Thoughts on the OG VN?
Fate/Stay Night
Only good thing about the franchise desu.
All the other spin offs are shit except Zero and Extra
I love it
Prisma is probably the worst shit in Fate
Hey, Hollow Ataraxia was good too
Its the only one in the series I've played, don't need to play others as i was satisfied enough with the bittersweet ending and didn't want to ruin that feeling by watching other possible distasteful routes. Also the Illya anime ecchi spinoffs are cancer imo.
Oh shit yeah that too.
Haven't got around to play it with the voice patch
Please tell me you don't mean UBW and HF when you say "other routes"
is that King Arthur?
Why don't anime only fags get his character?
The Illya in Prisma is a generic moe loli.
Stay Night Illya is so much better
Fate is the worst though
Secondaries only get 1/3 of the story.
A good read that got slowly ruined by all the extra material they released afterwards.
UBW > HF > Fate
Are VNs video games?
The only decent thing about the franchise anymore, until they started to cater to pedophiles to make more money.
It's one of my favorite VNs despite some of it's flaws, probably because it is the first VN I played that was longer than 50 hours.
They're regarded as vidya in Japan so yeah.
Shirou x Saber a best
Yeah they are.
They meet all the requirements to be vidya
I think FGO is worse since they cater to self inserting gambling retards
>literally zero gameplay
You literally have an entire board for it
Go there and stay there
I finished the Fate route a week ago and I don't really have the motivation to read other routes for now. I didn't like it that much, I thought it was way too long and a bit boring.
I've heard that Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's feel are better, but is it really worth it if I didn't like Fate?
Plus, I know about the fact that Archer is Shirou from the future or something, so should I just give up?
>not playing HA
Funny how they threw a bitchfit because Semi had a canon love interest
Only read the first route and it was fucking awful
What board would that be?
Fate is basically a 20-hour long tutorial. UBW and HF are the actual game.
Fate was weighed down by it having to spend a lot of its time being explanation on the HGW and magic in general. Generally, UBW and HF are considered much better because they can focus more on plot and characters instead of exposition.
Choosing dialogue options is gameplay.
>Requires Interaction
>Video device
That's all you need to be a video game
Because the original DEEN anime botched the adaptation of the Fate route and tried to includes parts of the other 2 routes in it as well.
UFOTable's UBW does a pretty good job with Shirou's characterization and does an amazing job with Archer and his characterization and motivations.
first i saw a thread about cars and then this thread.
i had to scroll up to see which fucking board i was lurking at
fucking Sup Forums
I like it quite a lot
Carnival Phantasm is a masterpiece.
No one could be this retarded, right?
self-insert fags need to be killed.
>Not liking Notes
Yeah V/V has less screentime than that other cool angel but ending was pretty good
it's /jp/
It's awful and I hate it. Completely overwrought hackneyed garbage with a moral quandary a preschooler could figure out dragged out for 30+ hours.
Also mechanically speaking, I hate how 99% of the choices are just between "die" and "continue". I wish they'd dropped the pretense and just wrote a shitty picture book.
>Nasu will never write anything good again
Only if you can lose.
By the definition in that pic, kinetic VNs are games too. Which they aren't.
/jp/ is not "an entire board for visual novels". Sure they talk about VNs, they have a general for untranslated ones and occasionally threads pop up for other ones, but to act like VNs are the main purpose of the board or even that the majority of /jp/ users even give a shit about VNs beyond maybe having played one or two of them is incredibly stupid.
where do you go to talk about western vns?
Love it despite its flaws. It was a nice experience since I read it gradually over the course of half a year but only on the weekends. Watching Zero afterwards was immensly satsifying knowing every lore detail. While my friends were dumbfounded at some points, I explained them those small details. I wish there was something like it but most of the franchise has seen a decline in quality and I'm not interested in the mobile game.
You didn't seriously stop after Ciel's route did you? Far side of the moon is so much better.
It's too long (a problem with a lot of visual novels in general), and the prose makes it a massive chore to get through.
u dare post mai waifu without my permission???
Rate the routes in Fate and Tsukihime
Shiro in UFOTable's UBW is the most insufferable mc ever and his ideals are retarded
I really hope that he is better in VN
Archer, Caster, Fake Assassin, Kuzuki, Lancer, Gilgamesh
Rin, Illya, Sakura, Shinji, Rider, Zouken, Assassin, Kiritsugu, Kotomine
Which was the better route?
Heaven's Feel is the best route
Because no adaptation can properly convey his character without walls of text
UBW is much better than fate since it skips all early the infodump and I personally consider it the best paced route.
HF has the boring SOL scenes at the beggining, but it gets good as it progresses.