>forced meta bullshit >game entirely hinges on flash >pseudo-p2w but not really system >ran by chinks >hired anthony burch >hired ghostcrawler >community so fucking bad they spread "toxic" as a buzzword >balance is so bad certain champions won't be used for years and less than 50% of them will be picked
>still has a massive player base I don't like it either but maybe it's not for us?
Blake Young
>hired Anthony Burch
No fucking way
I haven't touched this steaming pile since the whole keystone rune fiasco, that pretty much killed any creativity with champion rune / mastery setups right there. Does Anthony Burch really work for Riot now though? I jumped ship just in time.
Ethan Adams
He went in and out in about a month.
Ethan James
He just does some background writing or something His one notable feat is taking an established character with a family and turning him into two gay guys fused together
Robert Morris
They also fixed the rune system, so it's fun to dick around with it again.
Evan Jones
>millions of flies eat shit >they can't be wrong
it's popularity can be attributed to anything but it being a good game
Brody Young
>pseudo-p2w You needed to update your pasta months ago.
Jayden Adams
The masses have shit taste This isn't new
Thomas Martinez
This isn't pasta retard.
Liam Clark
The old rune system has been replaced, so it's even less p2w than it was before.
What champions are picked is based as much on how much someone likes a character as it is meta. Frequent updates that turn things around, counters, and the fact that in the main gamemode (draft pick summoners rift) each of the 10 players gets to ban 1 character from being picked, and even the fact that there's 5 main roles means even your worst character that you want to play has a situation in which they're totally viable, and that's alot more than can be said for most 1v1 fighting games.
I only reluctantly play it because so many of my friends do, but the only points of yours I agree with and consider serious are 1, 2 and 3.
Cameron Cook
1, 2, and 4*
Jaxon Foster
>>forced meta bullshit It's called "balancing".
Kevin Jones
Every LoL thread until I stop being mad.
Brandon Bailey
>only allowing one (1) lane layout and team comp in a ""strategy game"" because you're too lazy to actually balance it properly is acceptable LoLbabs, ladies and gentlemen
Jayden Perry
If he meant how the 5 roles are enforced then I agree. I would love it if they allowed things like 2 junglers, or simply a carry not having to always be a fucking marksman to be viable. Also, fuck flash being a universal summoner spell, give people a slight cooldown reduction on summoner spells if they don't pick flash.
Hudson Ortiz
>Being this much of an edgy upset contrarian child
I bet youre the same autist that claims they think parties are lame because you never get invited to any lmao. I dont even like lol but youre such an edgy faggot
Camden Smith
The community has begged for the system to be the standard since forever. You can't blame the developers for doing what the community wants.
Austin Clark
I'm surprised the game survives with just 3-4 game modes.
Ryder Jenkins
>i'm a contrarian because i don't like plebeian mcdonalds-tier games
Matthew Hall
>Feces is an amazing source of the nutrients flies and fly larva need to survive, and a relatively safe place to lay eggs >They're wrong for eating it because you don't like the taste
Gavin Sanchez
name one time where listening to the whiny vocal minority community didn't ruin a game
Jaxson Watson
>I'm surprised the game survives with just 3-4 game modes. Nigga you don't understand 99% of the game is only one mode. Nobody really gives a shit about the other modes.
Ayden Cooper
Please tell me when humans start eating shit, or when flies play LoL.
Charles Long
why the fuck would humans eat shit? are you a fly?
Justin King
LeL of Legends may be bad, but it's merely an honorary Blizzard game. It's got nothing on the real kings asinine shit.
John Baker
Who said it was a minority? The standard lane system has been there for almost the game's entire life.
Jayden Sanders
and it's fucking shit, and almost everyone who quits the game lists he forced meta as one of the reasons.
How is it fun to do the exact same thing every single match?
Bentley Hill
Low amount of gamemodes is fine, the fact that most gamemodes and map reskins are locked to certain times of the year is ridiculous tough. They have a tottally decent pve mode that they've put work into updating, but then they only have it be available around halloween. Also, how hard could it possibly be to make a map which like countless rts maps before it is partially randomly generated? That way they hardly have to worry about balance.
Lucas Roberts
And its still better than nuDota. l will never not be mad about that
Aiden Ortiz
imagine actually being this retarded
Leo Watson
That was him? That motherfucker
Aiden Martinez
i know this is bait but
the game itself isn't terrible, the community/devs though? never seen anything worse.
