This is a boy

This is a boy.

Other urls found in this thread:


pls don't be shit

And he likes playing with his toy.

Why are you such a fucking faggot tumblr-kun?


>draw a female
>call it male
I hate japan



I'm a boy too, I don't understand...

I hate how Japan considers a man who's the very definition of masculine i.e muscular, hardened in appearance and grown as to somehow be gayer than an effeminate prettyboy twink. Japan is Greece levels of backwards when it comes to perception of masculinity. In ancient Greece it was actually considered more masculine and less gay to suck dick than to eat pussy. Japan's nearing those same levels of absurdity with their obsession with prettyboys over actual men.

Stop crying about pol

This is a right-wing activism website

To be honest kids are pretty much the same in that age

Greeks were also a great society.

>jumpstarted western civilization

really makes you think

>implying that’s a bad thing

Eating pussy is pretty fucking gay to be honest

Imagine your masculinity being this fragile.

whats that show called.

You can tell he’s a boy from his face. Have you forgotten what “normal” people look like OP?

go back to pol and stay there.

>That doujin where he gets fucked by so many men that he becomes a sissy little dicked princess who gets dicked by his servants

Nips eat a lot of soy

>In ancient Greece it was actually considered more masculine and less gay to suck dick than to eat pussy

[citation needed]

I just found out Yuzumori getting new chapter next week instead of today
I'm sad, can I yuzumori post here?

>be born a male
>call yourself a female
I hate west

>no monster collecting
They fucked up

share it my dude

>Right Wing


go back to neogaf and stay there

You again? C'mon user, fucking sauce it.

post more "boys"

No, Sup Forums is just a nice containment board for retards

It's called history, retard. It's fairly common knowledge that having sex with a male was seen as higher class in society than women in those times.

>that bite on the doggo's butt
qt af

Splitting hairs, trannylover

Maybe the Greeks were actually the backwards ones?

Forcing someone to oral you was an act of dominance, if a man forced you to suck his dick, you'd be his bitch, but at least your still some kind of a man.
Eating a woman out put you under women in general, because it meant you were so weak a woman can force you to your knees

Pic related is literally you

They're also irrelevant now.

>fapping to genderfluid cartoon characters

When did tumblr start invading?

>A boy that looks like a girl
Not the same thing

Oral was often used as a punishment for minor crimes. Stop trying to collude your perversions with history.

>the greatest mathematicians, figured out the world was actually a sphere
>philosophers we still study today
>great military commanders, repulsed Persia's might
Don't worry guys, THEY were the backwards ones

This is a girl.

That is indeed a girl.

He's bullshitting, I would know if such a doujin existed.

You're lying, but I wish you weren't.

they are right though

there is nothing gay about being born pretty or femine as a male

on the other hand, spending shittons of time and money purely just to artificially look masculine is a very femine behaviour and is gay as fuck, the west just doesn't see this because they have an extremely shalllow view on what is manly and what is effeminate.
about why does Japan like to use femine/pretty/young male characters so often, it's because they actually look more "heroic" if you look at them with an open mind. Fragile character going up against great danger to do the right thing makes them more heroic than if a very strong looking, veteran character does it.


looks really cool, like a real rpg.

He's lying, but there is a doujin that has the same scenario if you want that one.

Only because they've started eating pussy and stopped sucking dick.

Not even a little bit. Buggery was somewhat overlooked in certain circumstances, but it was still considered pretty gay and could be used insultingly, especially if you were a bottom bitch. There was nothing wrong with fucking a woman, they valued having children.



Same shit. It's time to accept where you belong

Yeah, seems pretty clear to me

he is right you know

Yes fuck that toxic masculinity. Based Japan!

you are defending metrosexuality
you (and the majority of the west) are just too retarded to realise that

>you are defending metrosexuality
t. twink defender
>you (and the majority of the west) are just too retarded to realise that
Says this unironically while being a westerner lmao

I'm tempted to buy physical just for the pretty box art

>dog ears
just why?

why is the fur on "his" ears a different color from the hair

>no doujins of Roland taking care of Evan when he goes into heat
Fuck this gay earth

there is nothing wrong with naturally looking like a twink. On the other hand spending shittons of time to look one is just as much of a femine /peacock behaviour as building muscles for your looks

there is nothing wrong with doing that for health, but the healthy bodytype for your everyday life is closer to a fit twink than to the western image of a masculine manly man

>Says this unironically while being a westerner lmao
so you can't realise a cancerous way of thinking just because you live somewhere where people think like that?


Just go suck a dick already.

Is it gay if I want to cuddle with her(him)?



>play a western game with body builder characters
>you literally play as a faggot
>every fucking time
>n-no... it's the japanese who are gay, b-because their characters are not body builders!!

this is the ideal male form

>ideal male form is hiding any sign of masculinity
Sure, who doesn't like women?

>he doesn't know how to spot a trap thread