why did the Khajiit side with the thalmor?
Same reason feminists side with Muslims
Because the Thalmor claim to have saved their moons
Here is a better question.
According to the stuff on the creation of the towers, AuriEL left mundus after stating that the Ada-Mantia and the Red Mountain would stabilize creation which would allow him and other Aedra to return to Aetherius.
This supposedly inspired the ancient mer to create their own towers in an attempt to stabilize reality in their steed so that they too could return to Aetherius.
The problem with this is it isn't true because all the aedra are still crystallized into the world which is symbolized by the presence of their "planets".
The only way I could see this working is a direct result of the Monkey Popes followers removing AuriEl from aka'tosh thus creating an alternate history at the convention where aurEl leaves but Aka'tosh remains.
It's because khajit are retarded moon sugar/skooma addicts.
can you visit their planets like a realm of oblivion?
legit got a laugh out of me
I think it is true, and those planets are only their bodies.
Possibly, because Khajit have been to their moon. But that might only be because the moons are Lorkhan's shattered body and since Lorkhan is the heart of Mundus it would be allowed.
Otherwise, the planets are simply placeholders for the Aedra's "body" since their divine spark is all throughout mundus.
The problem is if the Aedra could leave the idea of Kaplas couldn't exist.
If I remember correctly, Khajiit worship the moon and one day it disappeared. They freaked out but it returned after awhile, shortly afterwards the Altmer approached them and said they were responsible for it returning, (They weren't) and an instant alliance was born.
what are kaplas
Just thought I'd also point out that, nobody actually knows why the moon disappeared. Although it could have just happened randomly, mundus' astronomy is not rational. (the stars are holes in oblivion, the planets are the aedra, the moons are lorkhan split into halves etc)
so which aedra is tamriel on?
Nirn is special because it was created by the Aedra and then fueled by their divinity, but technically it's Lorkhan
A point at which time ends and resets.
Usually it ends when the world eater devours the world, at which point we assume some weird shit happens and the world is made again, but a little different.
Paarthurnax is actually aware of kalpas, and it's believed that the History somehow survived thru them.
It's not 'their' moon. It's just the fucking moons. They don't own the rotting remains of Lorkhan's body.
the (((thalmar))) used their elven tactics to make them think they were their saviors of legend. they worship the moons phases and shit.
A turn of the wheel. Basically from what I remember, a kalpa is an entire instance of mundus from beginning to end.
They supposedly all start at the out-of-time Convention, which is where the Aedra formed the Admantine tower and held a meeting there while dissolving into the formation of the world, to discuss and decide a punishment for Lorkhan who had damned them into being a part of reality.
The Kalpa begins with this and ends with Aldiun devouring the world and vomiting it back out as something different. Each instance of the world is different from the last and we are given hints as to what they were like. For example, it's believed the Hist Trees are Kalpa hoppers who have survived multiple worlds beginning and ending. The Aquatic Dreugh are sometimes hinted to been the mer of an earlier Kalpa.
Supposedly the Daedra and possibly aedra swap roles each Kalpa. Molag Bal was once an aquatic merman-like Daedra called The Ruddy Man and Mehrunes Dagon was once a pro Lorkhan apologist called the Leaper Demon King.
Michael Kirkbride once claimed that Peryite would swap roles with Aka'tosh in the next Kalpa. Although if Kalpas begin at the convention I don't know how Aedra can swap roles with daedra, or how daedra even become altered by them.
Tamriel is the continent, (the biggest one) which its on the planet Nirn which is said to be the dead body of Lorkhan.
which mod is this
Tamriel is "the world" that the aedra are fueling. The other planets are only aesthetically planets and you possibly can't even go on them. Most appear to be Gas Giants anyway.
>The Kalpa begins with this and ends with Aldiun devouring the world
Lorelet here, does that mean that the main quest in Skyrim prevented the process of moving to the next Kalpa? Even if it might only be temporary?
Tamriel might be the "only" continent. There are theories that yukonda was past Kalpa and Akavir might be the next whilst Atmora and Aldmeris were segregated placeholders for Padomayic and Anuic spirits before they clashed on tamriel.
that sounds fucking retarded, why would they believe them enough to build a military alliance?
That seems to be the case, yes.
The face looks like one of the bijin facial replacers, the clothing looks like the cbbe/unp I love cleavage armor replacer, and the body size is just a preset. Hope that helps.
