Am I an idiot for preferring this game to its sequel? I am really not sure what I like more about it...

Am I an idiot for preferring this game to its sequel? I am really not sure what I like more about it, but I just gravitate more to this game than 2.

yes, since the sequel is better in all ways

its a common opinion around here to pretend to like 1 more for some reason, not sure why

Not him, but maybe people like the lack of melee weapons or new infected.

yep, especially considering 2 already has all of the content the first game has built in.

The second one have all the content from the first one

Fucking get over it OP - I did

Valve has literally done everything they can to kill L4D1 by adding these to L4D2:

>Trading cards
>Steam workshop
>All the maps from L4D1

Just move onto the sequel and use the L4D1 workshop items

>maybe people like less features

and that's why bad opinions are invalid

not in all ways though, 1 is way more polished

2 to this date still hasn't fixed the incapication animation for example

I like L4D1 more, too.

I think the atmosphere is great.

>1 is way more polished

it's not only less polished it is lower fidelity in every way and the engine is capable of far less

no idea what animation youre talking about

the simple fact that l4d has 6 gore zones and l4d2 has a dynamic subtractive gore model just means that you should have never touched the first one again after 2 came out

i think honestly some of you hate/cant stand to play as black people which is hilarious because tthe cast of the first game was pure garbage