Beat an old game

>beat an old game
>credits roll
>get to the ending screen
>can't go any further
>have to reset the game
Does this make anyone else really melancholy?

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it makes me rather lugubrious, honestly

Whenever this happens, I always feel rather sepulchral.

melancholy is not a fancy word you chimps

I have a feeling some soyboy on youtube has already explained why this happened.

>beat game
>gamestate reverts to just before the final boss after completion so it feels like you did nothing

neither is lugubrious, you absolute plebe

Yeah that’s a feel

Apparently it's too fancy for you, since you just picked a synonym of melancholy without really knowing what it means.

Or did you really mean to say it doesn't make you feel sad but instead makes you look and sound sad?

actually i stole it from achewood

I hate this so much

>melancholy used frequently, common vocabulary understood by nearly all
>lugubrious is a dead word used only in sesquipedalian manners, and is different from melancholy in connotation.

That said, I prefer "melancholic" over melancholy when used as an adjective, even though there is nothing wrong with how OP used it.

they're all really fun words in any case

>the fireworks after the Paper Mario credits that never end

I always felt the same way user

>sitting there reflecting on the game you just experienced

>that SMB1 theme during the last screen in SMRPG

Fucking OoT/MM I swear

>Grew up with uncles who had every classic console
>Got to enjoy everything from 2600, master system, NES etc on their original consoles
now I don't own shit. oldest console I have is my PS1. My N64 broke awhile back and I dont know what happened to my SNES. I really miss just putting the cartridges in. I can't play NES emulators because it just feels wrong somehow. Prices are so fucking inflated now it's insane. I bought a dreamcast with 3 games, 2 controllers, 2 VMUs in 2013 for $40 and now a Dreamcast with 1 controller goes for $80 on ebay. Fuck everything.

>the parade of SMRPG

Got so pissed when this happened in BOTW

I wanted to run around in ganonless hyrule

Paper Mario 64 was like that

Any tune like this that's played on a music box is like an instant recipe for melancholic nostalgia.