Monster Hunter World is too eas-

Monster Hunter World is too eas-

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These new monster designs are horrendous.


>nigger gianto

Niggerhigante hehe

They are running out of ideas. I would have taken Narga etc back because they are actually cool. But now we get these Kutku variations and whatnot which are just (bad) reskins of the originals.
And even the new areas, other than the forest and desert are pretty mediocre.
Game is certainly overrated the more you play. I'm now almost 40 hours in and wanting to quit because it just slogs on. I didn't have that issue with past games, 3u was almost 2k hours and 4u bit over 500 hours but with this... I don't know how long I'll play. Sad.

He's perfect!

I died like 9 times to this guy and failed the mission 3 times. When I went online, I saw other people were having as much trouble as me and dying all over the place too. I'n guessing this guy is the wall.

I mean, the designs in World look pretty generic and stupid, but they don't really compare to Frontier designs.

>spikepupper plush
>no spikes


90% of Sup Forums will never get past the double tempered Bazelguise hunt. This is fact.

Reminder Tobi-Kadachi is literally just narga combined with zinorge and a quarter of thier power

*divebombs you*
>hunter 1 fainted
>hunter 2 fainted
>hunter 3 fainted
Psssssh... nothing personnel kids

Nigger Grande is literally the only real noob-gate monster in the game. Everything that comes before or after him is a joke in comparison.
His bullshit hitbox dive bomb + shockwave at the end attack combo one-shots anyone and can't be dodged consistently without a timed superman dive or a long i-frame move thus making it a real challenge especially for newcomers.

>power guard lance
Cool story Mark

>need one more tail
>join an SoS
>the moment I join 2 people cart
>try to play cautiously
>one of them comes back and carts right away

>tfw I'm a MH veteran and couldn't fucking beat him in the beta
Not due to death, but due to the short time. Didn't try it in a group. Also don't have the game itself yet, so haven't tried him with 50 min it whatever

Don't fall for the meme. He is NOT harder in the beta at all. He is in fact easier in the beta just tied down with artificial difficulty because of the timer. In the actual fight, you'll be begging for your life if you think he's as easy as he was in the beta.

If they do they'll get hardstopped by Tempered Kirin

I like this guy a lot but hes definately not hard. The only attack he has that is actually dangerous is his quick divebomb from the sky but even that move can just be dodged with a dive.

In Beta you had a much better environment fighting him thats why it was easier.

What's worse for new hunters, Giganiggas divebomb or Dalalama's Omega beam?

I vote the beam because while I see people carting a lot online, I still never seen a mission instafail because of one attack.

and the paratoads and knives shit

>just be dodged with a dive.
Some weapons can't be sheathed quick enough to do this. Though it's not hard to actually look at the nigger and determine how black he is and how soon he'll do the dive.

>don't like the direction MHWs taking at all so didnt plan to buy it
>but I'm so starved for a new MH game that I now consider it
Help. I wanted to wait til PC release at least, because fuck paying for online and the shitty FPS on ps4, but I'm so bored and wanna play MonHun.

>we made him harder in the beta but don't worry he'll be much easier in thr actual game ;^)
>2nd triple cart in a row
They're laughing at us from over there aren't they?

>high IQ
Sword and Shield
Hunting Horn
>medium IQ
Dual Blades
Insect Glaive
Charge Blade
>low IQ
Switch Axe
Light Bowgun
Heavy Bowgun

>Fighting meat doggo with a Gunlance
This is a mistake that I hope you don't make.

What are some tips in preparing to fight him? I'm almost at that mission because I unlocked the Elder's Recess. I hear nothing but horror stories and I didn't get to play the beta.

I did it just fine. Git gud

Cant speak for nigel online but doing durrmadurrhurr online was a fucking nightmare, the amount of times I had three croissants carting simulataneously is staggering.


>He says as if implying I haven't done it
It's just fucking annoying because he moves so goddamn much and never stops his combos. It doesn't help he can cause bleeding through your shield.

Recommend me a good lance for general soloing. I've been soloing Nergi with HBG, but it's such a fucking aweful fight so I need something else, before I tear out my hair.

Both require high IQ to play at max effectiveness.


Jail hammer supremacy blade or babel lance? I cant decide they all look so cool. I mean im gonna get them all but for the sake of the first craft

>And even the new areas, other than the forest and desert are pretty mediocre.

What you smokin, both the Coral and Rotten Vale are distinct and amazing areas with Coral itself being pretty unique for video games in general. The other zones are good for what they are but they're also standard offerings, compared to fighting in the same areas since the PS2 though it's a breath of fresh air and hardly mediocre.

Ninety hours later and I still don't know if I love or hate the new great sword.

>Shield blocks sound of roars.
>Doesn't block you getting gashed by an attack it does block.

Kushala is just as much of a cunt.