The plot of Skyrim is that Aldiun was breaking his role as world ender by choosing to rule the world as a tyrant rather than do his job. I honestly don't remember why he became corrupt but one of the main things about TeS is the current Kalpa is absolutely abnormal and riddled by multiple entities trying to make it the final kalpa. The normal cycle of beginning to end is probably the closest its been to being fucked.
because theyre dumb coked up catniggers
Because the cats are retarded niggers. If they aren't stealing, they're getting high as shit on skooma.
Well, the moon is everything to them. They even change shape depending on the cycle of the moon when they're born. (They can go from looking like a cat, a lion, a hybrid or the Khajit you see in the games)
I don't know how they'd look without it, they might not survive birth or they might look like elves. I think the sheer panic of it going missing and the relief of it returning about trump all sense.
>would trump all sense.
Yokuda is still there; it may be in smaller chunks than what it used to be, but it is still there. Shit, there's even comments as of Oblivion that Anvil gets plenty of goods coming through from Yokuda. Akavir is still there. As is Atmora and Lyg.
So Aldiun started things off of his own volition in order to rule this or the next Kalpa? As opposed to previous times where he just ate everything, threw it back up and then fucked off until the next time?
I'm always amazed by how on a surface level Skyrim and Oblivion are pretty standard fantasy settings, but if you dig deeper you find all sorts of really fucking bizarre stuff. Even if some of it is borderline fanfiction from MK.
To get the taste of Khajit cooking out of their mouths
There are two possibilities: The thalmor did it or it's something beyond anyone's control that can happen anytime. Which do you think they would rather believe?
>Although if Kalpas begin at the convention I don't know how Aedra can swap roles with daedra, or how daedra even become altered by them
All you really need is a dragon break for it to work even if it's a cop out. Take Akatosh, he could take part in creation and at the same time mantle Peryite, while Peryite mantle Akatosh at the same time.
There are sociological reasons why the Khajiit act this way, their race was enslaved for a long period of time by the Dunmer and they haven't really fully recovered.
Their only respite during this hard time was Skooma, (also created by the Dunmer) which is why its so popular among Khajitt. (along with them now having the main source of Moonsuger)
I always figured it was because of the implied threat that the Thalmor would make the moons go away again if they didn't form an alliance.
The Moth Priests say all life began on Tamriel and that Tamriel is the center of the world. It's said that the Yokudains "destroyed Yokuda" to reach tamriel which doesn't make sense if they could just sail there. It does make sense in the context of Yokuda being a past kalpa
Redguard also are abnormal in that unlike all other men they did not come from Atmora and have a closer, more anuic belief system to mer rather than men.
There are other inconsistencies as well, such as one Yokudan emperor having an empire like 4x the size of Tiber's empire which is impossible if we believe Yokuda was as small as drawn.
>Akavir is still there
Akavir is possibly a future kalpa given its strong link to dragons and dragonborn.
>Atmora is still there
Atmora is frozen under a thick layer of ice and void of all living things. If Atmora and Aldmeris are symbols of segregated spirits then the only reason Atmora is still around is it's lorkahnic link to lorkhanic man.
Men believe the world, elves do not. It's fitting that their placeholder remains in existence preserving their past in the ice while Aldmeris no longer exists at all.
Thalmor have the good drugs, and Thalmor dicks ain't got spines
Khajiits are fucking stupids and the Thalmor are clever fucks.
>side with the thalmor?
Nope the fucking loathe Thalmor
Only for business. never for pleasure.
>Red Guard
To be fair guys the thalmor in Skyrim. Used abduction, torture, manipulation, infiltration and secrecy alot. And the Khajiit aren't trusted either. So it is like no honor among thieves I guess.
>no honor among thieves I guess
You make it sound like the Khajiits sided with the thalmor over some mutual fenefical agreement in which both parties fully acknowledge the other as equal. When in reality the Khajiits went full PANIC, their iq points droped at least ten points and fell on the Thalmor tricks because of that. I seriously doubt any thalmor at all sees any Khajiits as equal.
Because the Thalmor predicted they would return ahead of time. The moons were gone then the Thalmor told the Khajiit the date they would return, and they did. Whether the Thalmor themselves were responsible for returning the moons, or they just happened to know and took advantage of the situation is up for debate.
The Thalmor had a hand in the moon dissapareance to make the khajit infertile as the moon is important to determine the khajits ''caste', but they werent capable of keepinig it that way and the moon returned they then decided to claim they where the ones to that returned to moon which pretty much made the khajit join their empire.
Redguard ancestors, Yokudans and Sinistral elves also came from a different kalpa.
The only issue with the Yokuda kalpa theory is they had their own tower, the Orichalcum tower. Of course for all we know that was their Ada-Mantia or White-Gold tower that only bridged to the current via the Redgaurd leaving. It's also deactivated anyway so it might not have ever applied.
