could you handle more realism in videogames?
complexity, bloody gore, permadeath
Could you handle more realism in videogames?
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yes op we can now go away
fuck off
I don't understand your question.
I want an actual murder sim. Where you can kidnap and kill people in realistic ways with realistic Gore.
I'm an Arma autist. When the bullets actually hurt, it'll be complex enough.
handle, yeah.
want, only if it's fun.
How realistic would you like your games to be?
Depends on what I want out of it.
I would like something such as mentioned, but that's because I want something to finger my friend to.
fun is way, way more important than realism.
Too much realism would make a game less fun.
fun is a bit relative
The size of your mother's anus is relative. To how deep my cock is in her ass.
you mean proportional
gas yourself subhuman
I play the newer GTA games with a self-imposed realistic weapon and ammo limit, walk instead of run, never skip taxi rides, and follow all road rules when driving, down to not turning right on red in GTA IV. I think I'd be fine.
This painting always remind me of Silent Hill.
I want more realism. In Dead Rising you can pick up anything and use it just like real life. It and Dark Messiah are some of the most immersive games I've ever played just because everything does what it's supposed to do.
Serial Killer RL
They should add a hardcore permadeath option where doing all that stuff would actually help you
like a heat system where you get more stars for lesser crimes if your known, that'd be cool
That's such a cool feature. I wish MMO used this.
>realistic war game
>spend all your time in a trench
>if you duck out you get your head blown off and have to wait in-game for an hour because otherwise there'd be no punishment for dying, meaning players wouldn't "play" realistically
no thanks user
>crashes ur server
Only if the game is fun enough to warrant it.
Creating realism and realistic games means creating a game that feels real, you moron, "Not hey I know let's copy the one that already exists so we don't have to work."
Stop perpetuating the redefinition of words by the stupid.
Realism is first and foremost depth, detail, and use of logic in worldbuilding.
Just copying the one that already exists is nigger tier realism.
Wizardry Online did but because MMOs are about making money of course all the rich faggots could afford high class tokens from the cash shop. Offering those meant it was nearly impossible for your character to die. Normal players had to offer up most of their gold and half their inventory if they wanted to reduce the chance of death to like 30%.
But would more realism make a game better or worse?
Objectively better assuming the world is conducive to fun.
Objectively worse if the world isn't conducive to fun.
Dedicated buttons to blinking. One for each eye.
Manually breathing by holding and releasing a button.
To an extent
>bloody gore
>top left
>top row, 3rd from the left
>top row, 4th from the left
>ESPECIALLY bottom row, 3rd from the right
I don't want to sin tonight
the in-game currency is actual US dollars. all transactions and item/character holdings are regulated by the government.
permadeath is stupid. what if you have to AFK for a few minutes because of an emergency. then you die and all your progress is gone. i wouldn't mind having stiffer punishments for dying though.
That also includes sexual things, such as rape. But in our current political and social climate, good luck.
>graphic violence is ok
>rape is a huge no, no
go figure
Welcome to a society ruled and governed by gynocentrism.
We won't see change until collapse, enjoy your stay.
>ywn rape and kill your friends in VR then try not to laugh next day when they complain about some bdsm clown rape camping them
at least with more realism we would have more beautiful women in games again
>no preacher game
Life sucks
Depends on the game.
Dorf Fort lets you torture and dissect small animals.
I would do it for hours.
>bloody gore
As much as technology allows
Complexity sure but only if it translates to gameplay depth like with physics based games. Don't care one way or the other when it comes to gore. Permadeath is fine in principle but the problem is that games which go for muh realism don't include things like practice modes which would mitigate the various frustrations that come with having to repeat a whole game when you die. Realism for realism sake is kinda shit desu, but realism that enhances the depth or fun or whatever is very welcome.
Source, niggers:
no, i'm a gen z fuckboy
>You'll never be as great an artist as the three Wyeths
>Your dad will never pass down amazing art skills to you
It's pretty obvious that you're both gen z fuckboys.
Play Ultima 7 or Ultima Underworld. Or Arx Fatalis for that matter.
“What is really required to defend ‘the West’ against the sudden rise of these barbaric and elemental forces is the strengthening, to an extent perhaps still unknown to Western man, of a heroic vision of life. Apart from the military-technical apparatus, the world of the ‘Westerners’ has at its disposal only a limp and shapeless substance – and the cult of the skin, the myth of ‘safety’ and of ‘war on war’, and the ideal of the long, comfortable, guaranteed, ‘democratic’ existence, which is preferred to the ideal of the fulfilment which can be grasped only on the frontiers between life and death in the meeting of the essence of living with the extreme of danger.” - Julius Evola, Metaphysics of War
top left, 3rd, 4th, 5th
bottom 2nd, bottom right, hell, 2nd from right as long as I know I won't get an STD
People play video games to escape reality. Why are we trying to recreate what we we already have? Games should be outlandish and defy physics.
