rather have a rough game with moments of greatness than a consistently average game.
Nostalgiafaggotry plus zelda cycle.
The bosses alone shit on ds1. Ds3 has the pontiff, Gundyr, Gael, Soul of cinder, The dancer, Midir, The twin princes.
Ds1 has Artorias and Manus. That's it.
So when did the contrarians start shitting on this game? Was it immedietly after the launch or did everybody like it at first?
yeah but it's consistently bland and uninspired too
Something about this game feels so empty to me. It's objectively better than 2 gameplay wise but I still enjoyed 2 more. It felt more daring and creative. This just felt bland and safe.
Man, if you think DS3 is average than id LOVE to see what games you play.
Demon's Souls is still the most fun in terms of pvp, the tendency mechanic was great an unfortunately never implemented again, and overall they did a better job of conveying a fading world than DaS3 did
arent all the games supposed to feel bleak and empty and depressing? i thought that was the point
Why didn't they build a whole game out of that kind of fucked up twisted landscape? It might actually have been good then, certainly more original
And then these are the arguments you people resort to. Once you DS1fags get BTFO then you resort to subjective arguments like "It just doesnt FEEL the same. :^)"
DS3 is better. Get over it.
>Demon's Souls is still the most fun in terms of pvp
You MUST be joking, Demons was an absolute shitfest in PvP.
>It felt more daring and creative
Even though I think DS2 was the worst, I can agree with this. DS3 was clearly phoned in by devs who were only making a game they were contractually obligated to. DS2 was very ambitious, but unfortunately I think too much so as they seemed to go for quantity over quality. Tons of content but not much of it is truly memorable.
DS3 + ashes DLC is in the next months humble monthly for like 10$ if anyone is interested
I bet none of you even hated DS3 until it was cool to hate it on Sup Forums.
Or y'know its all subjective and all souls games are equally good
+ Lords of the Fallen is better than all of them anyway.
>they did a better job of conveying a fading world than DaS3 did
How so? Not really disagreeing, but to anyone who played DS1 (or at least watched the opening cinematic) it was very clear what they were going for in DS3; the world was reverting back to its original state.
I started to kinda hate ds3s pvp after pvp'ing for about 300 hundred hours
the main game's allright but it's obviously dumped down to attract casual money. I don't mind, I already played ds1 and bloodborne, I can stomach a decent linear title.
Equally good? Nah. But they are definitely all fantastic games.
Haven't played LotF but from what I've seen and heard of it, you're objectively wrong on that front.
it blows my mind that people think ds3 is worse than 2 or 1
it's not a perfect game, but it's straight up the best in the dark souls series in every single way. not arguable.
Because everything is trashy at the end of all things.
Especially the game itself.
>hurr durr tone doesn't matter
This is why people don't take video games or gamers seriously.
Empty as in not fulfilling or ambitious gameplay-wise. The first game feels pretty bleak while still being interesting and unique.
while I agree with you overall, not mentioning Ornstein & Smough and motherfucking Gwyn is kinda unfair.
What's the most broken PvE build in Dark Souls III?
Bleed builds
>likes cathedrals
>loves demons
>thinks dark 1 is boring
Im okay with this
At least it isn't 90% berserk references like DaS1.
For god' sake, Ornstein is called Griffith in the game files.
>what you can't do is make a game 70% swamps
what is the witcher
>Ornstein is called Griffith in the game files
kek, why
they have literally nothing in common