Fallout 4 is a good game
Fallout 4 is a good game
It is but will never be respected on Sup Forums because of its mainstream popularity.
Clearly, objectively better than NV and FO3; though I still rate 3 higher because of nostalgia.
You misspelled "really boring"
Combat is decent enough and exploration is fun, also settlement building, not necessarily managing, is fun once you get a feel for it. Also it has Piper
So yeah pretty good game.
eh... it's an okay game.
Should I buy it for $15 on G2A?
Some of those can be fun but it doesn't make up for the dogshit rpg elements, dogshit story, and destruction of the lore
It's not even worth getting payed to play it
Thanks Hodd Toward I'll pick it up
As long as you don't want it for the story
it's an okay game but a shitty fallout game
I like the gameplay but the story is fan fiction tier.
Who here waiting for Cascadia overhual?
agreed. Sup Forums takes video games too seriously.
i agree but it's not 10/10 game of the year.
just admit the whole game is shitty
Tried it this weekend.
It really fucking wasn't
Objectively a very wrong statement.