The actual first noob gate is Anjanath
Then probably Pink Rathian as always
Then definitely Nergigante
And of course even if you think you're hot shit after beating him, Bazelgeuse comes and carpetbombs your ass.

The nigger has a one-shot move you must superman-dive or power block since regular dodge isn't enough. He grows spikes during the fight and when all of those spikes turn black he does the infamous dive move. Everything else he does is pretty standard.

What's the point of tempered monsters? No new weapons or armor, harder than normal HR, easier than what G rank would be

>SOS in
>see anons attacking him while at half health
>want to leave immediately so I don't have to waste my time

Its better than double 140 apex rajangs

If anything is a noob gate it should be kirin and diablos, maybe the rathalos quest cause rathian won't stop coming in as well

You can delay wakeup by not mashing and use the iframes to avoid his wombo combo.

tempered monster investigations drop a load of the armor/ weapon decorations so you can tweak your loadout more to what you want it to be

You can also roll under it.


>always felt I was average at best as a hunter overall
>respond to a few SOS
>feel like a fucking God hunter compared to these window lickers

Jesus how some of these kids are able to get into HR is beyond me.

To be fair Nerg is a huge cliff compared to even Pink Rath

>mfw MHWnewbies will never know what it means to clear Mark of a Hero, Wrath of Rath or Out of the Fry Pan

They just probably respond to SOS flares so they can get carried through their missions. I honestly never flare anymore because all the mouthbreathers that join are useless compared to a cat with plunderblade



I've just been using the kulu lance for the affinity

Mark of a Hero is artificial difficulty. All apex is bullshit artificial difficulty and I hope it never comes back.

Have you not seen the countless posts of people who can't handle Diablos?

>short roar that locks you helpless
>bullshit dive bomb attack with a hitbox larger than a plesioth hipcheck

>I still never seen a mission instafail because of one attack.
You're one of the lucky ones then.

>Niggly Wiggly is hardest monster for noobs

I take it you gents have never seen randoms get their shit rocked by the living breathing B-52 Bomber.

its pretty funny to watch

>see someone soloing Diablos arena quest with slots open
>need it myself so show up with icy DB for easy win
>IG user in arena barely inflicting damage
>they cart
>minutes later and they haven't run back
>kill Diablos for them and get thanked but they never came back
>send guild card afterward
>they leave the session

Was it the pig mask or the dober greaves?

*blocks ur path*

>High IQ

can he drop more bombs though like during the 5 consecutive times in a row that he screams I think he's too easy

I just need one more fucking tail. Can I resort to playing with Sup Forums or even /vg/ to get it because failing this mission repeatedly now is getting on my nerves.

>Tripsword in high IQ

I'm a pcmustard playing in ps4 and I can say that the frame rate isn't too bad. The real big issue is the general lack of content. Barely over 50 hours and I'm already basically out of shit to do. Unless you like speedrunning the monsters simply aren't hard enough to justify grinding out the rng shit.


>Lance powerguard


>30min time limit

Just upgrade your armor and eat for defense and you'll be fine. Maybe eat an adamant seed for an extra boost.

LS hasn't tripped since 3U. Cut it out.

>gets buffed out of control
>people who never played gunner still think it requires more skill than the bowguns

please tell me they all appear in the same area at the same time
because that would be pure hell

what HR requirement is that? I can't wait for it.

Noob here. I just finished the Diablos mission and I don't see how he can be considered noticeably more difficult than the last few. Even Rathalos carted me once. Diablos didn't.

Maybe greatsword is just good against Diablos. Idk.

>tfw no Chameleos

>no nargacuga set
it hurts


>he can cause bleeding through your shield

What? I main lance and I block or counter literally all of his attacks and he only inflicts bleed if I fuck up and let something hit me, I have never once had it go through my shield, are you full of shit or does GL shield work fundamentally differently

daily reminder to abandon hunt if you're about to die on an SOS so you don't be a fucking carting faggot screwing up my hunts

>no barioth
>no lagi

Diablos is the only monster that's pissed me off so far. Just running up and down 6 times in a row or running underground every other attack. Huge waste of time

Would be fucking perfect for world. It's strange that they didn't include it.


I miss its cute walk

They all have reduced health though so it's a fucking cakewalk

How to raise your HR after beating the last boss?

Unlocks at HR100?

That one's fun because you can just watch them kill each other.

>giant gong
>can't bang it
Also this game needs a photo mode

Nerg is pathetic. Any half competent hunter that's played the series before, even genfags, can easily beat him.

>be hunting whatever
>i really dont need help but ill call people in case THEY need help since im just grinding
>some faggot joins
>doesnt come fight the monster
>its not difficult but longer
>doesnt even come carve the monster

yeah fuck people

start doing optional hunts. each success raises your HR little by little.

I upgrade my weapons based upon how they end up looking.