I play as female characters because muh ass

>i play as female characters because muh ass

literally no other reason to play as one so yes

I sure do

whats the point of this thread

I guess you enjoy looking as man ass you faggot?

But that's the only thing female characters are good for otherwise you just play as a dude when no fanservice is available.

>Not liking the female kirin armor

Get a load of this faggot

>I spend two hours crafting my hot male avatar because I'm straight

Who are you quoting?

For some people, making a big butt big tit short hair girl is the extent of their imagination.

Which are the only options in any videogame that allows character creators. That's the correlation, and the causation. They add a few hair colors, some different facial expressions, and bam. That's the entire "I only play this character to jerk off like twice" population. There are minorities, but they're just that.