>unironically trying to revive the idealistic attitude that the west was forced out of by the reality of modern warfare
Maybe if your views are in line with Ted Kaczynski
Because not all aspects of reality are shit, and some shit aspects can be made fun by lessening the consequences. Sim racing games are fun because real life racing is very fun but inaccessible.
Many of the people who desire extreme realism in video games live very boring lives.
Top row, first three. Best Waifus.
Modernism is a spiritual phenomenon rather than a mechanistic necessity as it presupposes itself to be. Technological developments be what they may, the governing truth of existence is either understood or unknown, obeyed or relegated, embraced or sequestered, to a greater or lesser extent.
Which is all to say that things are either true or they aren't. If the West subjugates its quest for Truth to profane quantitative cost-benefit analysis of belief it will cease to exist. Existence itself is defiance of all that which would destroy you.
Yandere Simulator
This should come as a surprise to nobody. Most people live average, and boring lives.
>people who demand realism in a game that has magic in it
People's attitudes aren't some isolated entity, they are directly shaped by their surroundings. Hopinf to keep technological advancements while rejecting modernity is naive, it's no wonder Evola didn't have much faith in traditionalism as an ideology.
>People play video games to escape reality
you have a shit life if you believe this
>die in the game
>disc explodes
'Realism' in games has never once made them more enjoyable to actually play so nah.
>People's attitudes... are directly shaped by their surroundings.
What is free will?
Change the surroundings.
People who are trying to redefine realism as copying this world are doing the same thing they did to art.
Art originally meant cool shit skillful people made. Comes from ars, latin for skill.
Artisan, which has been almost completely distanced from art, meant artist who can teach, and not just an incredibly skilled worker.
Lazy fags got butthurt, changed the definition to "stuff dat makes u tink" so they could be recognized as an "artist"
Now lazy fags are getting butthurt for being called out on bad worldbuilding, so they're redefining "real" to mean specifically referring to this reality.
Which is actually a lot more damaging because it makes it much harder for people to understand the metaphysical differences between "real" and "exists"
>black hair
>slim but with curves
>red lipstick
Free will is a meme and is heavily limited if it exists at all. Changing the surroundings enough for people to embrace traditionalism would require abandoning a lot of technology which is my point. You can't have the best of both worlds. You either reset technological progress or deal with a sisyphean task trying to delay the inevitable. Not to mention this would require other nations to follow suit or else you'll just make yourself weak.
>die in the game
>head explodes
Given the universe isn't fucking deterministic, it just thinks it is, and it just so happens humans can make it realize it isn't very easily, free will isn't a fucking meme.
Most people are just too stupid to use it.
The premise that the modernist perspective is the natural result of technology is one of the tenets of modernism.
You are steeped in Modernistic thinking. The Robin in the Robin's egg doesn't know that the Robin's egg is blue.
Even individuals who can use their free will are extremely limited by a multitude of factors, and when it comes to the masses it's pointless to expect them to come to conclusions that go against their more immediate self interest independently. This kind of thing needs to be enforced, and modern technology makes it far too difficult. I mean hell, getting women out of wage work alone would be a monumental task at this point.
>more realism
I could "handle it" just fine but it'd be boring as fuck.
Amend/repeal the 1965 Civil Rights Act (which makes discrimination on the basis of gender illegal) and let nature run its course. Women will be phased out. They aren't needed.
Until there is a huge demand for labour and we will be back where we started
Society is self imposed containment to lessen the ability of the free will of the stupid to change the world.
It's also the only limit.
Remove society's influence and every person is as freely capable as the next.
Doesn't mean they're smart enough to see how to use that free will to do what they want, but they still have it.
But it's not self sustaining, it's mostly propped up by sociopaths, who form the "elite".
Always has been, this age's are just different from the last one.
Changes every so often, naturally.
And of course, the difference between sociopaths who controlled the world back when everything was traditionalist and the sociopaths who control the world now is that old style sociopaths manipulated people with power, strength, and order.
Now they do it financially, and with information control.
Old nobility didn't stop the rise of the merchant class because they degenerated over time.
Same thing's gonna happen to the current elite.
All it takes to return to traditionalism without abandoning tech or degenerating is replacing the elite with "just" sociopaths and have them tune the machine of society to produce more of them.
These'd be your typically charismatic tyrants, well loved among their constituents and feared by their enemies, alexander the great, adolf hitler, napoleon, julius caesar.
Way society is now, it's specifically designed to not produce them, because they're a threat.
Nationalism helps immensely in order to create "good" sociopaths, because it relies on their natural selfishness, harm to their country becomes harm to them, and life becomes valuable as national asset.
Every modern attempt at such a state resulted in failure. Either a relatively quick decline like in Spain's case or an absolute disaster like with nazi Germany. These regimes couldn't even outlive the commies, why in the world would you put your faith in them?
>alexander the great, adolf hitler, napoleon, julius caesar.
3 out of 4 of these people tried and failed to conquer the world killing tons of people in the process for basically no reason
You can't create a state that relies on the current elite not having corrupted themselves into irrelevance when they haven't finished doing that.
