How many on Sup Forums have got xbox1, ps4 and highend pcs to never get locked out of any good games?
Havent bought a switch since i felt it unecessary since the only game I wanted was BotW.
How many on Sup Forums have got xbox1, ps4 and highend pcs to never get locked out of any good games?
I only got PC and PS4 pro. Why the fuck would I want xbone?
Since earlier you could only play forza on xb.
Atleast by the time i bought mine
Literally me, I have everything except for a Switch, I just can't get the appeal of most Nintendo games. I'd love to try Splatoon 2 though.
Honestly the best games combo is PC and PS4, but I use my Xbox the most because it's the supreme entertainment system when it comes to using media apps.
Op here, totally agree, ps got the vest console exclusives as bloodborne and horizon zero dawn and yeah, xbox is my way of having a smart tv without paying the extra for it since i already got consoles for the trick
I have every console/handheld from 3rd gen up except for Xbone. I can't imagine a single reason to own one. Although I don't really follow it so I don't know if it has any games yet, might get one one day but it's not even close to a priority
PC and PS4 here, although I rarely use the Bloodbornestation anymore.
I think the consensus is that Xbone is redundant with a PC.
You should give mhw a try, unless you want to wait for pc release in 50 years
>buy a game for console
>they conveniently announce a PC version shortly after
>decide to wait for a game to come to PC
>years pass, nothing
>buy it for cheap on the last gen console
>they come to PC
Thing is, I despise being double dipped. Almost my whole console library is exclusives.
Basically this.