To get to the other side
Could be, but it would explain why their is a race of men seemingly unrelated to the other ones.
Oh yeah I very much believe that Redgaurd are from another Kalpa. People don't realize that there is a very metaphysical duality in TeS. Really it's atmoran men (padomay) vs mer(anuic). Everybody else is either an immigrant from another kalpa, an offshot of mer, a fragment of one of the divines (dragons, minotaur) or just a white souled nobody.
Redguard are clearly abnormalities based on their culture and history.
I guess they might have some relations with them if you count the fact that they assimilated the Nedes.
But this would bring up the question if Redguards are just a different naming for Yokudans giving to them by the other races of Tamriel or if their an evolution of their Yokudans ancestors with some nedic admixture.
what went wrong?
>I know, lets create the perfect waifu but lets not allow the PC to waifu her LMAO!
How did Bethesda get away with it?
Some of the aedra became planets, the rest fucked off.
Architects didn't know how to make reclining thrones so everyone is grumpy with bad posture
>the perfect waifu
I'm still unhappy there isn't an option to kill Captain Daddy Issues.
>perfect waifu
Enjoy Molag's sloppy seconds.
Homosexuals please leave.
Can I kill Maven Black-Briar and her entire clan?
I'm not the one who is chasing after the King of Rape's cumrag.
This is your waifu, just replace the dildos with Molag's monster cock.
You can kill some of her family, and fuck over her businesses in various ways.
Homosexuals please leave.
Excellent. Fucking hate how she's got the Essential tag and becomes Jarl if you take Riften with the Imperials, I wanted to stab her ass since I first arrived in the city.
A race of drug addicted thieves gets fooled by the TES version of the Jews.
It is just that simple.
they will not come out and admit it, but i know it's because of my vagina
Is the entirity of the Skyrim game an Enantiomorph where the Dominion is the Rebel, The Empire is the King and Skyrim is the Observer?
But that's not how it works. All the spirits that could leave left with Magnus as Magna-Ghe. Magnus leaving is symbolic as the last call for bailing out on Lorkhan's trick, once it happened nobody left on mundus could leave it as they had already been merged with it. The entire point of the convention was the fuming remainder of powerful spirits fucking PISSSED at Lorkhan's trick. In a sort part-metaphor part history they had a huge battle and Trinimac ripped out Lorkhan's heart and Auriel launched it into Morrowind, then they all faded completely into their respecitve laws with their "bodies" becoming the planets.
The tower legend create the claim that the towers can stablize and basically substitute the gods so that they can leave the world without reality breaking. The problem is all of them WOULD leave and also there isn't really a reason why they would care about Mundus dying because it was a trick to begin with. So I think that the most likely explination is Lorkahn seeded the idea of the towers as a part of the trick as a pass or fail test and that the retroactive removal of Auriel from Akatosh created a paraodox legend that claimed that the towers allowed Auriel to leave (when really, he "left" because he was a new being that never existed and never contributed to the world post retconn).
I mean she isn't bad. But she isn't good. Mainly because I say stealth. And she as already resurrected a Dragur Deathlord and is already through the dungeon. I think Frea is my waifu. She knows how to stealth.
>Not sweating bullets and trying to get stealthy kills as Serana has screeched and aggro'd 3 briarhearts and two trolls nearby
Alright here's Sup Forums's essential guide for dicking over Maven Blackbriar.
>kill Ignun, her daughter
>wipe out the Dark Brotherhood so she loses her assassins
>side with Ulfric so she doesn't become Jarl
>steal Frost from her during Promises to Keep, then kill Sibbi, her grandson
>steal shit from the Black-Briar Meadery
>do Romlyn Dreth's quest, and buy mead from him whenever possible
>kill Indaryn, her manager at the meadery
>burn down all the beehives at Goldenglow, and don't advance the questline beyond that so that she doesn't get Honningbrew Meadery.
Laura Bailey is too pure for you
It's weird with Serana I'm cool with her kills and how she does them. But one boulder from a boulder trap or something hits her. Health drops fast as fuck.
can you mantle the godhead
Isn't that what Dagoth Ur was trying to do in Morrowind?
>Trying to get Lydia to wear something other than her stupid steel armor
>Constanly savescum with pickpocketing to steal her armor because 9% chance and NPCs won't let you pickpocket them for like 10 days if they catch you
>Finally steal her armor and leave her in her undies and boots
>Steal her boots too cause I got some edgy-yet-sweet glass armor for her
>Talk to her after and offer to trade
>Give her the glass armor/boots
>She immediately gens up another set of steel armor/boots
>Read afterwards that NPCs will accept armor given to them if they're not wearing any, so long as they're wearing at least one piece of their original outfit left
>Can never get Lydia to wear glass armor+glass boots without modding
It's so frustrating
Then what is Mundus?
