This is the worst boss

This is the worst boss

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That's not bed of chaos.

Can't be the worst boss with a name like "Ceaseless discharge."

his mommy beats him because she's more hyped as a Lord Soul

Ceaseless Discharge is still more fun than the entirety of Dark Souls 3.

Well meme'd friend, a chalice dungeon toast to you.

>hits you through a wall with his tentacle

Lud and Zallen exist OP.

Fuck 2cat. That has got to be the worst boss run.


>kills you before you can run back to the fog gate
not even close baybeee

why does everyone forget about Centipede Demon?

Because of this guy who stuck his neck out for us.

>mfw he doesn't even need to "hit" you because he shoots gigantic explosions from his arm which go through the geometry
>he would do this literally every single time i enter the fog gate so its impossible to get on even ground to fight him and instead I have to cheese the elevation of his attacks
10/10 game design

>244 hours
>never killed him legitimately

im playing through ds3 co-op with a friend, start to finish, we just made it to izalith. it's a blast but...why does it still not compare to ds1? what makes ds1 such a more satisfying game?

Because he's a decent boss if faced in the lava where his AI isn't fucked.

Why the fuck would you fight it in the lava?

>"I watch guides before playing a game"

For a better experience fighting it. Alternatively you can cut the tail off, obtain the ring and then die.

I honest beat this fucker by hiding inside a crevice in the wall where whenever he would try to attack me his arm would get stuck. Fuck fighting this guy fairly

I did once, his hitboxes are dildos.

I accidentally ended up killing him the cheese way on my first go and thought he was meant to be a joke "boss".

the mechanic should have been that initially you can't damage him when he's on land, because his skin hardens up into rock. Only thing you can damage is his tail, which drops the ring and then you can fight him in the lava.

the Bed of Chaos is literally the worst boss of all time

I like how he looks at least

Bed of Chaos is a lame setpiece.
Ceaseless Discharge is an actual terrible boss.

This. The Bed of Chaos works perfectly fine as what it is meant to be, a puzzle, its fault is that it's a puzzle that takes the slot of what should have been by all rights one of the most intense fights in the game.
Ceaseless Discharge is a boss that treats hitboxes as a funny joke rather than a rule.

thats not centipede demon

Ceaseless Discharge is also a lame setpiece.

Ceaseless is just a decent setpiece.

I had no idea this was how you're meant to kill it.

It only works that way the first time you fight him. If you die, he never does the 'fuck me in the ass' grab again.

>one of the most intense fights in the game.
Top be fair, all lord souls fights were terrible and incredibly easy. The only hard part I remmeber is for Seath to stop spinning to cut its tail

I've found ways to defeat all bosses except that one, like what the fuck is that huge rock doing in the middle if the fire hits you anyway?

>ceaseless discharge probable spends all his time watching over his sisters, as that as the only bit of happines he can experience

And that's a damn shame, considering all the hype built up by the intro and the lore.
Though Gwyn at least managed to give me the business in the first few attempts and made for a memorable enough final boss fight [as a first time player I was naturally a shield babby and his aggressiveness was too much for me] only soiled by the fact that the walkback through the Kiln, while amazing the first time, is atrocious for repeated attempts.

I still killed them all first try, Gwyn was so slow and circling around the rocks basiclaly destroys him.

that doesn't sound right. i can get pretty close before he starts attacking even at medium equip load. it's hard to see his first attack so it usually damages me but rarely does it kill.



I was not able to finish dark souls as I remember because I had pure STR build and when I got to the 4 kings I was not able to kill one in time before the other appears.
What is the tactic for him in this sutation.

2 hand, run a lot and do jump attacks then kepe hitting.

Still not as bad as the bed of chaos, at least you can kill ceaseless discharge in like half a minute.

I wouldn't call 4 Kings easy on your first attempt. The others definitely are sadly

Hit him with the Zwei several times

not true, it's pretty much just shitty pathfinding which makes him get stuck sometimes

>watch over his sisters
>is placed 1000 meters from them and geometrically below them as well

the sisters were bullies desu

first go buy the spell stoneplate ring. if you're using a heavy weapon, two hand it and dodge all of the attacks, shields will only slow you down for this fight. attack after every dodge, unless you have a really slow weapon, then you just have to hope for the best. or grind dexterity and use ricard's rapier it has a highly damaging two handed attack.

The Nito room and his design are 10/10 during the fight

Too bad he's fairly easy

How'd you know how to find Smouldering Lake?

If by stuck you mean spam his multitude of "fuck you" attacks while you cower by the fog gate waiting for him to finally do his dumbass grab, then sure.


Homeward bone out if he does the fuck you homing purple magic attack

>New DaS run
>Grab the Partizan because I wanted a spear this time
>Suffer through Blighttown
>Expect to get raped by Queelag because I had to rely on Mildred on my first playthrough and gave up on her in the second
>Kill her first try


What weapon are you using btw?

He watched over his dead sister at least

Isn't he supposed to be a sort of Capra Demon situation where the only reason he's easy is that people know not to venture far from the start of the arena, where giant skeletons don't spawn?
I assume him flanked by multiple of those cunts would make the fight a lot more hectic

Smouldering lake is not terribly hard to find, that bridge and the way it hangs there once broken just looks terribly fishy, even if you don't notice the ledge.
Though my first handful of playthroughs I didn't realize the bridge was a ladder [because it takes way too long for the prompt to appear] and just jumped off and tanked the damage.

The game lost something by being faster than the previous Souls games, and the first game had a more tightly-knit world design. DS3 is still my favorite game in the franchise, but the first game's atmosphere simply cannot be matched by anything.
Also 3 is missing the lovely clanking of heavy armor when you move

If you want the noob strat just wear full havels and you become fucking invincible against that boss

Average Sup Forums faggot in a nutshell

That Dragon Tooth from Havel

>Also 3 is missing the lovely clanking of heavy armor when you move
Saved me sixty burgers, thanks

Abuse there mechanics.
If you are standing next to them when they swing they only hit you with their 'hilt' doing like 20% damage.
Wear full havels and then 2hand the zweihander and destroy them.

This is the real worst boss

>become fucking invincible against that boss
You mean throughout the whole game. I remember on my first run I put some points into end to wear heavier weapons and armor. At some point I found havel's ring and his armor and I could just stand still and smack everything. And against attacks that would normally hit really hard a normal shield + havel's would be enough.