This is Spy. He is a wasted player slot. Say something mean to him.
This is Spy. He is a wasted player slot. Say something mean to him
Spy, as any other class, is very often used in high level competitive 6s. No class in tf2 is a wasted class. They all have their uses. I advise you to watch some high level competitive gameplay before you make silly claims.
>he thinks TF2 is a competitive game
u r smelly hahaha
t. just got backstabbed
dead ringer
he counters the best shotgun
>spy mains
But he is usually ran more often in Prolander than Pyro is, Pyro is the real wasted slot.
*unsheathes backburner*
*thermal thrusters behind you*
hudda hudda hudda huh, kid
How do I report people who pick nothing but this character? I'm sick and tired of people who think only about themselves and won't acknowledge that its a Team game.
Holy shit TF2 has fallen over the years but at least its nowhere near as bad as Overwatch yet.
>Holy shit TF2 has fallen over the years but at least its nowhere near as bad as Overwatch yet.
>one shot ponies bannable in OW
>literally nobody cares in TF2 and we still have a good time
really joggles dem noggins
>vote kicked for playing the objective
for fuck sakes
>tfw it's OMFGNinja on the opposite team
>playing hightower/any ctf map
If you want to talk about wasted slots look at the Pyro.
What a sexy beast that shotgun is.
>banning people for not playing the way you want them to
Overwatch was a mistake.
People who play Spy the entire match are disgusting. The number of spies on your team should always be changing to keep your enemies off guard, forcing them to expend resources countering Spies that could be used elsewhere.
snipers are officially the worst now that they can be immune to afterburn. no more pelting them with the scorch shot so they run back to spawn. back to the days of hoping one of our five spies makes it to them and actually stabs them in the back
>The absolute state of Sup Forums
Do newfags from Sup Forums just immediately come here after a few months?
If you didn't play an useless class like Pyro you wouldn't have this problem.
It works best when the enemy team thinks there isn't a spy on the other team anymore so they play accordingly, only for someone to suprise spy their base.
>Guy refused to pick anything but torb in a professional tournament when his team asked him to change
>Gets banned
>People act like this was a ban in a regular match
>play only spy on team
>get a chainstab
>4 constantly dead monkies on your team see it
>5 spies next respawn wave
nice 8gag filename
comp tf2 has been a joke since the first time someone suggested it.
Not the point you absolute newfag
>Tries to tricksab you
>Turn around while he's midair and kills him
>newfag xDDD here I bost le ebin maymay
fuck off with your autismo
Go back to r4chan you youngfag cancer
Somebody didn't play the game since Jungle Inferno. Pyro has a real solid DPS now
>tfw never been trick stabbed in my life
it's a dying art and has hardly worked for years. the majority of players actually know how to play the game as opposed to 2012 when 2/3 of each team were mindless first timers due to f2p going live
Spy is one of those characters that few people are good at, but everyone wants to play.
The problem is that "everyone" bit.
I would like to play Spy and improve my Spy gameplay, but there are already 4 Spies on my team. So I don't play him.
I instead play Pyro and weed out the good Spies from the bad on the enemy team.
Only the strong my proceed to become Spy mains.
Making people switch from otherwise useful classes to Rage-Pyro under the expectation there is a spy is also a success.
I've caught myself switching from Soldier to Pyro on a few occasions because of salt. Spy's best weapon is psychological warfare.
Why do new players love this class so much?
Spy is the best class,shame that TF2 is dead now.
I used to go like 240 kills and 40 deaths with saharan set and dead ringer. Carrying the team with a knife in a game full of retards with rocket launchers and flame throwers. I miss old tf2 lol.
it's a very unique role that does not get killed immediately and plays like an anime character
>Tfw been stair stabbed multiple times but I've only been able to matador once
I suck at spy
*laughs while cloak and afk*
*crouch walks up to you with sandvich in hand*
When will this competitive meme die already? It ruined dawn of war
nothin personnel kid
>banning someone's game account because they don't play the way you want
>Fucking hate snipers and report them at the slightest provocation
>Not even blatant spinbots, just ones that seem a little too good
>I'm routinely showered with "thank you, person you reported has receivad a ban for cheating" messages
fake eyes
scout and sniper do what you do, but better
>dead ringer
noob spotted
>Ywn have an Aug waifu
>Have Mann up ticket hanging on my backpack, completely forgot about it
>Join a Mann Up match after years of not playing MvM
>People disconnect because they don't like the team composition
>Have to join another match
>We do the first round and miss some money
>People disconnects in mass
>Have to join another match
>People begs to be reported and kicked
>Have to join another match
>Join a team already in the last wave, finally manage to win
What the fuck happened to MvM? It used to be tons of fun, now it's just full of salty fucks.
he only exists because of heavy choke maps like dustbowl
You pretty much have to play with friends.
it's like L4D
people have figured out the optimal way to win, so people are incapable of "having fun" anymore if it's too far from the optimal
>tfw your team has the best snipers
>Engineer builds a sentry
>Then goes afk
Why do people even join a server if they don't want to play the game?
