So what's Sup Forums's opinion of Samus Returns? How does it hold up to the original and AM2R?
How does it hold up to modern Metroidvania games?
Do you want to see Sakamoto/Mercury Steam keep making these games from now on?
So what's Sup Forums's opinion of Samus Returns? How does it hold up to the original and AM2R?
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you make this thread every day, don't you think its time to stop?
That would mean admitting Sup Forums can't discuss a game and I'd rather live in my imaginary bubble where I pretend to spend my time in discourse rather than the reality of Sup Forums being a cesspool of shitposting and drama
I just want proper sales figures I know whether or not Metroid has a future.
All we know is it did less than 1m and less than the Fire Emblem Gaiden remake
Ruined Metroid II's horror atmosphere. Sold like shit, further cementing the fact there's no market for 2D metroid anymore. Meaningful content locked behind amiibo. Looks worse than the fan game.
What a disappointment.
>Ruined Metroid II's horror atmosphere
I suppose it was inevitable as Sakamoto didn't work on the original and he thinks Metroid is an action game rather than an isolation/navigation game
Anybody who thinks metroid 2 is supposed to be a horror game is a pansy. It did have a more desolate atmosphere but its not scary.
It did 300k, it was embarassing for a mainline Metroid game.
horror atmosphere =\= scary
I'd really recommend watching these videos
To get a good idea on what we mean by Metroid II's atmosphere
But everyone who has played this game has discussed it already
I could only get an hour in before I got bored. I loved AM2R but SR feels sterile to me
>It did 300k
RIP Metroid
>But everyone who has played this game has discussed it already
here, slowpoke
Or maybe they shouldn't have released it on a dead handheld.
Great game but sales aren't big. Metriod already had sales problems before.
Prime 4 is the last test
I think the AM2R vs Samus Returns discussion is really interesting, what happened to all the AM2R fans who swore off Nintendo for ever?
Games still sell on the 3DS, but yeah, Nintendo was dumb to not release it on both Switch and 3DS.
>Great game
How do you feel it stacks up against AM2R? Against other 2017 Metroidvanias, Hollow Knight, Rain World etc
Isn't that VG charts?
Is it really though? I thought the only 1 million unit games were super and prime 1. Isn't 300k par the course for a metroid game normally?
>believing vgchartz ever
full retard
iirc Nintendo released a statement saying it basically exceeded expectations and they have a good indication that people want more Metroid. After all it was on Amazon's top 10 and right now both Nintendo and Gamestop list it as a bestseller for the system.
>Isn't 300k par the course for a metroid game normally
Yeah, Metroid games like Other M. I think the problem is the flood of high quality, cheaper metroidvanias on resolutions higher than 240p
>what happened to all the AM2R fans who swore off Nintendo for ever?
I remember Iwata being very accepting about the fan games, and they've done a 180 on that. I often think everything good about the company died with him. It's become very much the kind of soulless corporation that everyone loves to hate, and I'm interested in seeing how corporate culture starts to affect their games. BotW and Odyssey were still mostly developed when Iwata was in command, as was the Switch itself, so we haven't really seen Nintendo do anything under the helm of Kimishima who seems painfully like a just-business suit. It might be great for profits, but I think I'm becoming less of a fan
>iirc Nintendo released a statement saying it basically exceeded expectations
No they didn't, Nintendo in the investors reports tell us it was outsold by Fire Emblem which sold ~400,000
Love when you can spot retards who just immediately set out to parrot any flavor of the month ecelebs opinion on games
>It's become very much the kind of soulless corporation that everyone loves to hate
wow.. now i feel bad for not buying a copy, Jesus Christ.
>limitations dictated the atmosphere so it probably wasn't even intentional
also for as much as people here like to dick ride AM2R it ruined the atmosphere too given the more action-y shit that happens
But because Nintendo swung their big legal dick around I guess we have to hate SR for feeling more in line with the other Metroid games
Also GamingBrit is a contrarian faggot that let Mark Brown influence his opinions instead of thinking of his own
How did it not ruin the atmosphere of the original?
Like Microsoft or Apple. Just this huge company that makes things people like but everyone hates them as this evil entity
Actually, even VGchartz says ~410k
No idea where he's pulling that number from
>RIP Metroid
Fool, devs already said they were very happy with the sales and that another Metroid game is "likely".
In fact they expected the game to flop horribly and that investment wouldn't return. Turned out the game was quite low budget and it did return.
and that same investors report indicated it went beyond their expectations
not that user but stop being a falseflagging retard
>Like Microsoft or Apple
I thought it was pretty good. AM2R edges it out in music, level design, and boss design though. SM makes foes the individual metroid fights better though.
>it went beyond their expectations
I've read the report, they don't say this
I enjoyed it. It isn't one of the series' best but it's solid. Needs more enemy variety and needs to take more risks.
More accessible than Metroid 2 (in a good way) but adds way too much filler and playing with the circle pad is suffering. They're pretty even, haven't played AM2R myself.
>SM makes foes the individual metroid fights better though.
Could you expand on this?
