What do you think about Asmongold?

What do you think about Asmongold?

I used to like him when he did youtube videos. Now he is just retarded cam whore

More like AssMongoloid

I really don't care for his WoW gameplay. I watch him because he's an entertaining guy, and unlike a lot of streamers he remained humble despite being a big streamer.

He's sad

>and unlike a lot of streamers he remained humble despite being a big streamer.
Yeah right


He has an entertaining personality and i don't personally have a problem who he is but i just hate all the channels that solely exists as like PR departments for Blizzard and exist basically to just suck their cock like Bellular etc and Asmongold kind of became like that after a while

I'm surprised that he hasn't contracted some horrible disease yet

he makes a living being a hotpocket eating neet and playing world of warcraft
living the life

You don't think he's humble?

he's my boi

>PR for Blizz

pick 1

>gets invited to Blizzcon to commentate
>has some nice things to say in a video afterwards, his own opinion
Not sure where you were going with this post.

he went to blizzcon and was on a good goy panel for fucks sake and he hasnt criticised them or the game for some time

I like him. He starts streaming about an hour after i get home from work, so when i get home i make dinner, turn on his stream and play wow til i go to bed, its nice

far from it

>brings up perfectly viable point
>roasts you instead of providing counter-argument
fuck asmon, and his beta fans

>goes on and on about how hes such a pro hardcore player
>had to quit mythic raiding because it was too hard for him

Dude is fucking nasty. You can feel the grease from his hair just by looking at his picture. He also looks like a pedo.

>memes about being hardcore
>Quit mythic raiding because its boring for his stream and the gear you get from mythic is not much better then LFR

Hes legit just a big meme