Dodogama appreciation thread

Dodogama appreciation thread


Fuck you, gimme your jaw.


Is he the meme monster of MHW?

He makes the best horn, best boy.

>Only eats rocks laced with bioenergy
>Can't survive outside extremely niche environment
>Docile, has little mobility and is walled off in a valley unsuitable for human habitation.

What is the point of hunting him again? I get few samples for science but past that he is literally the same as Steller's Sea Cow and should be protected.

Also makes a great CB with 2 L2 slots.

>you will never squish that tummy

He doesn't even make great armor. It's very low rarity for a monster at that stage of the game.

Humans are the true monsters in these games for killing things like Dodo.

Well some monsters like (Great) Jagras and Girros are pests and some monsters are harmful because they are so aggressive that culling or driving them away from people makes sense.

Not Dodo and Kulu though.

I make a point never to kill Tzi-tzi Bro unless specifically ordered to. He's just...Well, a bro.

>having fun fighting Legiana with my Kulu IG
>blue raptor shows up and flashbangs both of us midair and drop flat on the ground
Made me chuckle but holy shit, he was a dickwad

>not using the superior pukei pukei IG

>Fighting odogaron and legiana in 8 with three other people
>Tzitzi flash bangs all of us
>Muffled chicken noises in the distance as he runs off


I always throw on Stun Resist Lv3 gear when fighting Tzitzis. Makes them really not able to do anything to you, almost feels bad. They channel and prep their flashbang and I just casually walk up and cleave their head with my huge ass sword.


>I must go, my people need me

>Charizard used Seismic Toss!

>hold on, let me check my encyclopedia for a zero-g monster

So that is what they meant by no G-rank.

>Fighting uragaan
>Run away to heal
>This sneaky fuck peaks around the corner and lobs a lava ball at me
>Dodge with a millisecond to spare
This fat fuck almost cheap shotted me