What if bugs were cannon in Skyrim?
Esbern was a reclusive mute who doomed the world by keeping his door locked and never saying a word
Brojn... Theives guild guy and the Nightingale chick are fighting forever underwater next to a statue of a snow elf
Mannequins are alive and will take off armour they don't like if you leave the room. Some going so far as to smith an exact copy of their favourite outfit
Just blame it on Sheogorath.
I had no idea you could steal from Lydia.
Because Skyrim has awful writing.
The Thalmor were painted to be so one sidedly evil that it literally made no sense for me to side with the empire and Bethesda knew this which is why there is no incentive to side with the empire over the Stormcloaks.
The Daedric quests are all railroad quests where you don't get to actually choose how you respond to the Daedra, you just have to be obedient or be sassy but obedient. Even telling fucking Molag Bal that his reward is shit gets a "hey, watch your mouth, okay bye" from the Daedric Prince of fucking rape.
The faction quests are literally the same thing 5 times. The newcomer shows up and there is a big conspiracy and then the betrayer/spy is killed and the newcomer becomes the new leader/mascot.
Asking "why anything happens" in Skyrim should only be met with one singular response, because Bethesda fired all their good staff and Todd lets marketing teams develop his games now. The only good thing about Skyrim is Blackreach and that is because they didn't add some bullshit Falmer quest to it where you meet friendly Falmer and the evil Falmer mayor is secretly planning to sell them out so the Dragonborn has to kill him and become the new mayor.
>What if bugs were cannon in Skyrim?
Sorry fallout 4 fucked that straight up.
I haven't played FO4. Do elaborate.
Who the fuck bothers with companions without companion overhauls?
She's baby's first immersion breaking waifu
What companion overhaul would you recomend and why?
You have to max out Pickpocketing and get the steal equipped items/weapons perks, but you can. Dismiss a follower and you can pickpocket them and take their default gear and weapons, but often the percentage is so low you can't nail it.
I've heard that if you have the Poisoned perk and reverse pickpocket a paralysis poison into someone's pocket, they'll fall over, and NPCs that fall over have a 100% pickpocket chance on all their items, even if it says 0%. I'm trying to level up so I can powerlevel Speech this way with the Master-rank bard in Solitude, then steal all my money back.
Me, because this is my first time playing and I wanted to do it vanilla.
Mundus is "reality". It includes Nirn and all the planet-bodies of the aedra.
Think of it as nirn being the ground would walk while mundus being what you reside in.
Oblivion is the space bridging mundus to aetheries, a sort of partial reality where daedric entities are still "bound" to it but are not subject to the rules of mundus, carving out their own little worlds there.
Atherius is non-reality that exists outside of that that was once the normal plane of existence before Lorkhan's trick. Certain afterlifes reside there, as well as the Magna-Ge who escaped creation, spirits who never even contributed and according to elves some aedra.
>which is why there is no incentive to side with the empire over the Stormcloaks.
Than you are an idiot the Stormcloaks winning is handing over a victory to the thalmor because there is no way that the bretons and imperials can handle them by themselves and with everyone else either independent or untouchable it will be a victory for the thalmor.
Let’s say the Dragonborn is a male Nord like in the trailer. If the Dragonborn took up the mantle of emperor would he side with the dark elves or the argonians? Seeing as how dark elves are currently coming off of a what was essentially getting nuked, and argonians almost never help the emperor with anything from blackmarsh, it’s got me curious who folk would side more with in terms of ruling.
Except the part where it is explicitly stated in game that the Thalmor are deliberately keeping the Civil War going in order to weed out Talos worship. Looking at it through a political lens doesn't make any sense anyway because the Dragonborn decides who wins the Civil War and the Dragonborn walked into Sovngard and fucking murdered Alduin.
Side with neither both territories are not in imperial control at the moment, Black Marsh seceded and Morrowind is unified and fixing their problems is not what the empire should be working on at the current time.
>4 legs
>goes to standing upright
>as mass increases goes back to four legs
someone doesn't know their biology
Dragonborn conquers them both. You expect a man with the soul of a dragon to submit to another's rule?
Dark Elves are respected mages.
Argonians invaded Morrowind and are renound for being thieves and bandits.
Yeah so an empire win means that the war is over and they can start preparing for the next war using at least 3 provinces instead of 2.