Is it good? I'm about to buy it but my brainlet ass is unable to make decisions without validation from Sup Forums

Is it good? I'm about to buy it but my brainlet ass is unable to make decisions without validation from Sup Forums.

Played for two hours and got bored. Xenoblade was much better.


It's fucking gay

i hope you're talking about the original xenoblade
if you're not, you're clearly baiting

If you have a Switch then you might as well buy it, 2018 is looking pretty barren. How much you'll like it is up to you. I'd recommend learning too much about it, it's better to go in fresh.

Believe Sup Forums if they like a game, take their opinions with a grain of salt if they dislike it. This board is inherently negative.

I liked it a lot though. It's flawed, but the pros way outweigh the cons.

just play link's awakening instead

I'd recommend NOT* learning too much about it

but that can also apply to every game ever made, obviously as a consumer you want to be informed but not so much that it ruins your player experience

Its universal critical acclaim is well-earned.

Play any other Zelda this is not a Zelda it's skyrim lite

If you have a Switch, it would be silly to not get Zelda.

It's good, but it's not flawless. Amazing world, the content in it is just dissapointing. Prepare to fight the same bokoblins one billion times and solve 900 copy-pasted korok "puzzles", because that's going to take up most of your time with the game.

Here comes the Zelda defense force.

But should I buy the dlc before playing?

>Believe Sup Forums if they like a game


Shitposting aside, its a milestone in the gaming landscape. There's Before BotW and After BotW. Every open world game from now on will be measured against it and the game itself will be talked about and analysed for years to come.

It´s good. Sup Forums is just being a contrarian. Don´t expect the typical Zelda formula though.

Not essential. Most of the dlc can't be accessed until late game anyway.

Do you like chopping trees so much that you're okay with the empty world? Then it's brilliant

Nah, play the game first and then you can decide. The most important DLC content is distinct from the base game. There's also Master Mode but you don't want to play that first.

If you have a Switch, BotW is as essential as the power supply

It starts out dull but it really gets better as you become more powerful and competent. That said the first couple of hours where you're basically a complete weakling that is as mobile as an old woman and every single weapon breaks by breathing at it to hard is a chore.

Yes, there's before some dumb Nip decided to take open world dungeons, fragment them into rooms and scatter those rooms around the world and there's after. In this new reality all open world dungeons will be shit. Thanks, dumb Nip

You're asking Sup Forums about the quality of a popular game?

I don't even know what to say.

Other way around for me, started out exciting as fuck but gets more boring the more you play.

It's boring

No, it's bad. It's skyrim with a nintendo skin.

>Don´t expect the typical Zelda formula
Yeah man, he shouldn't expect water level with water guys, lava level with stone guys, lost woods and Hyrule Field. This time they really changed it up

The first 20 hours were probably the greatest video game experience I've ever had.

The rest was good, but it got tired pretty quick.

It's fun. Crappy story, final boss, and ending. But it's fun.

I enjoyed it as a whole but there are some pretty big flaws with it. The durability system is flat out retarded, inventory space exacerbates the problem even further, some of the shrines are complete dog shit, and the dungeons aren't anything to write home about, but if you like exploring shit you'll have a lot of fun with the game regardless.

There are there though.... Don´t understand your point...

I'm not even a Zelda fan and I thought it was the best game of 2017.

I personally consider all of the DLC to be a waste of money except MAYBE the hard mode, but even that is unessential.

because it's not a zelda game

I wonder why..

Protagonist doesn’t talk and goes

It’s defin Zelda.

I'm a Zelda fan and I thought it was the most dissapointing game of 2017

Real Zelda fan here. Buy it.
I would say it compares nicely to others in the series but story wise it’s lacking compared to stuff like majoras mask or oracle of ages


Genuinely don't understand this since the game rapidly drops off as soon as you start noticing all the repeat content


Some of the worst DLC put out since FEAR 2 Reborn

Don’t listen this guy. I’m actually a real Zelda fan. It’s basically Wind Waker but on land, a shit story and with no distinction between dungeon themes. Only buy it if you’re a hardcore explorer that likes to move about for the sake of it.