>play any class
>encounter pyro
Imagine caring so much about winning basically nothing that you forget the main point of vidya
>newfags from Sup Forums
Maybe, like 4 years ago. Now it's just niggers from even more uncouth boards.
t. I was one of those last Sup Forumstards.
tf2 comp is a joke, why do you think they added the comp mode like 9 years after game release?
When it stops literally printing money sadly
Capitalism was a mistake.
Always remember that you suffer for the stupidity of others in any system where the people have power.
>be heavy
>encounter pyro
>don't have literal parkinsons
>ez kill
>get airblasted into ravine
>have to truffle shuffle all the way back up to pyro
>hes already gone by then
>get killed by sniper
>don't stand like an absolute fucking retard in the middle of the map
>truffle shuffle
this got me good and it shouldn't have
Spy is the hardest and most satisfying class. You will die five times before you get a kill, but you will also kill five enemies in a row a few times (if you're good).
a decent sniper can headshot anything
They can even bodyshot a heavy who had it's health drained by a pyro or soldier.
>retard becomes chairman
>like every other time
>its suddenly even worse because retards have an even bigger effect on your life
Good thing Bonerwatch is bretty combetitive!!1! x-DDDD
>wasted class
the only class that actually requires skill to play well
no a good sniper puts himself into positions where he will be more likely to get headshots, they move around constantly. a huge difference between a bad sniper and a good one is whether or not they will actually unscope if it means they wont die aka they have much better game sense. it isn't that they have so much better aim, they put themselves into positions to succeed and be able to leave if they fail
>Playing in Australia
>Game always runs smoothly/no lag until...
>... I try to turn around to kill the spy I know is there but instead he backstabs me
>... I try to airblast the demo stickies but he detonates them instead
>... I try to get a headshot on an enemy sniper before getting headshotted back and the kill cam showing him in a different spot
I fucking hate it when it happens.
I just came in this thread to say the different walking/idle animations for the losing team and taking their weapons away were genius, and more games should include the slaughter of the losing team by the winning team post-game.
Chivalry has this, and like with tauntkills, the losing team still has a small chance to kill the winning team in the post-game massacre by pummeling them to death. I really like this.
*blocks headshot with voice line animation
what now
>very often
Except he is useless because his specialised functionality of picking off key targets is filled with the much easier and less risky Sniper. His role as a building destroyer is completely undermined against a small team with high communication and even against a team with no communication it is much more time efficient for a 6 player team to use a medic and soldier to destroy buildings as those are classes that are a necessary staple in any comp team. Finally the spy is completely nullified against a team with any amount of communication and a Pyro, whose ability to easily spray for spied and save buildings removes both of the character's key skills and Pyro is a pretty common class to run in 6v6 due to the prevalence of soldiers.
what was Valve thinking, giving the best offensive hitscan weapon IN THE GAME to a defensive class?
you suck
There is nothing more fun than juking people with the invis watch and watching them get frustrated as you just vanish.
Bonus points for just using your revolver to kill low health targets just because you can.
that pic is making me kek my ass of
this is too fucking good
Don't bother uncloaking.
No one wants to see you.
Good thing you wear that mask.
We want the enemy to die, not your own team.
Did you buy that suit red?
or did you forget to pre-treat your panties last period?
Of course you pretend to be someone else.
Who would want to be you.
Funny how a french person hides from enemies, takes cheap shots, then runs away when caught.
Is it any wonder you smoke while running around all day?
If I were you, I'd want to kill myself too.
Is there a secret to juking as spy? I always seem to misjudge the direction people are going.
If your team isn't retarded and the enemy camp is full of engies a well-timed sap can be the difference between a cleared nest and a dead team.
this, saps are more useful for the disable than for their capacity to actually destroy his shit
>at least its nowhere near as bad as Overwatch yet.
and yet you want to make it more like OW by banning people who want to freely choose their class
Just move randomly, move in one direction, then go for the opposite one, think of the most efficient path of getting out of there and don't take it basically, or just stand still.
Most cases you are gonna get out alive, otherwise just pray
Okay so there is a small window were you can still sort of be seen when you start to turn invisible, what you need to do is be super obvious when you start to cloak as to were you want to go, but that isn't really the place you want to go. Most people will assume that you will make a bee line for hp or metal.
Map knowledge is good too, take some really weird routes. The more time they are looking for you the less time they are doing useful things. Also don't be afraid to just shoot someone with your revolver, the stock does about the same dps as a shotgun.
Don't forget the sap takes two or three swings away from the engineer being able to repair his building.
get killed by the other sniper
>hurr in a 2v1 the 1 always loses to the 2
oh wow you sure btfo'd me
>mfw a spy tries the super fucking obvious stairstab and I just melee him to death
maybe if I was 2000 hours newer to the game, buddy
>meleeing a spy
true, the netcode fucks you half the time