Just watched the new video. Should I trade in my copy of Monster Hunter for DBZ now?

Just watched the new video. Should I trade in my copy of Monster Hunter for DBZ now?

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MH is shit now

No, wtf

Dunkey lets me know which opinions to have


Yes, Monster Hunter is shit.

ProJared must have popped a vein.


He sounds black so I like him cuz I'm white. Itz a mastapeece.

But he didn't say anything bad about the game. He just said it wasn't for him.

he hasn't played an actual monster hunter game so he doesn't have anything to compare this trash too

Fighting games are really boring.

Why have all his videos from the last 2 or so years been utter fucking garbage? His videos used to be hilarious but now it's just the same shit over and over again
>"haha this thing won't kill me!!"
>it kills him
>"this game fucking sucks"

Man, it must suck living in a unyielding state of cynicism and unfulfillment. Is this behavior practiced outside of Sup Forums or do you just enjoy keeping up appearances? When was the last time you had fun?

He doesn't sound black you basic human

yeah, when you're too dumb to figure them out

He's actually of Puerto Rican descent

t. plays charge characters


Every video

Why are people suddenly acting like Dunkey is some authority on video games? Just because he said some really fucking obvious things about Odyssey's design that anyone who has played video games for more than 5 years can pick up on?

It's because he made a video about Battlefront 2

If you use meaningless buzzwords like "game design" or whatever your video automatically becomes an essay
I can't take the dude seriously, he's really opinionated for someone who sucks shit at video games

e-celeb shit is not video games, fuck off.

his videos really took a nosedive in quality

Puerto Ricans are the spics closest to niggers.

Let me guess, this what his video was like.


>Half the video is him using yellow/orange weapons



heck off, fgcuck

calm down retard, not my fault you can't comprehend a simple ass game

how the fuck does he have 4 million subs?

No, because he said even more obvious things about game journalism and offers no solution to said problems. He litterly virtue signaled his way into authority.

This makes absolutely no sense.
If he said that fighting games were hard, then it would, but he said they are boring.
The fact that they are so simple is what makes them boring. Not being unable to comprehend them.

Please try and keep this kind of stuff on reddit.
Not trying to be mean but ecelebs just don't belong here in 4chin.

I'm Puerto Rican and people always think I'm a white guy. Angry Joe is Puerto Rican and he's light-skinned as well.

Dunkey isn't that good at video games but he's still hilarious

Why would you trade it? He loved the game.

It seems he liked it.
Why do you fags need to copy the bad, and not his love for vidya?

>what if I mixed up names of video games
>random noises
>spaghetti and meatballs O_o
His humor is epic monkey cheese level

DBZ is shit confirmed by pro fighting game player DSP

I want to snorkel Dunkey's dick cheese

You mean the same DSP that single handedly toppled a catfishing empire?

>Hear Leah in any video
>Instantly turn it off


DSP didn't do that, Kiwifarms autists did by doxxing vaginas

That's the joke

I don't want to give him money, what does he say about DBFZ?

y-you too

think for yourself

>monster hunter is literally just dark souls with bigger monsters and lighter environments

You sound kinda like Peter Griffin

Nice. I'm sold

99% sure it's shitposting you newfag

>yeah, that game sucks

>wow rly omygod blah blah blah blah blah buzzword buzzword sad sad cynical jaded blah blah blah projection blah blah blah I took that personally because I'm immature blah blah blah blah blaaaahhh
Grow up, faggot.

I didn't watch the video but let me guess
He either shits on a game you don't like and he's FUCKING BASED or he praises a game you don't like and he was always shit

Oddly enough, any of his videos that aren't about a specific game have been nearly flawless in the last few years. I swear he has to put in negative effort into his game videos to make up for the effort he puts into his others.

Like this?


>haha boss fights literally take 20 to 30 mins lmao
>entire video is him using weapons in yellow or orange sharpness
Gee I wonder why he had it so rough?

Yes. Trade it in for Knack 2 then download Mario Bros 2

>sad autist shits on Nintendo
>sad autist shits on MWH
>haha what an idiot, no one likes this loser faggot, what a moron!


>using someoneĀ“s opinion to replace as your own opinion RE-TAR-DED

>Mustard waiting to buy
I've heard the game is all boss fights and no middle ground or build up. Is that true?

but he played it to the end of high rank and had fun
why are blind-and-deaf people able to watch youtube vids now?

Yes. It's literally a Cabela's Big Hunt, made by Capcom

play p3rd on an emulator to demo it
world's animations will speed up and improve on p3rd at about the rate dark souls 3 did to 1's formula

Leave this man alone 4chin all he's trying to do is create some content here and there for fucks sake let him be.

>People have different opinions. There is no central hivemind.
You are reading the comments of many different retards. You are below them on the retard ladder.


>tfw people don't appreciate his SM64 and Megaman videos because they were forever ago

This fat spic faggot couldn't figure out where to go in Metroid Fusion.

good impressions, bro

Only for idiots/losers. Still leagues better than this shit.