Good, but be prepared to play music from your Pc of something while you play. The ingame music ranges from non-existent to awful

Get the superior Switch game instead

Apart from the stupid strength challenges, what repeat moments are you talking about?

Good if you're looking for a game that encourages exploration and experimentation.
Bad if you're looking for a game with a high variety of enemies and long, distinct dungeons.

Depends on how autistically you cling to the Ocarina of Time and it's trashy, outdated formula.

Wow, I feel the exact opposite. Great Plateau is the highlight of the game and it nosedrives from there.


nice argument faggot.

Fuck you I am old enough to have bought first Zelda with money from my own job.

If anyone is a REAL fan it’s me.

>Good if you're looking for a game that encourages exploration and experimentation.
Can someone please explain to me the appeal of exploring a game world when everything you can actually do in it is about as interesting as watching paint dry? I really can't wrap my head around why anybody would want to play this open world shovelware.

If you have a Switch, you may as well buy it, since it's worth experiencing. That said, I severely disliked it and found it incredibly boring and uninspiring. The much vaunted "world interaction" isn't nearly as cool as claimed and most of the content on the map is total shit and basically just amounts to finding shrines or seeds. It really does feel more like a tech demo.

The DLC is awful. Don't buy it, period. You can completely enjoy the regular game without it.

If you're old enough to have had a job in 1987 and still posting on Sup Forums I wouldn't trust anything you say

Also depends if you want a souless "open world" game with nothing to make it Zelda at all

>Only buy it if you’re a hardcore explorer that likes to move about for the sake of it.

I actually think BotW is also bad for "hardcore exploring" because the world is just way too open, pretty much everything is fully exposed.

Because people who actually like exploring don’t need a reward or dumb over the top purpose

Maybe go out for a walk and explore the real world? It would be a lot cheaper

then go hiking

Nothing to do with any of the terrible Zelda games made in the past 20 years at least. Which is only a good thing.

>the world is just way too open, pretty much everything is fully exposed.
I actually think this is brilliant. Unlike most open world games, you're not constantly staring at your minimap. Your focus is on the actual world in front of you. You can visibly SEE where you want to get to and you just have decide or figure out how to get there. Thats how it should be. Its a subtle thing but brilliantly implemented.

I like exploring but I dont like BotW because its world is insanely boring and hardly worth exploring at all. It's not beautiful and its not mysterious. It's just extremely bland.

Ocarinafags are the new SoncAdventurefags

If you own a wii u/switch there's absolutely no reason not to buy it

Roleplayers. Also it's kinda neat that you can look around, decide "I'm gonna climb that mountain over there" and actually do without hitting an invisible wall. And usually there's something at the top waiting for you.

I didn't like it because it makes everything feel so small and inconsequential. I thought the game desperately needed more dense forests, or dense villages, or caves, or ruins you could get lost in. But pretty much wherever you are you can see so much of the world around you. I can see why they did it but I think it really hurts immersion. And I don't see why you can't focus on the world around you if it was a little denser.

how so

They're the same group of people. Autistic 20-somethings.

OP here
Just got back from gamestop and am about to start the game for the first time.

Name a video game world more fun to explore than BotW Hyrule.

What possible roleplaying could you do in BotW? Even something like GTA feels like it has more roleplaying possibility.

LSD Dream Simulator

Yume Nikki

I enjoyed exploring most games more than BotW. Most previous Zeldas, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Nier, Souls, even GTA, and even the procedurally generated games like Terraria.. BotW's world is hideously fucking boring and exploring it just feels pointless.

What exactly is fun to explore about it? Climbing is not such a visceral mechanic that it can stay fresh for a long time. I found myself utterly bored with almost every location I came across. I found myself saying "huh, that's neat" far less in this game than almost any other.

ummm uhhhh you got me there

Because Ocariniafags, like Adventurefags, represent a small but vocal part of a larger fan base that only want games made exactly the way they want and they throw a temper tantrum the very moment a new game in the series comes along that tries something new. And in the case of both games, neither formula was the original (or best) formula. But because that just so happened to be the style of game they grew up with, they'll spend the rest of their gaming life whining on the internet for a new game that plays just like the old ones, even if there's no good reason to ever revisit that stale shit ever again except to appease nostalgiafags.

