What are you emulating, Sup Forums?

What are you emulating, Sup Forums?

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Got ppsspp and I downloaded a shitloads of games I always wanted to try. Currently playing Gta Chinatown wars.

I dont emulate. That's for losers.

Isn't he that cheater who drinks hot sauce?

he makes hot sauce
he's the king of hot sauce
also he didn't necessarily cheat, but he did use MAME, which is against the rules. There's separate leaderboards for MAME. Also he could have TASed it, no way to tell. He got abnormally good RNG though.


All he did was "beat" pacman (played so many levels he ran out the memory)

If speedrunners can run FF7 for 8 hours a day, this guy can play pacman for 4 or 5 easy

FF7 on my phone, is nice not having to get out of bed.

not talking about that
he used an emulator for his donkey kong scores

Why is Twin Galaxies so anal about emulators?

His famous Donkey Kong score has been invalidated because he used an emulator?

They could be inaccurate in a way that could be an advantage, they can be used to TAS
The first one is hardly an issue but the second one is. And Billy might have done it considering the fact that he got really high RNG on that run.
If it were me I'd allow emulators but with a handcam