Moon Presence should honestly have been an unwinnable fight unless you kill his body in the chalice dungeons first...

Moon Presence should honestly have been an unwinnable fight unless you kill his body in the chalice dungeons first. Make the gaze of the moon attack an allant styled level drain except that it automatically drains all of your levels and sends you back to the start of the game when the boss reaches 50% hp or something.

Him being a pushover kind of made him seem like a worthless, threathless, anticlimactic nonentity like true Allant but I dont think his design or place in the lore fits that at all

Other urls found in this thread:

>being forced to go through the Chalice Dungeons just to fight the true final boss
Maybe if they were actually good, but they can fuck off in their current state.

You can fight him in the chalice dungeons? Never seen him down there.

he's only in hacked chalice dungeons, basically cut content.

>forcing players to go through the chalice dungeons

That would have honestly reduced Bloodborne from a strong 8/10 to a 5/10.

Cut content, he's not the only thing cut, there's a lot that's been recovered

How is that "forcing" you to do anything. Moon Presence is already a secret boss that you have to collect items for

This, chalices are great bonus content but would have made for poor core content

It was replaced by the finalized version obviously because its moveset was shit. It had two flail attacks with bed of chaos hitboxes and one float and drop attack that does AoE. Its not cut, its more like it was just shit and they made a better one.
Have you beaten that thing in the CD? Doesn't look serviceable to be final boss and is a hollowed King Vendrick repeat.

Zullie must be pissed right now because Vaati plagiarized their find and dubbed the "Cut Content from Bloodborne" the youtube video, pulling in half a million views from youtube retards. Never seen such a blatant desperate attempt to plagiarize from him. And yet Sup Forums still wont learn and will probably help him reign in the free money from the hard work of Sup Forums once Dark Souls 1 HD comes out or when Shadows Die Twice hits. He's like a gay Australian tumor stuck to Fromsoft after bandwagoning as Dark Souls 2 came out.
I wish Google's censorship algorithm would do justice for once and remove him from peoples search feeds.

Are you genuinely retarded? Its cut content and its blatantly unfinished, youre an actual downie that has absolutely no idea about what youre drooling about