Why do people hate this game so much?

Why do people hate this game so much?

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it's shit

it's not what fallout is supposed to represent.

Still no good sex mods.

It shits on everything Fallout is supposed to be in favor of the "DO YOU HATE FUN OR SOMETHING????" audience.

It's the Deus Ex: Invisible War of 2010's.

its a bad game literally everything about it

it's shit but at least the gameplay is more fun than 3 or nv

It has the best shooting of any Fallout game ever made
It has better AI than previous games too
It has dynamic quests too

It's a disgrace to Fallout and RPGs, on top of the fact that it's bad.

They're a billion dollar studio releasing a $60 game and they still wanted the community to build 90% of the content for free. When that didn't work out, they wanted to make money off of the free community content. This isn't even a stupid Sup Forums conspiracy theory, they really were just brazenly trying to print free money.

>gameplay is gunplay
Unironically kys

>robot race track
>grenade button same as melee button
>misused hellsboys voice acting for a stupid news caster instead of the endings.

Because it's trash and someone should shoebomb Bethesda hq

The dialogue wheel watered down the potential of branching choices and alternate quest solutions.

>dynamic quests too
Shut the fuck up you drooling imbecile

Every iteration seems to lose more RPG elements and this was another giant leap in that direction. There is no stat checks in the entire game anymore except for the USS constitution chain.

wrpgs aren't my thing to begin with, so the little time i spent with the game is all i have to go by, but it was more enjoyable than 3 or nv, so that's my final offer unfortunately, sowwy user

It's natural to hate stupid people and the things they make.
I feel so sorry for todd, being tied to those worse than indian tier programmers.
Friendly reminder that zenimax genuinely didn't do anything wrong, at least in this case, it's all bethesda's nigger tier programmers.

They barely even know how to use python anymore and had to have ID do the gunplay because that requires actually using C++

>It has the best shooting of any Fallout game ever made
Doesn't make it a good game.
>It has better AI than previous games too
That's not saying much at all.
>It has dynamic quests too
Yes, and they're awful.

Nerds are just BTFO about the limited dialogue responses instead of massive blocks of text to choose from.

I'm sowwy too, I'm sowwy mommy didn't just babort you.

>It has the best shooting of any Fallout game ever made
I will give you that point since I've never used vats in fallout 4
>It has better AI than previous games too
Generally this isn't really a strong point since RPGs in general don't need strong AI.
>It has dynamic quests too
You mean those 'please go to settlement buttfuck and help them with their super mutant problem' quests? Those aren't really fun.

I liked it. Probably a 3.7/10

Reasons people don't like it outside of "cause it's bad" and "companies don't deserve to make profit:"
1. It has no replay value, there are no interesting additional quest lines in the vanilla game after the first thorough playthrough
2. Paid mods kill the potential value
3. Endings are shit, not satisfying to just see Shawn, collect loot, dip out or see Shawn, murder everyone, dip out
4. It's easy to become OP if you have any resource management skills at all
5. The game is very much limited in combat options, yes it has a skill tree but, aside from key perks you'll get anyways, it barely effects your gameplay

Reasons why it's fun
1. Pew pew
2. Deathclaws

i understand it hurts that a video game series you used to love has been reduced to what it's been reduced to, but there's really no need to get that upset, man. everyone here has experienced it, there are plenty of series that have become heartbreakingly shitty, like MH with the release of World.

>>Being a nigger I cant read
>>Too much text for me gets in the way of a hit of sweet sweet crack
>>I thought this was COD sheeeet

because it's a piece of shit?

Didn't live up to its potential. FO changed the landscape of RPGs, it pushed the envelop hard compared to Wasteland. One can forgive FO3 its misgivings, a necessary stumble to eventually spawn a better game (NV). FO4 is just the same shit with a fresh coat of paint but exceptionally worse in all the things that mattered.

>Putting words in my mouth

Fuck off. loser.

Would another Obsidian game with JSawyer at the helm salvage the franchise, like NV to FO3? Would it have a dialogue and skill system aimed at people with 3 digit IQ's?

Yeah we've all seen how much you hate words.

Only like 5% of the population has a three digit IQ

the tutorial is the first 25% of the main quest

it forces you to play nice with each faction

You only got an evil option after nuka world

No one here has an original opinion, they just spout opinions that someone had years ago, then look on wikia to back it up.


I've never seen anyone else say todd did nothing wrong, his programming department are nepotistic assholes who lie constantly, and that fallout would be find in bethesda's hand if it weren't for them.

It's FO3 all over again, except arguably even dumber. After NV proved it's not impossible to make a 3D Fallout game with depth and nuance, it's hard to go back to the way things were.

What % of the quests is radiant? It has to be over 50%.

>still uses a buggy, old ass engine
>moves further away from the "rpg" elements of older fallout games
>focus on stupid fortbuilding
it wasnt a bad game, but it didnt do enough improvements and it took away a lot of things people liked

bethesda needs to stop being jewish and build a current gen fucking game engine

am I the only who prefers the gunplay of NV and the AI?

