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literally ruined

>we want the BotW audience

I dont get it


Left looks better

The game shouldn't be HD, low res graphics was part of the art.

That's the problem.

look at this dood

These threads reinvigorated my posting on Sup Forums. With all the nu games and their gambling schemes, season passes and overall low effort, something like this comes along as a testament to fundamental inability of millenials to even begin to understand what made the classic that SotC is - good; as a result, there's an atmosfere of desolation but it makes me content to know I experienced SotC on a long gone CRT Trinitron and that no amount of Pakistani shills scanning this board can stop me from ridiculing this downright insulting American remake. It's as if someone spammed American Ico box art and realized nu generations actually think it's nice.

>hurr the original won't exist after this comes out


More like the people that remade it are philistines.

Pudgy McPudgerson

I posted as a joke but it turns it was real. What is wrong with you people?

nigga look like he bout ta fall asleep and then die


Where did he imply that the game should be low res?

Is it because they made him look less anime?

It isn't perfect but I'm impressed how good some of it is. If Ueda had been in charge it would've been excellent but also taken 5+ years to come out.

Jesus christ, what did they do to Wander?

>it's a "let's cherrypick the few things the remake does wrong and ignore the 99% of shit it does right and/oor bitch about things that are litterally non issues" episode

Case in point, he looks fine, what the fuck are you even complaining about?

> I'm impressed how good some of it is

Wow it's a good thing they haven't reached perfect realism for this fantasy game.

What does it do right? It has no reason to exist unless it improves upon the original.

Are you guys completely retarded? Bitching even for an HD remake?

Whoever says that the old version was better is trolling or his internal drive to be always a fucking contrarian to everything even remotely "mainstream" has evolved so hard that he actually believes it.

What if the gameplay is improved so that colossi are no longer a slip n’ slide?

The only reason it or the original exist is to make money.

There is no improving on the original.

whats wrong here?

>he looks fine
The fuck are you talking about? They changed him from a determined young man filled with conviction to a sad prettyboy.

Why the fuck are you even playing videogames with that sort of mindset?

He's just kinda casually strolling along in the new one

I love how Sup Forums is the only place on internet who's criticizing this remake

Looks like a fucking PS2 game

monster on the right is moving and the character is reacting to the movement

monster on the left is moving and character is just walking along like nothing

To have fun.

every where else is dick riding it for internet traffic dumbass

Because elsewhere it's just a bunch of casuals gawking at the pretty grafics, and they don't remember what the original one looks like

>purist cucks still trying to convince me that the original looks better

Its like people coming out of star wars and shouting "THERES NO SPACE BATTLES AT ALL!!"

It's likely not even that they don't remember what the original looks like, but probably that they never even played the original in the first place.

So basically what I'm guessing here is that people shitposting about the remake don't even own a ps4, right? Ok then.

Is this the only way to play SoTC on PS4? Can PS2 emulators run the original at 60 FPS?

No one's keeping you here.

>right is a downgrade because low res textures is part of the art style
Surely people realise how utterly autistic that sounds right?

muuuuuuuuuuuuh nostalgia

No problem for me

Ps4 finally has a game worth posting about but ass hats wont allow it on Sup Forums and instead shit post about how the original """"""looks better""""""

Post his feet.

The original does look better. Higher detailed graphics doesn't equal better.

Animations are clearly inferior dude


>why the hell would anyone go to a movie when they can have the real thing?

Oh you poor innocent pupper

well honestly a star wars should have some kind of space battle, did you see the name of the series?
as for sotc, they did fuck up at some places, like wander's face.

NOW do you fucking idiots understand why the Switch versions of games are better than their PS4/Xbone counterparts? Low res = better, ALWAYS

Damn...... you're right....... I was wrong..... all along.....

Who said this?

ITT: nintendobabbies damage control

Damn Argo is THICC

This entire thread.

Cant they just take the og, make it 8k 144fps and add in the lst 3 colossi?

When media gets to the point when hyper intricate space battles, battles with flurries of laser swords and supermen battling gods in world ending battles are everywhere. Real human beings, with real human limitations, in real life situations with real human emotions becomes a novelty.

We're even seeing it in games. People are tired of over the top, when something is grounded it feels fresh and original.

That's what ive been saying, A directors cut of the PS2 version with the 8 Cut Colossi

>It's meant to look like dogshit!

Then play the original you bent cunt

I miss how developers used the shortcomings of a console as an asset in creating atmosphere. Now all AAA developers do when making a game is "muh graphix".

>left: determined, recognizes the ordeals ahead and braces his spirit for them
>right: uncertain, on the verge of tears, would probably kill himself after agro saves his life

i hope you guys are just memeing because the remaster looks a million times better

So it was just a lazy Strawman after all.

They didn't usually do this on purpose.

the engine probably eats cpu for breakfast. Thats why it only ran 960x1080 on ps3

Who is this man hat so eloquently sums up this issue? Well fucking said.

It's fucking Final Fantasy VII all over again.
Japan's obsession with depressed husks of boys must be stopped.

This isn't a meme.

Is that Boss Baby?

But this was done by western developers. And it shows.

Damn, his girly little face! Now I can't enjoy this game. =(((


>being this stupid unironically


i honestly thought he was a girl my first playthrough of the original


Then play it in the glorious 240p and stop whining.

i thought "damn that looks shitty" and then i noticed right was the original

Literally a copy of BOTW. Sony should be ashamed of themselves.

What am I meant to be outraged about

Yeah, this is why the golden age of video games happened while the art direction was pretty blocky, papier mache, low poly type of art that created outstanding atmosphere due to more than a hint of abstraction. As soon as muh gfx fags got what they wanted and social media kicked in it was over.

This. Actual art direction and atmosphere requires effort and time. They can’t risk that when normalfags wouln’t be able to appreciate it anyway.

If you can't see what's wrong with the stiff lifeless animation there is no hope for you.

Honestly, I agree with the criticism 100%. The minimalist artstyle lended perfectly to a bleak and empty world. This new shit makes it look like every other game. If this was a release and not a remaster, it would’ve forgotten so quickly.

Most of the time, Sup Forums is vehemently autistic about change but this time it’s bang on.

It's always the same shit. remake believe they don't need an art director because "everything is already done", but enhancing the resolution affects so many things, and they refuse to understand it.
Fuck, you don't have to be an artists to know that clear color look darker when you zoom them out and this effect is directly proportional to the pixel resolution.

Is he glitching in a fucking cinematic?

SotC on ps2 is the technologically more advanced game. That sand flying whale colossi fight has far more particle effects and better animations.

>not asking for Mono’s HD feet
What are you, bi?

not a cinematic

they should
rename this place to
/contrary/ - Contrarian

remake is overanimated. no one moves their head that much when speaking calmly. it ends up looking cartoony as fuck.

Oh I’m sorry. You’re right. I should stop criticizing a misguided remake of one of my favorite games of all time because EVERYONE ELSE likes it! People who would buy anything with the title slapped on it. People who see “Du PERTy GraphIx.” and buy it regardless of quality.
No Sup Forums is not the only place by the way. Plenty of people on twitter are also pointing out how unimpressive this remake is.

>he looks fine

On the left Avion gains altitude, and so Wander's gait slows as if he's climbing a hill.

On the right Avion starts to bank, and so Wander needs to grab hold.

If Avion was exhibiting the same movement then you might have a point, but since they're different it's not a fair comparison. Note that the verticality of the surface that Wander is on is different; the left is a slight incline and the right is nearly fully vertical. From what I see both situations seem acceptable.