ITT: games that aged like fine wine

ITT: games that aged like fine wine

babies first FPS casual recovering health movie game




Still a blast

underage newfriend, you can’t bump your own threads on this board

You mean it was so bad to begin with that it couldn't possibly be any worse ~20 years later? Yeah, that's Halo.

Just download this for an emulator and give it a shot. It's legitimately fun.

Playing as I wait my turn.


My fucking nigger, I loved this game. Thanks for making me remember it. Downloading it ASAP


This game was the first "modern" fps and while I like it it started the trend of everything being slow and more shit. Now Doom is a game that has aged incredibly well (granted with mouse support etc.)

It's amazing. Definitely one of my favorite NES games


Genesis version is still the best

Best example I can think of. But it could also apply to much of the SNES library

Only downside is all the sprite flickering.

still approved by the inquisition

That is true. As a kid I always assumed it was because the NES couldnt handle everything going on at once. Is that the case? kinda like pacman for 2600

Puzzle games like Bust-a-Move, Tetris Attack, Dr Mario

halo 2 is better

Multiplayer? Yes. Single player? Not even close

Agreed, Halo's story should've ended with 3 and a blank-state should've been started for something else featuring a new threat the UNSC has to face other than the covies but i can see how that would involve a major overhaul of the game which they probably didn't want to do to try and keep veteran fans familiar. I miss the flood but if they were finish they were finish and should've come back.


shouldn't come back* i mean

AM I crazy if I think this game has shitty controls? Link can swing in 4 directions but move in like 8 directions so it often feels awkward when attacking

The trends were already started. It just brought it all to console.

yeah but this was better in every single regard
it was the same shit but literally everything was significantly improved
i really dont know any other sequels that were as well done as the halo trilogy
what the fuck happened to bungie?

There's a NEOGEO sequal, you know that?

halo was fucking garbage and still is. when i see MasterChief i think of the smelly plastic tubes at chuck e cheese that reek of feet cheese and vomit. westerners have no taste only a taste for a quick buck from ethnic minorities because masterchief was a neutral full armored self insert hero that blacks, pinoys and mexicans in poor communities could identify with. halo is a shit game from a shit series on a shit console run by shit companies


I did not. I knew about the GBA game but that's it.

t. So(n)yboy

>not liking chuck e cheese
whats wrong with you

>what the fuck happened to bungie?
They divorced microsoft and became an independent woman.