What went wrong?

What went wrong?

I still log in, but they throw resources at you now to the point of where I don't really see a point in playing.

>playing mobile garbage

There's nothing wrong with PAD on a conceptual level. There was even a 3DS game.

It's basically Bejeweled mixed with Pokemon.

power creep. everything that used to be good except a small handful like anubis have been made irrelevant through new awakenings, stronger weighted stats, and better leader skills

you can tell gungho's just treading the water until they can shut the game down, it has no genuinely new things - just limit break and extra shit to tack onto a card

>community is garbo
>dungeons are grindy

It was destined to fail

This is one of the few times I can unironically say "everything."
The OSOBOS gameplay was flawed from the start, their fix to that was to make every fight have specific hp triggers and shields you needed all the new units to be able to dance around, and the constant powercreep invalidating these same characters you'd need to spend hundreds to get months later.
It was only good back in the day when there were no better alternatives. Now it's absolute garbage.

fuck your powercreep and changing the expire date to 60 days. you constantly add new monsters that invalidate old monsters even ReEvo monsters are shit now. this bloated shit is enough already.

Got bored of it a long time ago. I played for a few years and eventually I just realized I didn't want to play anymore so I just wasted all my stones and uninstalled right then and there.

What's the best way to get up to speed on the meta? I feel like I'm miles behind.

Powercreep and gacha bullshit.
A shame because playing the game itself, specifically moving the orbs around and trying to trigger combos, is actually pretty fun.

Forced to go look up the dungeon page on an off-site because theres always some anti-meta bullshit thrown into the dungeons that'll kill off hours of your stamina if you go into it unknowing

>It was destined to fail
It's a massive success, though. It's still in the top 5 daily Japanese app rankings.

basically this

in order to get people to keep pulling the gacha they had to keep making things more powerful, and it quickly reached absurdity where everything old is worthless trash, even your waifu that you started playing the game for.

>Pay2win grind fest
Here's what went wrong. Play the superior games instead for 3DS:
>It only costed 30 dollars/euros at launch
>Two games in one cartidge
>No need to be online to play it
>No freemium bullshit
>Huge replay value for a puzzle game, you'll get addicted with it for months
>You can find it even cheaper now

>English port for sequel never ever
It hurts

It's a shame the 3DS touch screen is so garbo.

I know, right? I hope at least that it will get a fan-translation.

What are you talking about? It's good. And of course much better than smartphones.

>And of course much better than smartphones.

Jesus. You're the first person I've ever seen to say the 3DS touchscreen holds a handle to any smartphone one. Just the fact that you NEED to use the stylus to get anywhere is a hindrance.

Stylus are more responsive than fingers, just saying.

This x 100

You used to be able to do most shit with a variety of leaders and a team built from characters that could be gotten outside gatcha. As time went on, the 'balance' of the game turned to flavors of the month with setups that depended on highly specific character/skill combos. It was around the time the Musou line-up was added that shit started getting out of hand and they were wholly focused on whale hunting.

Feels like they became collab obsessed. Collab for this, collab for that, yet another special gacha and just toss everything else into the garbage.

>Collab for this, collab for that
You mean the collabs western players never got?

I would if it had bestcat. The only reason I got into the game was for her and a dropped it when she got powercrept since I didn't want to bother playing catch up with the meta.

Is Bastet in it? I might just give it a shot if so.


Heart cross meta that reign for almost a year and damage shield(both absorption and 0 one)


>collabs that idiots who didn't know how to access the far superior JP version never got

Fixed that for you.