Any enemies or minibosses or bosses you want to return?
Kirby Star Allies Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
lets go
he's on his way user
he ded
Any of the Extra Game enemies from KDL
especially Benny, P. Umpkin, and Koozer
I want Paint Roller back just to laugh at Adeline fags.
Oh fugg, what happens when you sit on the Plugg?
I kinda want to see Master Green return
just sit between the prongs
butt plugg
You're in for a shock!
they acknowledged him in the twitter, at least
better than Efreeti and Waiu got
Chef Kawasaki
double borbs
Players 2-4 can't throw friend hearts, and in the helper trailer, we clearly see a helper throw a friend heart.
Without a fucking doubt, Helper EX is an actual mode in the game
a buff kawasaki
>Players 2-4 can't throw friend hearts
They actually can, but instead of adding to your group, they immediately take possession of whatever they hit.
>helper trailer has the helpers alone, in their default colors
that should have been your first clue
new tweet, no major news, at least nothing yet for tonight
last chance for new footage from this event is one week from today
I’m worried star allies isn’t just gonna be your average easy kirby game. Instead it’ll probably be piss easy and that worries me
It's RTDL 2. The levels are gonna be wide and empty to compensate for 4 players.
Everyone below this post is a BORB
>rezzing now a thing
good for multiplayer but you're gonna need to make a freakin effort to get a game over
I am no borb...
Japan will eat uo this game and touhou crossovers will rise as result.
At least RtDl had the extra mode after finishing the game with tougher enemies and less HP. It didn’t make it all that much harder but it at least made self-imposed challenges more fun. Robobot has nothing of the sorts besides the arenas and that means even base kirby can breeze through the whole game no matter how gimped you make him
>shitting on specific fandoms
Why is this suddenly allowed? I know this is Sup Forums, but this is still excessive.
>Poppy Bro instantly goes from trying to kill Kirby to cuddling and high-fiving him
Kirby, bro, this isn't friendship. This is brainwashing.
man I hope so.
you light up like a christmas tree
>implying the two are mutually exclusive
>kirby crossing over with literally who weebshit
Never ever
Who should Kirby cross over with?
Hard mode: no Megaman.
Metroid or Starfy
sonic (pink blur)
rayman (because dreams)
steven universe (because fuck you i love that show)
Starfy or bust
but he already did you dumb baka in teiko drum master.
never heard of bust
is it good
>japan only shovelware
Oh good so it doesn't count
>samus arrives on Pop Star for to kill metroids
>meet kirby and go around finding metroids n shit
>go around in an Amazing Mirror-like world and unlock copy abilities for samus
That’d be sick desu
>If I take that off, will you die?
How could anyone be a fan of tuhou? It's like the most generic weebshit to ever generic.
Like whats the point? It's pointless to be a fan of something that doesn't even have an identity
>robobot-themed power suit
yes please.
>The regularly cheery aesthetics and enemies of Kirby
>Mood and Music of Metroid
Unsettling as fuck
This is the annoying thing about this game.
Friendly reminder Dark Matter faked its death (and it's behind all the villains)
Guys how would you feel about a Helper amiibo that functions like a smash bros amiibo?
>helper starts off dumb as fuck
>as time passes, it learns more and more about combat, platforming and its abilities
>can give it cosmetics using friend points
>Side game where you can fight your helper (or have a helper amiibo fight another helper amiibo
>Implying that Dark Matter doesn't come from negative emotions
Dark Matter isn't behind all the villains, all the villains are behind Dark Matter.
>he's right but I'm angry and have no argument
I would be cool with it as long as the Amiibo mode isn't required to 100% the game.
Besides I would unironically buy a Waddle Doo amiibo on the spot if it ever existed.
>a billion Kirby helper amiibo's
no thanks.
>Guys how would you feel about a Helper amiibo that functions like a smash bros amiibo?
No because the game probably has way too many helpers to make amiibo of
>at some planet halfway through the game
>area with a mish mash of space debris
>pass by a metal plate with a giant H inscribed in it
>at the end find Kirby's Robobot
>Its possessed and you have to fight it, twisted remix of the robobot theme halfway through
Why is called Master Green if he’s yellow?
>Heavy Lobster, one of the series' best and most iconic robots, wasn't in Robobot
Biggest disappointment of all time
I really can't stand people who see Dark Matter everywhere
The remix in Rainbow Curse was fucking god-tier.
>Heavy Lobster, one of the series' best and most iconic robots
not even in his own game
It's scary how easy it is to imagine a sad ballad version of the robobot theme
One artist literally made a collaboration book of touhouXkirby art and sold it at the comicon.
>dynablade's chicks in adolescent years
>dynablade herself sprouting a few gray feathers, but proud of how her kids are growing
why haven't i seen art of these yet
>some random autist made a thing
Who the actual fuck cares?
the orchestra gets pretty close
Cloudy Park from Dream Land 3 is the world with the best series of levels from any Kirby game.
that’s a really bizarre argument
>literally who weebshit
Touhou has one of the largest fandoms ever. The fuck?
But what if they made Amiibo cards like with Animal Crossing?
I was just saying, that user seems triggered for it and i can't resist.
"literally who" is just an excuse to not google something. There's no excuse.
I don't think time passes in the Kirby series. The young will never mature, the mature will never grow old, the old will never die. It is a cool what-if concept though. I think wise old King Dedede would be neat too.
why does a crossover comic of 2 things you happen to enjoy change the reality of what people in life are actually paying attention to and the connections in common by those other than you and an item you saw at comicon
user, why are you so fucking mad?
Wasn't there already a touhou and kirby crossover in some 3DS game?
That would be reasonable if Dark Matter wasn't everywhere
im not upset by your comment just confused and somewhat concerned about your relationship to fantasy
But user
All I see is darkness
Yeah, some taiko game which also crossover with loads of things and no a aingle screenshot of thay game exists. I don't get why user is so triggered, when i mentioned that "toujouXkirby crossovers will rise" i was jusy talking of fan stuff.
Your comment confuses me even more, just post kirby and forget this.
He doesn't seem mad. You seem more mad that he doesn't like your crossover material or whatever.
Found it. It was Taiko Drum Master: Doko Don! Mystery Adventure.
skip to 2:27
I would kill for another game like Amazing Mirror. It will always be my favourite Kirby game.
right, mass attack's strato patrol
dont own the game myself but it seems to be a pretty basic shmup compared to most others ive seen
only poweups you get are extra kirbies trailing you, standard shot power upgrades and your traditional bomb
not even any other shot variations like spreads or lasers, but that can be more or less excused since you can draw patterns with the kirbies you get
This one?
>Scans never
There is a kirby doppelganger always one step ahead of you doing "bad" things in all stages, you always come after his misdeeds, meta knight and king dedede battles with you because of that, when the confusion is gone, the doppelganger reveals itself
It's zero three
Don't be a jerk, people can discuss what they want.
The second part was the most important.
Ok, why Hal hates humanoid characters?
new tweet discussing overworld map
seems point stars can be found lying around, but perhaps some secret entrances to levels might be present as well, though the latter is only implied