ITT: Games that killed its series
ITT: Games that killed its series
THPS was already dead at that point, but because it was a beloved series with plenty of nostalgia to milk THPS5 had some potential. Unfortunately it was a buggy unfinished piece of shit so I guess in some sense it really did kill the series because we’re certainly never going to see a THPS6. Still I consider it more of a catastrophic failure of a reboot attempt of an already dead series.
THPS was dead after AW came out. Such a pile of garbage.
skate 4 when
>best fallout game came after F3
Literally never.
>Best fallout
>Not fallout 2
Leave my board.
How can you not like American Wasteland???
Dead or Alive was a fighting series once
It was literally too good.
I agree.
People were invested in the trilogy idea, Halo 3 felt like such a big event because it was supposed to be the grand finale and Reach really cheapened it for no benefit to the player.
it didnt kill the series, they just didnt want to give the wii casuals a new f-zero
>thinking any bethesda game is good
kek, home alone for NES is unironically the only good game they ever made
Agreed. Campaign was okay but the multiplayer really shit the bed.
>no 1-50 ranking system
>no equal starts
>armor abilities disrupt the balance
Me and all my old Halo 2/Halo 3 buddies abandoned Reach quickly after launch and went right back to Halo 3.
I'm noticing a pattern here.
how has this not been posted yet
Yup. Even if they tried now, without Nagoshi it'll never be as hype as GX.
>bethesda game
It was alright but the whole game was a tutorial. It definitely had the best setting of any TH game, though. They totally nailed the grimy L.A. atmosphere, and the lack of loading screens helped to make it feel more like an actual world.
5 is a cursed number
Gears of War 3
It's wrong though. Street Fighter IV is when the series died.
Fuck you. 4 was literally the best.
t. 09er
>the lack of loading screens helped to make it feel more like an actual world.
They replaced loading screens with loading tunnels if you didn't notice.
It still makes me mad to this day.
As a Slovak I apologize for this travesty
I thought it was ride that killed the series? ride coupled with Skate and the general kids not wanting to skate anymore.
In this case THPS5 literally killed the series.
If we're talking metaphorically then Proving Ground. That was the final Neversoft game.
what the fuck do you smoke?
sure, but loading tunnels with stuff to grind on and trick off of. They were only like a minute to get through end to end.
Oh yeah we’ll check my five faggots
4 marked the shift from survival horror to more action orientated. It's still one of my favorite games but it killed the series in the sense that it completely changed it. Haven't played 7 yet
Oh boy, this one fucking destroyed me.
SoF was a god-tier ultraviolent shooter and I'm not the biggest fan of SoF2 but at least it was decent enough.
Payback was a damn disgrace.
Why did it have to suffer a fate worse than death?
>beloved series gets handed to unknown shovelware trash developers
How is this allowed?
god why did they do this
To cash in on the modern Marvel movie hype, with a couple new Capcom faces sprinkled in to attract and make certain fanbases shut up.
>implying it didnt die earlier
the series already went to shit after 2 imo.
American Wasteland.
It felt like THPS: Jackass. I actually burned it to play on my PS2 and shut it off after the intro.
7's the closest to a return to form that the series has seen post-4 but it also plays out more like a de-actioned Rev1 with some classic RE-isms than a proper old school RE. It wouldn't be unfair to call it Revelations 3, actually.
>People posting series or sub-series that are still alive
Don't replay to obvious bait
Nah, that was Underground 2, where you literally ride around with the Jackass crew, more vulgar humor got tossed around and so forth. American Wasteland was more like a really bad MTV original show.
Didn't you get a full auto and unlimited ammo in RE3 on easy or normal?
shhh, don't tell them. let them shitpost in peace
Forgot to mention that I didn't play THUG2. I did like THPS4, but getting rid of the time limit was a gimmick since missions had their own time limits.
Aggressive Inline is still the best game.
Only after you beat the game
I didn't mind it honestly. It was janky and annoying in places, but I still played it to the end and revisit the first level every now and then.
I guess it's a mix of this and BMX XXX, Mirra just didn't want his name on an adult-oriented game.
BMX XXX wasn't that bad either though, it was an M-rated Aggressive Inline with bikes.
yeah but why did they have to make it an abomination
because quick cashgrab
pretty much not a single ounce of effort in the presentation, no real effort in making the music not a bunch of shitty noise, etcetra etcetra, and the only decent thing is the gameplay which itself has its own problems
>mfw he killed himself
>4 marked the shift from survival horror to more action orientated
>Not 2
because Paper Jam and Color Splash came out and were better than that.
>not 1
heh, should have known....
>not 1
its a fgc meme, where they call anyone whos first fighting game was SF4 an 09er.
But the studio that was going to make FO3 originally went into bankruptcy and it was because of Bethesda this board even knows about Fallout. Bethesda should be celebrated. Todd is literal God of videogames and everything (mostly) he touches turns into gold. Honestly Fallout Tactics was such a fucking shitshow I'm glad Todd stopped whatever shit direction that series started heading into after FO2.
It was after THPS3 (Underground) that the game started drifting towards the wrong direction ie. removing time limit and removing the whole idea which was to be a fast paced rush to keep as high combo as possible through multiple small-medium maps. I don't even know what I'm looking at when I look at underground and try to think of it as a THPS game.
New Vegas is overrated trash
>New vegas good me fedora cowboy gangster
No it wasn't 09er, sf4 brought the scene back to life. Arcades were dead and a lot of games were getting old. Sf4 placed fighting games on the map. Was it the best sf? Not really, but it reintroduced the scene.
Why did they have to screw up, now 2K has no competition
>underground haters
best in the series, i love the arcade take, if i wanted the other way id just play skate
>April 4, 1974 – February 4, 2016
Wow, two years ago today. Got chills.
Name any thing that FO1 or 2 did better than FONV and I'll shit all over your opinion with hard facts.
Go on.
>2 years ago already
But that was a few days ago...
no, that would be MGS 4
MGS2, thank you
this kills the genre
definitly not the realease and reveal of raiden alone is better story telling than the whole of mgs 4
It was already dead. Activision shat this game out last minute because they realized their 17 year contract with Tony was about to expire and wanted to squeeze on more game out of the deal. I think the release fell literal days away from the end of the contract.
AW was good but everything afterwards was trash.
Black Box is kill, user.
Why the fuck would you change the beast gauge system from a simple but temporary powerup/movelist expansion to a second health meter?
And fuck all that "Gaia" bullshit too.
doing the same thing to paladins