Colton Rivera
>How is it fun to do the exact same thing every single match? You can say that about a lot of things, especially in video games.
Angel Ramirez
I can't think of a single multiplayer game that's as formulaic and repetitive as LoL.
Isaac Fisher
Sick counter argument bro!! Now tell how much good the input from reddit did for the game after the map change.
Jeremiah Morgan
>LoL better than Dota
Jason Parker
Have you ever play a card or board game?
Adam Howard
I don't read reddit so I wouldn't know you fucking redditor. But apparently you play LoL AND read Dota on reddit.
Lucas Richardson
Call me when Dota has a forced lane meta and anything even remotely as horribly designed as flash
Owen Ortiz
Which map change? The map has changed quite a few times. But i suppose now that you don't like this one, everyone should hate it.
Liam Bennett
umm dotards??
Austin Gray
Jace Garcia
>costs 2250 gold, soaks up an item slot with zero stats >goes on a cooldown when you take damage Try again
Matthew Brooks
yeah lets ignore the fact that the jungle died DUDE SHRINES LMAO
Who cares about jungling unless you're Chen/Ench/Enigma? Shrines are fine now.
Adrian Gray
What in the fuck is this shit? Everyone gets free Zhonyas now?
Jaxson Robinson
>t. retard who's proud of being retarded
Caleb Rodriguez
>His one notable feat is taking an established character with a family and turning him into two gay guys fused together Wait, What?
Joseph Wilson
>moving the goalpost show me your hours, fruitcake
Xavier King
>is mad about the annie change.
Me too man
Brayden Miller
its probably one of, if not, the easiest online game competitive game to run even with a shit pc and its free. these are far bigger contributing factors than how good it really is
Christian Rodriguez
I didn't move any goalpost, you just said jungle is dead - when it's not because clearly heroes like Chen/Ench/Enigma can still jungle. The guy you/he replied to didn't even mention anything about jungle.
Christian Edwards
found the bronze kid
Noah Anderson
>the autojunglers can still jungle guys that means that there is no problem here! Meanwhile you cant do fun shit like pic related anymore
Austin Martin
but you can? how do the jungle changes stop that
Ryder Gonzalez
>Reee get out of the jungle
I'm mad they made jungle unviable solely because of BRs going LC and Redditors crying. Not saying jungle LC was good but they killed the existence of it as a role.
Jaxson Garcia
Junglers fucking suck, fuck you retard. >I'm going to cripple the entire game by forcing support to being a position 9 poorfag and ruin every lane by being an unhelpful greedy cunt that wants to play a PvE game
Oliver Clark
>that blogpost Jesus christ in what bracket are you playing?
Colton Wright
This. Jungling is for people who are insecure about meeting opponents. The same types who pick sniper in FPS. We don't need to cater to them.
Isaac Young
i still have fun
Ayden Foster
What? In what fucking situation would a jungler be helpful to your team over an actual hero that can flexibly move through the lanes?
Josiah Stewart
>The standard lane system has been there for almost the game's entire life. Because it's been enforced for most of it.
I think the vast majority of LoL players don't really give a shit about the enforced meta because they play it casually and socially, a fair percentage of players dislike it and a vocal minority of moronic fanboys would defend it to the death because Riot can do no wrong (but to be fair these idiots aren't exclusive to LoL, you get drones in Dota too)
Nah, but Dota fell from much, much higher.
David Parker
Don't lie. Shit still feels bad for champs like Trundle, Voli, Mundo, Olaf, etc.
Noah Cooper
oh come on, old dota was arse compared to dota 2
Elijah Lopez
I think the lack of game modes is the bigger problem. LoL has Twisted Treeline and ARAM, that's it. Compare that to all the different game modes DOTA has, plus the ability to create your own game mode. It's painfully obvious Riot doesn't want their playerbase to be creative or have fun with the game.
I only play this game during the rotating queue (to play the Crystal Scar modes), but it seems they don't even do that regularly anymore. The game deserves to sink honestly.
Logan Sanders
varus had a family?
Carter Roberts
When you get a hero that can fend off for himself and can really use a quick level 6 while your jungler helps the other lanes? l was memeing before but now genuinely wanna know how many hours in the game the average Sup Forums user has.