>needs to take more risks
And run the overall risk of tarnishing a remake in fans' eyes? No. New games are where risks are taken, not remakes.
Ten years ago I'd agree but then all this DLC, season passes, paid online etc started happening. Killing AM2R is the type of thing Disney would do, not Nintendo, especially after Iwata condoned it
They're just not the company they used to be
>They're just not the company they used to be
I just don't see it
>Needs more enemy variety and needs to take more risks
The thing is the game received a rather poor budget. Nintendo didn't even think SR would return the investment.
>Nintendo didn't even think SR would return the investment.
And t doesn't seem like it did
I gave several examples. Maybe you think those things aren't a big deal, and that's fine, but they really bother me. Yes, Nintendo has a right to protect its IP, and yes, Nintendo can sell things however it chooses to, but they used to be the good guys. Now they're as bad as everyone else.
Devs already said it did and they are happy with sales. Apparently another Metroid game is likely.
but I thought Other M sold like crazy though just because it was on the Wii. Game sucked massive dick but isn't it like the 3rd best selling metroid game?
>Devs already said it did and they are happy with sales
The investors report disagrees
>Yes, Nintendo has a right to protect its IP
Copyrights aren't like trademarks, you don't have to enforce them to maintain control. Valve and Sega have set examples of how to handle fan games positively instead of shitting on the makers and the fans with a big ol' CnD.
It reminds me of Disney shutting down daycare centers in Florida because they had Mickey Mouse painted on the walls. Seriously, google it. Like who the fuck does that hurt? They're not selling bootleg Disney movies, it's a daycare. This is why people hate Disney. Nintendo's going down that path.
That's a really weak analogue as Nintendo sells games and AM2R is a game. As opposed to Disney who do not make/run daycares.
That is one of the most accurate depictions of the size of the suit I've ever seen. Femdom or amazonian fags like to pretend she's some hulking giantess. She's maybe slightly above female height, it's the suit that puts her at 6'3" or more.
But why would she need to take it off and do diagnostics? It's part of her body, if it needs to be repaired just have a healthy meal and get a good night's rest.
AM2R has a better soundtrack.
>But why would she need to take it off and do diagnostics
Maybe doing upgrades or tweaks are easier while the suit is materialized but may require external tools?
>But why would she need to take it off and do diagnostics?
The pic was probably drawn before it became a Sailor Moon outfit.
Is it? A painting of Mickey Mouse is still Mickey Mouse, and what is an animation but a series of paintings? The same day they went and CnD'd over 500 flash games featuring Mario too. We're talking about games maybe 200 people played, on a shitty web browser
>Is it?
Yeah, it'd be more like having a fan remake movie of the Lion King going to cinema being dmcd before a remake of it came out the next year
>Fire Emblem Gaiden remake
To be entirely fair, a good amount of the Western Fire Emblem fanbase are contrarians that will purposely buy bad games to spite the weeb fans of the franchise.
So there are more Fire Emblem fans than Metroid fans? Despite the massive amount of indie metroidvania games on the market proving otherwise?
For some reason noone talks about metroidvania fans did not buy SR
AM2R is better than SR in practically every way. It's nice to have a new official metroid release but the repetitive combat, poor level design, and lack of atmosphere puts pretty low as far metroid tiers go.
Has 2D Metroid ever sold "well"? Every Metroid fan I know IRL is a Prime fan.
Like 20years ago, but there are plenty of indie 2d platformers that sell over 1m
>repetitive combat
how is it any more repetitive than other metroid games?
>poor level design
what's wrong with the level design?
>lack of atmosphere puts pretty low as far metroid tiers go.
oh so you're retarded.
An underground remake on PC is absolutely nothing like a film making it to movie theatres. It's more like a family made film that someone projected in their back yard and a few neighbors came over to watch. Nintendo doesn't make PC games, and these were not monetized either, which would have to be the case to be in a theatre
God, don't remind me. Fire Emblem's closet waifufags are worse than the actual waifufags.
>spend years insisting they aren't waifufags
>proceed to go fucking insane over Gaiden's trademark canon waifu
>it was a good game
>probably not as good as AM2R, but that's just a personal opinion
>it's nice that Samus was finally allowed some dignity again, where her sex appeal didn't completely overshadow the rest of the game
>the game, bar some mistakes, was also pretty okay
>Nintendo fans hated it furiously because they considered it "leftist SJW propaganda" because Samus wasn't sexualized enough
Overall, it's a tragic tale of trying to appease the waifu children who only view women as objects to be ogled.
>An underground remake on PC is absolutely nothing like a film making it to movie theatres
You're only right in the fact the scale and distribution of AM2R has a far BIGGER range than national movie theaters as online distribution of movies show.
Indie platformers also tend to be cheap to buy and don't have fanbase wars like Metroid.
>Nintendo fans hated it furiously because they considered it "leftist SJW propaganda" because Samus wasn't sexualized enough
I never saw any of this
Got any source or screencaps?
>Nintendo fans hated it furiously because they considered it "leftist SJW propaganda" because Samus wasn't sexualized enough
U wot
On Sup Forums alone people were going fucking crazy over the official art of "tall, confident, kickass Samus"
And how does SR stack up to other Metroidvanias such as Hollow Knight or Rain World?