I agree with these anons, at first the game makes you feel like a caveman that has to fight tooth and nail to survive.
Things get repetitive and easier after you're modestly upgraded.

It's fun. I like it a lot. Don't spoil yourself on anything, no matter how much you want to. You'll hate yourself for not experiencing it yourself. Play around with the systems as much as you can. Don't be afraid of breaking your weapons. If you think you can do something, you probably can, so try it out.

Can you list a single instance of this thread where someone mentions Ocarina or compares it to BOTW besides you

All BotW whiners are Ocarinafags. Every single one of them.


It's one of the best game of all time. There are three categories of people who have a hard time with it:
- Autists who goes into the game over-analysing everything, trying to prove the reviews wrong, nitpick and blow out of proportion the smallest details
- Old school Zelda fans who cannot tolerate the fact that the formula was altered for Breath of the Wild
- People with ADHD who cannot support a single minute of white noise. The kind of people who think that Journey or Fumito Ueda games are not games.
If you are a well-adjusted person and doesn't downright dislike the genre then you should like it. Just go into it as any other game without preconceived notions of what it is or should be and experience it at your rhythm and in your own way.

does your life depend on people not playing BoTW?

Don't listen to this guy OP, there are only 2 categories of people that shill this game:
1. Paid shills
2. Mindless drones
Buy Odyssey or save your money for bayonetta/SMTV/Dark souls.
I mean they can waste their money all they want, I just think it's a really bad game and killed the zelda franchise.

>Buy Odyssey

>I just think
no you dont

this. like it or not, this game is a landmark achievement.

Buy property

Honestly this. Also, if you’re still itching for an adventure, Xenoblade tops it hand down.

You can fight it all you want, but BotW style Zelda games are the future. Ocarina of Time and it's iterations are dead. They'll never make a Zelda game like that again. Ding dong!

Because they never made any 2D Zeldas after the series went 3D right?

2D Zelda games are cheaper. They ain't spending the resources required to make an OOT style Zelda game to cater to your niche. It's dead forever. And thank fucking god.

Odyssey is a fun to control, nice to look at, well-done game in an inherenty flawed genre (collectathon) with, like BotW, its own set of problems. It mostly succeeds at what it set up to do and is great for what it is, but it's nowhere near the level of BotW. I don't see how anyone, unless they completely missed the point of BotW, can prefer a 3D platformer-collectathon, like dozens of others before, no matter how fine-tuned, to BotW. It sounds hipster, but honestly at this point I just think some people don't get it with BotW.

>2D Zelda games are cheaper to make than the 3D titles
>3D traditional style Zeldas are cheaper to make than the new open world style

Even if you dont like it you have to admit the physics is fucken good

fpbp as always

This is going to sound crazy to most people here, but I still find a game like Grand Theft Auto to be a far more interesting world just to move around it. I recently played GTAV again after not playing it for a long time, and after playing BotW, it felt like a huge relief to just walk around the city of Los Santos and I felt like I was in a much more detailed, curated environment. Everything feels much more meaningfully placed and it can be fun to just walk around and see all the different stores and alleys and buildings. There's always some cool parks, or fountains or elabotrate buildings or skateparks or what have you that you may not have noticed before. And I even think it's wilderness is more reasonably compact, you have some dinky little areas and houses, you have the wind farm, some power plants, some trailer parks, the wine fields, the weird alien area, etc. It's generally just a lot more interesting to see what the developers placed where. In comparison BotW's world just feels like an endlessly repetitive topography. I honestly got very little joy from exploring Akkala, or Faron, or Hebra, or Necluda, because it still mostly feels like you'll probably just find some bokoblin campsites or a korok seed or something. I understand its post apocalyptic but I feel like it was the wrong decision, the world feels so barren and lifeless.