>Rapunzel mains
>claims her healing mechanics aren't broken as fuck
>Demands Baloo gets a nerf
>threw a colassal bitch fit when the recent patch buffed Pinocchio, Mulan and Dumbo
Why are Rapunzel fags this pathetic?
Rapunzel mains
Is this a joke thread or am I seriously out of the loop on some Disney vidya meta?
>Rapunzel healing mechanics are broken
Are you fucking retarded? Just cut her hair and she can't heal anymore
barely anyone can actually cut her hair without a long ass combo, like the only one of the top of my head is Aladdin and he is d tier.
>claims her healing mechanics aren't broken as fuck
Just keep pressuring when she has the meter, she doesn't have any decent meterless reversal or anti-air to make it difficult. I know it's frustrating to feel like you have lost your progress but in the end you could have died if she had an offensive super instead of healing so it's not really that good. It's like USF4 all over again.
>Demands Baloo gets a nerf
Everyone but Baloo mains and the other S tier mains agree he's too good. Characters based on armoured moves are always a mess.
>threw a colassal bitch fit when the recent patch buffed Pinocchio, Mulan and Dumbo
I don't really get this one honestly, Mulan and Pinocchio needed them, really. As for Dumbo, meh, there are worse thing in the game to worry about.
>4 mickeys
play ranked in there you can only have one of every hero.
Also i heard they are adding ultimates in the next patch? that seems like a huge change that completely change the meta why are they just adding it in a random mid season patch wtf is Disney thinking?
I hope they at least reset ranked so i don't have to climb from bronze.
Baloo is fine, he clearly has weakness in his movement ability. No reason to nerf him.
these are funnier with Ed, Edd, n' Eddy.
How many times are you going to post this exact post?