have you played the pubg killer
Fortnite battle royal
>mooooom i want pubg buy it for me
>Well i don't know little jimmy pubg has a lot of violence and blood
>B-but its really fun game mooom
>maybe try fortnite its more colorful and has no blood :)
>o-ok thanks mommy
Why are all of these games shooters?
Quick Sup Forums name what game you'd adapt into the 100 free for all format.
>playing streamer bait games
Chivalry combat but without the spin influencing.
PUBG is so damn boring.
Just a looting simulator
>I only play mature rated games for mature gamers like myself
A racing game
City Trial
>Why are all of these games shooters?
stealth works better with guns instead of melee. ranged weapons give a purpose to having a large map.
this post is a lot more accurate then you think. in voice chat they are a shit ton of squakers.
I don't know what would be the equivalent game, but instead of a vast map it's very condensed and focuses on stealth, traps and close quarters encounters
Fighting game. I want to see a quality fighting arena game on consoles (For Honor was dead on arrival)
A Mount and Blade style game.
I think it'd be cool as fuck building up a medieval faction of sorts, and fighting against actual humans
Both of them are shit, just like all other battle royale games ever made.
I opened the game, saw the amount of loot shit they had, closed it and uninstalled.
A side scrolling beat em up
Animal Crossing 2
Chao Garden but you're a chao and there's full body tracking
I'll post my bitcoin wallet if anyone would like to donate
Yeah, it's called Sea of Thieves.
>battle to the death
>everyone is smiling
for honor had 100k concurrent on arrival.
also new patch is starting to fix shit. look into that
Demolition Derby
Twisted metal
I have, and then I uninstalled it because it's bad.
Paper Mario
Only the white man is smiling because he knows he's about to kill some shitskins.
for honor is dead
at least in australia
power stone I just want another game like powerstone 2.
Look at this smug bastard
He knows he lucked out and found the shotgun and will win in close range
The man with the scar is running towards certain doom
everything is dead in australia.
but for honor was alright on release, its got the same problem as all fighting games with population
it might get revived in several months time
i think they are starting to do real work on it
A (melee focused) battle royale game inside a fully modeled building would be pretty gud
kirby air ride