Is Stefanie Joosten's career in gaming over? From what I've heard...

Is Stefanie Joosten's career in gaming over? From what I've heard, she's moved back to the Netherlands and is living with her mother. So it's looking like she won't be a part of Death Stranding.

Such a shame, she seems like such a genuinely sweet person.

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If they put her in DS, she'll probably be part of Bridges.

I wonder how much money she made from her role in MGSV

I would sniff her asshole.

I thought she was married

She was paid in Kojima dick.

>tfw no stef gf

Would laugh if she was paid per word.

Probably not a lot if she has to move back in with her mother. Fuck Kojishit

is she not getting blacked?

kill yourself pass fag

user I'm sorry but there's nothing there.


I hope her role in porn starts sometime soon

>being black

>I have to be black to like ass
What did he mean by this?

Those dutch teeth.

I doubt she's like most of the thoughts you're accustomed to or the type you read about on /pol9k/
www.twitch tv/videos/214171557

You cant really have a career in gaming. That Hellblade girl has no new roles either.

>That Hellblade girl has no new roles either.
Because she already has a job as a video editor.

>Sup Forums and/or /r9k/ boogeyman in yet another thread

I bet she can't even play that

Apparently the Joost was in ICEY.

there are no females on death stranding, why do you think men clone themselves?

well.... there was the incident.....

theresa getting an early feel of what post brexit britain will be like

>major performance singing in Game Awards

>yfw no bf, no job, stream alone in her mom's house with 2 doggos.

Why does she always stream with her face caked with make up? It's so off putting.

It really was a disappointingly bad performance in TGA. Should have had Donna

I want to cake her womb with semen

Yeah, video games are not like Hollywood.

She looks cute in real, how did they fuck up so much to the point that Quiet looks like a fucking horse?

I meant thots

She looks like every Dutch woman. Everything here is so fucking bland. No hills or mountains, just endless farmland or city with garbage weather all day.

>looking like she won't be a part of Death Stranding

Why the fuck would she be?

nigga pls

Turns out Kojima was gay after all.
He sure as fuck is gay for Michael Madsen and that 3 pubes facial hair faggot from Walking Dead.

This chick is 29 years old wow what a loser.


>Pretending like TGAs are prestigious
You just described an improvement

You do realize acting for Death Stranding probably wrapped up a while ago?

Acting for video games take like a week or two, since it's all just in a mocap studio


She seems to be one of these pretty girls that are extremely boring in bed

the fuck is she doing with that mellophone

who fucking cares
why aren't these threads deleted on sight
the current state of Sup Forums holy shit

kill yourself already lonely faggot

definitely not a mellophone. Its probably not even a real instrument and just meant for decoration

Steph lives with her parents when in the Netherlands but has a permanent residence in Japan

lots of attractive girls don't try in bed because they know they don't have to. At least that's what my chad friend tells me. I wouldn't know.

>they know they don't have to
They have to though. Fucking them is the main goal, if that is boring then what is the point

it looks like a tiny mellophone, i dont know. its been 6 years since high school marching band, i think mellophones were those things the french horns carried instead of the actual sitting ones.

Yeah I played one in high school. That's not it.

I'm in love with everything about her

Im the new Sheriff in this town

the point is to fuck them thats it user

t. someone who never fucked beautiful women

I still fucking love it

>living alone for no reason
>instead of living with someone who cooks and clean the house

you do know even a lot of a-list celebs live with their parents right?

you have to be a subhuman to not see an ass on a woman unless it looks like it came from an orangutan

Name 3

thats scenic as fuck my dude

Looks like a flugel horn

Why is she so popular? She's pretty I guess but not especially so.



She's an attractive dutch actress, no fucking way

Why is she living with her mom and streaming games?

I'd feel better to learn her mom isnt doing well and streaming is for fun/extra revenue or something like that


All the voice acting that exists for Chrom in the newest smash bros was done in a single 4 hour session

She's the only prominent girl in a piece of media adored by lonely autists. Do the math.

um user that isn't a tromboner


Im a percussionist. idk SHIT, nigga.

except that Joost gives me a tromboner

She should do BLACKED.

>Find tushy and vixen
>Find out youre just into the production value
Thanks God.

how to spot Sup Forums: unfailing insistence that no one is ever allowed to talk about Sup Forums, and especially not when someone mysteriously starts posting with images of black crime statistics or talking about how much they'd love to have Donald Trump fuck their wives.

>dvw geen joost vd

agreed she must go here or reddit and is embracing the Neet lifestyle

gab > joos

She rarely streams, it is not her priority.

She's in DS, so either she's done with it or she'll go back to Japan to do the job.
Either way we'll know how good she is because of that game. Because Quiet was quite shit, but really didn't say a word.

Women can be so cute, too bad that deep down they are mentally ill and retard bound.

We should give gaming careers to all the nice people in the industry who look like that. Because she so nice.

>but really didn't say a word.

Look at this faggot who didn't even play the fucking game

I killed Quiet and there's nothing you can do about it.

A few sentences. Retard faggot doesn't understand hyperbole.

>She looks like every Dutch woman
Where do I sign up

Congratulations, you're not an idiot.

why do I have to do it? Google them yourself dipshit

Dutch immigration officials

As a Dutchman I've never seen her act in anything

Her mom is a milfy version of her.

>tfw dutch
Also, "every dutch woman", you mean the good looking ones. The rest look like fridges or horses.

I'd sooner chop my own dick off to cook in a casserole for my mother, than actually go through the hassle of googling a simple answer that you could give me

she had a career? lol


>All these people in love with the same girl

Literal cucks, find your own

couldn't get good lucky pubes going, huh

Stefanie seems so shy and innocent that I can't even imagine having sex with her

>Stefanie will be forever forgotten in your life time

I kinda saw this coming, she's a cute girl but has nothing else going on for her. The best she can do now is slut it up on Twitch and Instagram.

Do not think she had a big career to begin with. She could do better modeling and fashion stuff.
