Itt: the last game you beat and your reaction to it

mfw: bayonetta 1pc

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smegmaking is funny haha

>tfw i just realised i haven't beat a game in several years
im not a shitter, i just don't play games anymore but keep buying them

I just realized le funny black troll man tyrone is doing the soyboy expression

Shadow the Hedgehog. And by beat, I mean getting all the endings.
Fuck me was it a trial.

You and me both user. Own over 250+ games installed probably 40 of them played like 30 and beat only 5.


>Persona 5

dmc3 really has it all.
soundtrack, gameplay, story, aesthetic, substance, style.
Best single player I've ever played.

A robot named Fight!. It took some tries, but it was satisfatory. Hope the new updates make me interested in the game again, as I don't see too much reason to play it again now.