I'm not a fucking lesbo Chloe, why can't you just stop coming onto me already, you're hot garbage, even if I liked girls you sure as hell wouldn't be my first pick you dyke
I'm not a fucking lesbo Chloe, why can't you just stop coming onto me already, you're hot garbage...
yuri is hot tho
>being so fucking obnoxious that even destiny itself is willing to destroy a whole town just to take you out with it
Feels good not to be chloe
tfw no cute reserved gf like max
It's not the fact that Max likes pussy. Who cares. But Chloe is objectively a terrible person. She is a menace to society. She's a fucking addict, she rude, condescending, hypocritical, extremely selfish, also dumb as a rock. She belongs in jail.
It's bad enough Max considers her, her friend, but hooking up with that crackhead? Just no.
You sure about that, champ?
It felt so good to snuff that bitch without a moment's hesitation.
She would never actually say that.
Well spoken.
>tfw sacrificed whole town for that punk pussy
Not even good punk pussy at that. You just know that after they left Archadia, Chloe left Max's ass for a meth head wherever they went, and left Max to be depressed.
It's how it always is with those sorts of women.
Chloe was just desperate that she lost this
Seriously, tho, what's the reasoning behind that? Why would you ever do that?
>Not trading up
God Victoria is amazing. I don't care how much of a rich cunt she is, she makes me diamonds.
She's only a cunt to protect herself. Just gotta crack that defense and she's putty in your hands.
This is Kate, she is a nice girl . Say something nice to Kate .
I want to play LiS just for Kate
I want to protect Kate.
I want to fug her!
I agree
*Blocks your path*
Have more Kate .
*gets on my feet and starts sucking on her feet and begging for pleasure and pain*
God I fucking hate chloe with a passion. Who ever thought I'd reach a point in my life where I'd genuinely hate a fictional character?
Post more
Damn, I didn't notice the fucking thirst.
i guess ants like kate too
what is this? A christian girl for Ants?
Sorry :3
Moar Victoria feet
god, western faggots trying to draw anime is absolutely disgusting
>also dumb as a rock
That's not true.