I'm torn
>Finally might get that Fusion sequel
>It's going to be MS fanfiction about evil Chozo
The beams in SR are the most satisfying in a 2D Metroid save for maybe Fusion. Her beam feels powerful as fuck when it's fully upgraded especially with that rapid fire aeon ability.
AM2R's beams were fun since you can mix and match like Super but the plasma beam needed work since it felt like it didn't quite penetrate armored enemies properly and it makes that irritating tinking sound.
You're confusing the potential for the actual range, and it's not really relevant to begin with, because you can't demonstrate how it actually hurts anyone. No one who was capable of finding, downloading and configuring AM2R was confusing it as being an actual Nintendo product, and there was no denial of profits. This was purely a case of "we're doing it because it's our right to", which is why it's bad
Best thing as well is AM2R is still getting updates and added content such as NG+, randomizer mode, and others.
National movie cinemas are dying user, while places like Sup Forums, tumblr and reddit etc get MILLIONS of viewers
>Got any source or screencaps?
Threads like this for example:
Even when not talking about Metroid, Nintendo fans are quick to say things like "this woman should be put back in the kitchen with her legs broken for daring to not show off her tits and ass". And since Metroid has had the least sexualization of any Metroid title in the past 10 years, AND considering its terrible attach rate, you can put 2 and 2 together.
What does that have to do with Nintendo removing a game for no reason other than flexing their legal muscles
One of them is a faithful remake of the original that keeps the tone and atmosphere, the other is a shitty techno remix
I'll let you guess which is which
Can anyone explain to me why AM2R is treated like the second coming of Christ? I like Metroid 2 and AM2R is a great mod, sure, but people act as if it's a gift from the heavens themselves.
Especially since a lot of people were going on SR threads and demanding people to boycott the game and play AM2R instead.
>for no reason
They were also releasing a far more expensive Metroid 2 remake in the near future, it's direct competition user
>implying they'll ever have the courage to continue the story. Fusion was a good game but it shat all over the series and they know it. Other M was the only other game that expounds on some of the story elements introduced in Fusion and it was shite.
Wait, what? I'm still using 1.0, I haven't seen any of that shit.
Better than the original; sidegrade to A2MR. Very fun game.
It's the most polished metroid experience. It's a shame that remake was wasted on a fundamentally flawed game.
>being a butthurt Aloyfag
Go fuck yourself, final design Aloy looks stupid and her game has awful lore. It's funny how you have a cool game with a post-apocalyptic setting and robot dinosaurs but the lore somehow keeps mentioning misogyny and refugees instead of something interesting.
Ok, I agree, but what are your thoughts on how Metroid compares against games that released in 2017 like Rain World and Hollow Knight
>So what's Sup Forums's opinion of Samus Returns? How does it hold up to the original?
It's great but I like the original better
>Do you want to see Sakamoto/Mercury Steam keep making these games from now on?
Yes, I can't wait until they work on Metroid 5 for the 3DS.
I'd like to say Nintendo should be more like Sega in supporting fan projects by leaving them alone but that's probably because Sonic team needs to watch and take notes.
It's definitely miles above the original, I absolutely hated the original and had to force myself to finish it, while I actually enjoyed playing SR the whole way through. Haven't played AM2R so I can't compare them, but I'm fine with Mercury Steam doing at least one more 2D Metroid, since they made my least favorite Metroid (that I've played, haven't touched Other M) into one I actually enjoyed..
Better than the original.
It's Metroid
Maybe Fusion remake.
>it's direct competition user
Again, comparing a retail 3DS game to an underground PC game is like comparing a movie theatre to a drawing on the wall at a daycare
FE fags are pretty open about being unrepentant waifufags.
Sure, but that doesn't mean the rest of the fanbase should be relegated to playing Metroid 2 forever. New Metroid games coming out is a good thing.
Right here man.
Page has the link to the patch. Needs 1,1 though to get it to patch to 1.3.3 which is here.
Oh hi Mark.
>comparing a retail 3DS game to an underground PC game
I don't see how you can't compare them?
People were just angry that Nintendo kept them in the dark for 7 years, and DMCA'd a fan game without even giving them an idea of what was to come. It also didn't help that SR does fail in alot of areas, like poor framerate, locking a hard mode behind an amiibo, and the button mashing quick time attacks that kind of break the game and make it too easy. I gave the game a pass despite these things, but this is something Nintendo should've learned from by now. They're amateur mistakes you wouldn't expect from an industry veteran.
>Go fuck yourself, final design Aloy looks stupid and her game has awful lore.
Those are absolutely retarded reasons to dislike any game. You could've talked about the repetitive gameplay or the boring story that was a slog to go through even without the political shite being put in. But you see, that's my point after all. If this game was a Switch exclusive and it had Aloy be a 17 year old anime girl in a bikini deepthroating a banana, not a soul would've hated it, and that's why I'm angry that so many Nintendo fans hated Samus Returns. They literally discarded everything about it because Samus wasn't enough of a whore for them to masturbate to.