Jacob Sanders
>implying League is not deep as fuck
Jose Miller
Don't get me wrong, I don't think it can be argued that under Icefrog's care, Dota went from a goofy mod to a legitimately great game. When you talk about Dota 2 though, you're talking about a spectrum of over five years, and I feel that Valve pulled a full retard about a year ago that the game has not and will not be recovering from.
Wyatt Wood
Why are Dota players so insecure?
Justin Hill
Lincoln Smith
you're part of the masses lad
Landon Gray
Why's that?
Xavier Stewart
Riot balance team confirmed trolls.
Gavin Jones
>Isn't required by all heroes, not even close >Massive cost >Very fun
>Meta centric >5 minute cooldown >barely moves you anywhere
Swear lolfags getting dumber by the day
Nolan Campbell
>mentions Dota at the sight of LoL Why are LoLfags so retarded?
Brayden Cook
their game died and league is much more successful and full of updates
Jaxson Ward
I quit when >atmogs and flash was here to stay also too many mouthbreathers and feeders
Levi Reyes
They radically changed the map and map mechanics on a game that is not used for change that sudden. l mean l agree with you but come on, nobody actually like the game where you deal no damage and the abilities have no impact, right?
Kayden Ross
Where's that webm >I have finished farming
Matthew Price
imagine liking league in 2018 LOL
Jordan Ramirez
Why's what? Why do I think the game worsened significantly with 7.00 (talents are shit, shrines are shit, several changes took a dump on health/mana management in the early game, Valve forced a shitty HUD on everyone instead of making it fully customizable, etc.) or why do I think it won't recover from it (because looking at the patch notes, while some changes are good and interesting, the net change is negative)?
Nicholas Brown
>nobody actually like the game where you deal no damage and the abilities have no impact, right? you're talking about LoL right?
also what are you talking about, Dota is THE game that's used to radical change, Icefrog isn't afraid of big changes, which is why he's so good at balancing unlike babby balance designers who are scared of XML edits that plague many games with imbalances
Nathan Hill
Updates that do absolutely nothing but somehow make the game even worse.
Owen Evans
You and I both know Dota has the lower numbers
Eli Hill
>They radically changed the map and map mechanics on a game that is not used for change that sudden. Dude what. Constant change has been Dota since the very beginning.
Benjamin Moore
No way 7.00 was overall good.
>talents are shit objectively wrong, enjoy your +2 stats if you want but I'll take my +75 damage Dazzle.
>forced a shitty HUD you mean removing Scaleform?
Brayden Wright
>LoL thread turns into Dota
can't face your flaws can you?
Isaiah Wilson
I'm so fucking convinced hating on 7.00 is one of these memes underages spout to look cool and hardcore.
Ethan Kelly
Yeah me and the thousands that left are being ironic just dont tell valve xdd
Aaron Bell
>objectively wrong Hardly. The only positive thing you can say about talents is that *some* of them have interesting effects. Everything else about them is a complete mess.
>you mean removing Scaleform? I mean replacing a licensed software with one they made/own (and could thus open to the community), clearly showing that the HUD should not be an element of the game's difficulty, then failing to let players actually come up with HUDs that are better designed or fit their preference more, and that they can actually use in game.
I thought the underaged were all over LoL, OW and all that shit? You might need to come up with a new insult for "people who disagree with me"
William James
>people unironically defending 7.00
Pcbros man...
Eli Morales
Thankfully I got banned when they were going overboard with the "Invulnerability" shit. Almost every new character had one or old ones were getting patched to have one and Ekko is literally "Oh I fucked up and made a mistake? lol nope bitch *presses R and escapes with 2 kills on the way*"
Haven't felt more free since fuck MOBAs they are literal cancer that transforms you into a rabid beast.
Jonathan Young
maybe but you're still part of one crowd one way or the other
Elijah King
Seems like you were the sperg desu, not everyone is a raging nerd in these games
Kevin Nelson
It's not. Valve still can't even fucking balance talents right. The new items are either trash or cancer.
I'm not alone in saying that 6.88 was the best balance that Dota had in a very long time.
Ethan Flores
everyone on this board agrees this game is garbage along with every other moba out there
it was great when it was everyone's first moba back in the beta up to season 3 but grew stale after that
Nathan Cooper
its the ones who aren't who suck the most ass and turn people like me into raging spergs :^)