Im borrowing my friend's PS4

Im borrowing my friend's PS4

Ive played:

Uncharted 4
Dark Souls 3 that it? is there nothing else on PS4 thats worthwhile? im looking at Horizon Zero Dawn & Hitman a bit, but they both look like theyd get boring for me after a while

Im fucking glad i never bought next-gen, but still, any singleplayer games for PS4 that you guys recommend? I heard Witcher 3 sucks on PS4, can someone confirm?

oh, i also played Final Fantasy 15. it kinda sucked

a lot of these other games, like Fallout 4, id rather just play on PC. Or i already have

Do ya already own a PC that isn’t a total shitbox?

You can try that Digimon game, Cyber Sleuth I think. Persona 5 is also excellent. I've heard good things about Yakuza 0.


its a few years old, so its not 100%. ive started witcher 3 on my PC twice, but ive decided to postpone it until my PC is better, so ill have a more "immersive experience". but since its cheap on PS4, i considered just buying it and playing it now, instead of waiting. but someone told me its awful on PS4

Then give your friend back his PS4 so he can go back to actually enjoying his games and you can go back to your shitpost rig

lol my friend hasnt touched his piece of shit PS4 in like 6 months. theres hardly any games worthwhile

You don’t need 1440p at a constant 90FPS to enjoy games user

ive played some of the older yakuza games. they never really spoke to me. but ill look at persona 5. thanks

Persona 5