Xbox One or Nintendo Switch

Which console was the bigger disappointment? Which is shittier overall? Which has the better exclusive game since Sunset Overdrive and Mario Odyssey are the only exclusives on both? Which one is the better entertainment center to make up for the lack of games? Which controller is less unbearable? Which one runs multiplatforms more comparably to a PC port? Which one has less a annoying fanbase? Which one has less weabshit?


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Switch has been worth it for XC2, got around 100 hours on it so far. Needs more games for sure though.


Here are my picks
>Which console was the bigger disappointment?
Switch because everybody knew the Xbox One would be shit from the start
>Which is shittier overall?
Switch doesn't even have Monster Hunter World or backwards compatibility so that
>Which has the better exclusive game since Sunset Overdrive and Mario Odyssey are the only exclusives on both?
Mario Odyssey but it's still a 7/10 game at best
>Which one is the better entertainment center to make up for the lack of games?
Xbox One via Netflix
>Which controller is less unbearable?
Xbox One because it feels like a worse PS4 controller
>Which one runs multiplatforms more comparably to a PC port?
Xbox One by a landslide
>Which one has less weabshit?
Xbox One by a mile
>Which one has less a annoying fanbase?
Xbox One by a light year

In conclusion, Xbox One wins 7-1.

Wait, where can I play Splatoon 2, ARMS, Mario + Rabbits and Xenoblade 2?

ITT: sonybros trying to bait

>Xbox One because it feels like a worse PS4 controller
PS4 owner here, the PS4 controller is fucking garbage mate, shit quality, shit compared to the classic dualshocks ergonomically, and just feels fucking cheap. no idea what the fuck SONY was thinking

Why play that when you can use Xbox One BC?

PS4 controller feels way less cheap than PS3. I think you're nostalgia blind.

>PS4 controller feels way less cheap than PS3
PS3 was 7th gen

But you said compared to the classic dualshocks