The methods they're using to prevent the rise of such a state are self defeating, so it'll just happen naturally.
All four did actually, hence the quotes around good.
Life under them was nice though.
People are gonna fucking die anyways when the ruling class of sociopaths get replaced by the next.
Key is to make sure the next are benevolent and are aware of why the previous ones failed, and what factors contributed to why they think and act the way they did.
>People are gonna fucking die anyways when the ruling class of sociopaths get replaced by the next.
no I really think if the world was ruled by napoleons and hitlers in the modern age there wouldn't even be a world for much longer
and neither of those two were traditionalists either, if anything they were radicals
Don't spew shit about MAD, sociopaths are intelligent actors, arguably more so than non-sociopaths.
There's no reason for them to do something like that.
And they're more than capable of working together towards a common goal, see hitler's cabinet or how common collusion is among current members of the elite.
>And they're more than capable of working together towards a common goal
hitler didn't work together with anyone. he had people under him to which he was an absolute dictator. I don't know how people who crave power above all else would act in a world with nuclear weapons, perhaps they are still around but they engage in different power games than trying to take over the world via military force. Ultimately there's a reason why the countries with the highest standard of living these days are democracies and not dictatorships
>VR gaming becomes popular
>Eventually an advanced VR headset comes out that uses electrical shocks to stimulate your brain so you can experience any feelings your characters feel
>Eventually some games have a "Hard core" mode where the device will electrocute your brain with a lethal amount of volts if you die in game
>Everyone calls you a pussy if you don't play on that difficulty
fuck you and everything you stand for
i FUCKING HATE you for even asking that
You do know that sociopaths don't control people by "being a dictator", yes?
They love people who work with them. They value them as assets. Not as human beings, mind you.
The brutal killing stuff is what happens to enemies and traitors.
Sociopaths don't crave power, they're just what happens when humans get bored and have no empathy.
They seek challenge and stimulus, which is why they seek power.
We're in an age where tech is advanced enough to provide challenge without fucking up the world.
Bringing this all back to vidya, video games ironically are probably the best way to do that.
Fuck off, Kant. Conditionless free will doesn't exist because the mind is not a conditionless causation in its own.
And the universe is deterministic for the most part, and the parts that aren't are quantum-mechanically spontaneous and thus out of our control (and therefore our will).
"Free" will makes no sense logically.
you're confusing everyday run-of-the-mill sociopathy with people like hitler
they're completely different
Star Citizen levels not like the shitty cryengine games currently being made.
BIology is modifiable or even abandonable.
And quantum mechanical spontaneousness can be exploited and manipulated, see the delayed choice quantum erasure experiment for an example.
Would have been a better argument if you said that it was useless to manipulate, because we don't actually know to what extent we can.
Not really.
Sup Forums when they say right that the current public image of him is an absolute farce.
Partially because no one wants to admit they went along with it.
Partially because he spooked the elites something hard because he was something that could replace them.
>rape camping them
Why did this make me laugh so much?
>spawn into a vr chat server
>a clown appears in front of you
>immediately forced into sucking his dick
>you have to sit their for five minutes while he rapes your face
>after cums all over you he smashes your head with an oversized mallet
>you respawn and he does it again
yes really
people geninunely crave power over others, not 'challenge', and that can't be satiated with video games
even if you're one of those idiots who think hitler was a good guy, the same personality traits apply to any other dictator, they control people through fear and create oppressive and corrupt regime which will inevitably collapse from the inside if they aren't defeated through their own warmongering
>soldier you control sees his friend get his head blown off.
>starts puking uncontrollably, shits himself.
>decides to end this hell, runs straight towards enemy lines for the sweet release of death.
>triggers QTE, where pressing the wrong button leads to your soldier pulling out a knife and falling on it, to speed up the suicide process. Pressing the right button means you get back in the trench, and try to clean the shit out of your pants with a Bethesda lockpicking type of mini game.
Yeah, too much realism would kind of ruin it.
>And quantum mechanical spontaneousness can be exploited and manipulated
Absolutely not confirmed at all though, and last I heard the vote was leaning in favor of retrocausality rather than non-determinism.
And none of this proves that the human mind can be its own causation, a necessary condition of free will.
>BIology is modifiable or even abandonable
what does this even mean, you can't ADD metaphysical free will with some mods you dork
This, this, one thousand times this.
This is one of the best posts I've seen in awhile, are we really on Sup Forums right now?
>Absolutely not confirmed at all though, and last I heard the vote was leaning in favor of retrocausality rather than non-determinism.
Interesting. Not heard that, but I don't actually follow QM all too much.
Wrong though.
They do kill people, but people either thought of it as necessary or didn't even know about it.
Again, society is a means to control, and it works well.
That the soft counters of emotion, hormones, and other shit can be mitigated quite easily via modification of the brain?
And that perception is reality, regardless of whether or not reality is all that exists.