FO4 feels like you are shooting nerf guns to blobs.

What does the population have to do with anything?


A baby is drowning in the lake:

>Fallout 1
Ask for more information
Agree to help
Decide not to help
Accidentally say something that pisses the NPC off, failing the quest.
Reveal too much information about yourself, causing the Super Mutants to track your vault more easily.

>Fallout 2
Ask for more information
Agree to help
Decide not to help
Accidentally say something that pisses the NPC off, failing the quest
Pop culture reference about the baby

>Fallout 3
Yes, I will save the baby
Depends on the caps
I will not save the baby
[Intelligence] The baby is drowning

>Fallout New Vegas
I will save the baby
I will not save the baby
[Barter 30] Double the caps and I'll save the baby
[Medicine 30] Thanks to my medical knowledge, I will easily be able to save the baby
[Survival 15/30] Uh.... yeah, I totally know how to swim

>Fallout 4
No (Yes)
Sarcastic (Yes)

Engine isn't the problem, the engine is literally a bunch of libraries and plenty of other games have used gamebryo and had vehicles, ladders, and other complex shit
The problem is the people implementing it.

Thank you for proving my point on how BTFO you faggots are about dialogue options.

"ITS NOT NEW VEGAS!!!!" Literally every brainlet that shits on this game

>Story is a mediocre re-hash of FO3
>Many lore issues in FO4 or things that just don't make sense with the established canon, the PR guy of Bethesda (Pete Hines) basically just says "lol like I give a shit about what you NERDS think about a VIDEO GAME"
>Voice acting is pretty hit-or-miss
>Not as many side areas or secrets in this game in comparison to previous games. Almost all the locations are associated with a corresponding fetch quest.
>Lot of bugs that are still in there to this day (see: random civilians turning hostile to you every time you try to teleport into the Minuteman Fort no matter what your allegiance is)
>Most of the RPGs mechanics from previous games got thrown out or otherwise dumbed down
>unnecessary amount of developer time/attention given to base/settlement building at the expense of the rest of the game
>generally boring factions or they managed to make interesting factions fucking awful (see the FO4 BoS).

Take your pick.

>>still uses a buggy, old ass engine
Creation engine=/=gamebryo
>>moves further away from the "rpg" elements of older fallout games
this is not a bad thing
>>focus on stupid fortbuilding
only if you side with the minutemen.

try playing the game idiot

Boston was a bland setting. I didn't have the same excitement roaming like I did in 3 and NV

>anyone who dislikes the game didnt play it
Ive played through it 3+ times now and had fun but there are legit flaws. idiot

FO4 is missing "Is the baby drowning?"

>unironically saying creative engine
Creative Engine is a buzzword for "We're stupid and can't use C++ but we pretend like we can and then we blame it on the guys who sell us their libraries"

Better question for ya, OP. Why do dumb cunts defend this game as though their livelihood depended on it and they have a personal stake in the argument?

Fallout 4 fans are willing to bend over backwards to ignore any/all flaws in the game and LOVE engaging in whataboutism to distract from the game's glaring flaws.

They are doing it ironically because LE EBIK TROL

GTX1080 + i78700k and still low FPS in Boston

Oh don't get me wrong, the game isn't perfect.

but no one here has actually put any amount of time into the game to list what the actual fucking problems are. They just bring up the quest turn-in dialouge wheel where there's really no other answer other than "hey this quest is complete. pay me." Or they bitch about the jet that's in a pre-war addicts vault on the edge of the glowing sea that you'll probably miss unless cait tells you to go to it.

No one ever goes into how the game suffers from massive slowdowns because they put so many itty bitty details on the side of the road to the point where even my 1070 chugs. Or how there's a suit of X-01 power armor on public display in nuka world with Nuka fucking cola quantum branding.

No one ever goes into any shit like that because no one here has played the game past 3 hours. It's an absolutely massive game with a story for 99/100 dungeons that you have to actively search for.

todd pays them

post your steam hours then

>best shooting of any fallout
Sure, but even then it's still not close to the best FPS games. Kind of a weak point.
>better AI than previous games
Eh, not really. Wasn't really noticeable if it was.
>dynamic quests
Lmao, have you been around for how much shit these get even back during Skyrim? They aren't done well in the slightest.

>Replay fallout 4
>Get strong as companion
>Dislikes every god damn thing you do if it isn't violence
>Dislikes lockpicking
The fuck are you bitching about how else am i going to open this shit you piece of green fucking faggot shit

and then Yes

>Why do dumb cunts defend this game

>Includes me even though I wasn't defending anything

Why are mass repliers always so fucking stupid?

Why bother discussing things people all already know?
Not everyone knows that the reason why everything is so shit because the entire programming department at bethesda's in house studio just lies out their ass and says things are impossible because of the engine when they can't do them, so that's worth discussing

strong is the worst companion stg

>nearly everyone and their reddit persona shits on Fallout 4 and insult the people that enjoyed it
Faggots like you are the worst, first you attack someone and then you bitch and cry when someone retaliates.

>run around and explore lifeless dungeons with no quests or side stories (not even uninteresting ones)
>level 50 and i haven't found more than 2 quests that aren't "i dropped my X at this base full of X, go get it"

I like it every now and then but something about it is absolutely terrible. It feels so cheap and rushed. I enjoy most fallout games more than many and the fact that I like collecting resources and building towns the most doesn't say good things about this game.

p much this, famalamadoo.

How do you have that many hours on this atrocity? Jesus Christ. It's not even a good game in its own right, let alone a good fallout game.

Whatever nigger, play the victim all you want. It isn't going to make Fallout 4 any less of a mediocre game.

Not him. You can loose yourself in it. I spent near a day just making Starlight Drive-In into my home.

because i spent time with the game and tweaked it with some minor mods to make it fun.

First thing is to up the weapon damage. You should be one-shotted at low levels, as you should one-shot in return.

Next thing you need to do is remove all the useless shit on the side of the road. Gravel, bricks, crushed up milkjugs, garbage stacks, it all eats into your framerate, and it makes the game not fun.

The game is a blast if you give it a chance, but like i said, you have to GIVE-IT-A-CHANCE
>Bulldozed through the mainquest, did maybe 7 sidequests and bitches
Literally every dungeon has something to explore.

you diddn't even find the secret science bunker in university point did you?

so are you going to post your hours or what?

no, the game is fun if you get the right mods. meaning you're overrating the base game which is what is being rated

Because there were like 3 things they didn't like about it, therefore it's the worst thing ever.

I had fun with it at launch before there even were mods.

and they made it a PITA to install mods at launch.

One of my reasons for hating it is that it turned Ghouls into literal zombies.

Are those arcade cabinets a mod?

But that's basically what feral ghouls are.

>grenade button same as melee button

I think we all know that consolefaggotry is responsible for that.

shit dislog system makes it all minor

Maybe it's just a bad game, bro.

my hours are on ps4 and xbox, but itd be roughly 115 hours

so they could push creation club

Yes, but they never crawled out of graves to take revenge on the living before. They also died in much the same way as people do, that includes losing whole limbs leading to a very fast death.

I was okay with it once I figured it out. Should have had a setting though.

Ghouls are not zombies.
Ghouls are just ''extra crispy'' people.

Nexus modders were the ones who convinced them they could, bethesda's modding community is really just disgusting, especially compared to other ones.
It took two attempts at paid mods to get the defenders of the system to shut the fuck up and for them to implement clickshekels on the nexus.
Modders were the ones who had input on the prices of CC things, most of them see their mediocre model manips and resizes as "art" and think they deserve a fortune.
If it weren't for the fact that closed sourcing your mod is basically impossible if all you have is the stuff that's CK garbage, I have no doubt 99% of files on the nexus would be closed source.

There isn't a single more entitled modding community on the face of the earth.

It's fascinating to me that incompetent devs can somehow produce such a successful product. IIRC Obsidian was able to do simple code work-arounds that bethesda stated were impossible. It's why they can't evolve from the engine they've been using for decades. They're literally too incompetent to work outside of it

>I play a bethsoft game on console so my opinion has merit

Because it isn't new Vegas

>inb4 this is somehow not enough to have "given the game a chance"

>having a small white penis

>user can't judge the game because he played it on console when most of the limitations were designed with console in mind

It's even worse than that; the engine they blame is a series of libraries DESIGNED to be swapped out and compatible with everything and easy to use.
They still have trouble with it.

Pretty much. As of yet creation club has been a failure. The only good things we've gotten are a tunnel snakes mini-story, some arcade cabinets that play the robco fun holotapes, and the slocum joe's. The doughnuts are OP as fuck. Strawberry is 2X sneak attack damage.

Courier is such a cool character cause he can be whatever you want him/her to be. This is what I think an RPG should be.

Instead you play a predetermined character, this is much more suited to a linear story game rather then an open world game

One of those retards actually said that dumbing down the RPG aspects wasn't a bad thing. That's a fucking garbage opinion worth attacking.

And if anyone is wondering what the tunnel snakes thing is all about, Oxhorn made a video covering it, so you don't have to buy or play it.

>Is OP a faggot?

Yes (funny)
No (yes)

>pick one

That's not your opinion, that's the actual definition, an RPG is a sandbox game where you roleplay a character.
By definition cannot have a predetermined character.

The only reason people get confused is because normalfags don't get that most of the terms that have "RPG" in them aren't actually RPGs but borrow features that are typically used as the walls of the sandbox.
Hence why people think the witcher 3 is an RPG.
Or that jRPGs are RPGs when if they were the j wouldn't be necessary.

what does having RPG elements shoe-horned in add to gameplay?