I can't believe people think this is a better option than Gamestop

I can't believe people think this is a better option than Gamestop.

Do they just live close to their HQs or a warehouse and never have any issues? They are fucking awful in literally any other scenario. The absolute worst.

>get in car and drive 20 minutes
>sit on my ass and it just shows up at my house a day later

Yes I am that lazy that I don't want to drive.


Honestly I just prefer digital at this point. I don't like having 500 boxes clogging up space in my apartment.

>work at a flex warehouse
>see xenoblade chronicles 2 limited edition go by on the belt, in its actual box itself, not packed or anything.
>shipping labels stuck all over them, box dented from falling from the overhead chute
>see 5 more go by just like it

that was fucked up t b h

>Go to gamestop
>The 5 games they have are 2 or 3 times the price of Amazon
>The rest of the store is filled with trash like funko pop
>Do a 360 and moonwalk away

If you are talking about buying games I don't know why you wouldn't just go to wal mart or something.


>mommy wouldn’t let me use her cwedit card

I get that I meant OP who obviously doesn't want to order online, why not just go to wal mart instead of gamestop which is awful.

Not american here
Isnt that place full of poor people and americans that shit themselves?

>You can order from stuff without even wearing pants
>No game stop cashier trying to sell you a power up rewards card
>Prices are way lower
>No cashier giving you weird looks depending on what you want to buy
>No standing in line
>You can get brand new games, some game stops will tell you they don't the brand new copy and makes you pay for the pre owned one at basically the same price

How does it feel to defend the future Blockbuster?

>get 20% off preorders

feels good man

if anything goes wrong with amazon you can get a refund.
gamestop normally sells you used games at new price (ever bought the display copy? employees can play that shit).
they even gut games to remove the free month of xbox live cards.

20 gamestop tokens have been deposited into your account.

It costs me less money and I get my shit early almost all the time.

This. The only time I buy disks is when import fighting games from nipland. I don't give two fucks about DRM or resale.

It really depends on the walmart. If you don't live in a trashy area it is just a regular store.

Order from them pretty often, 90% of the time I have no problems. I have prime so being able to get same day or 2 day “free shipping” is pretty cool

Amazon Preorder > Digital > Best Buy gamer club > Gamestop > Amazon regular

Only thing Amazon has is the discount, but even with same day shipping I've had that shit show up late, fuck that. Rather just drive 15 mins and get it on actual release date.

Do you work for Gamestop?

Seconding this

>gamestop normally sells you used games at new price (ever bought the display copy? employees can play that shit)

Not only that, since your copy has been "opened" it can no longer be returned. Oops.

Amazon has generally done right by my purchases, even though they were late on some release day stuff for me. I don't generally order from them if I want something ASAP though.

>buy game
>gets delivered in the next 2 days
>if im not satisfied i can get a refund

Whats the problem with amazon? (besides their shit tier working conditions)

>live close to a warehouse
>deliveries always come 1-2 days earlier than the usual 3 day waiting time for non-Prime free deliveries

>Don't have prime
>Use the slower free shipping option that takes 4-8 days
>They simply don't ship anything for a week but when they finally do I still get my stuff in 2 days
Fucking jews

Same here, user. My 3DS was basically a digital games machine and I don't regret it. I'm doing basically the same now with my Switch and it's great. I need a big SD card urgently though, cause I don't have enough space for Bayo 1 + 2 and Kirby, but Bayos I might get physical, if possible

>Not only that, since your copy has been "opened" it can no longer be returned.
Yeah but you can still sell it back for 40% of its value in store credit.

>have to pay tax on Amazon now
The only reason I ever bothered with buying shit online is gone.

>always arrives 2 days later than what it says, even for new release games
Just use ShopTo or something. If it arrives after release day then you get credit back to buy more games

I've preordered about 6 or 7 games over the past 3 years from Amazon, every single one of them has shown up at my door release day, so from personal experience they work pretty well. However shipping and now the sales tax can add up, and I tried the pro membership at my local gamestop for the 5-10 dollar savings for every few games bought, and that can add up to be a good 15-20% cheaper for games overall than buying at Amazon. If you buy physical games frequently enough, then going to gamestop is unironically a better choice imo, especially if Amazon doesn't deliver games the day of release if that's the shipping option you selected.

>Import games
>No tax
>Cheaper prices even with shipping
>No burgerland censorship
There's still a way

>live on an island off the west coast of Scotland
>have to dedicate an entire day to travel to a City and pick up a game (+£20 minimum for travel)
>pre-order online and arrives at my house on release day with free delivery

Not everyone has the same circumstances as you.

i live near a warehouse and the prime discount is nice. That said my stuff doesn't always ship from the warehouse here but still gets to me on time.

I pre-ordered final fantasy with my fight stick for fightans and got it the same day the game was released. Pic related

It's annoying buying stuff on Amazon now they have this weird courier system now. Instead of just giving it to USPS to put in a dropbox I get calls from the delivery guy because he can't find my apartment.

>go to store
>retarded Nintendo soyboys buying amiibos and stinking up the place
>fat gamer girl with a Zelda t shirt and triforce tattoo
>tries to get me to buy 8 different disk warranties and get my SSN, blood type, and fingerprints for their loyalty club
>click one button
>24 hrs later a friendly mailman hand delivers my vidya while I'm in my pajamas

I ordered a game once at 11PM the night before release and by 2PM the next day it was in my mailbox.

Amazon is amazing.

Fucking hate this shit. One time I got a call from them saying they could not access my apartment building and they would try again the next day. It was at 2PM and the building was open.

>24 hrs later an underpaid mailman throw the game at my door without knocking and run away

I meant the copy they sold you *new* but was already opened cannot be returned as *new.*

May not be intentional, and might only affect a few people, but man it's kind of a shitty practice.

Found your problem, stop living in human zoos

What shithole do you live in?
You can also get a replacement with refund if the couriers fuck up any part of the delivery. Amazon are such pushovers

The worst issue I've had with them so far was that the delivery fucker decided to cram the envelope in my mailslot, 3/4 on it hanging outside. It's okay buddy, not like someone's gonna steal that 450 euro SSD.

That aside, so far everything went very well. Even got 8GB RAM for free once.

Try throwing them out you retard

Also its 100x cheaper to order online 99.9% of the time.

>Buy headphones
>They break
>Send them back for next day replacement
>6 months later they break again
>Send them off for replacement
>Amazon gives me a full refund and a £50 gift card

truly based

The only problem I got with Amazon is that their return system is incompatible with our postal system, so if something is wrong with my order I can't return it.

This is the benefit of large corporations. They have enough "fuck it" money to appease customers beyond what a smaller business can manage. At the consumer level you can get away with a lot of shit because they just don't care if you're fucking them around.

>buy $20 game new
>get sent said game in the wrong language
>they apologize and send the me the game in the correct and language and $25 in credit
The game was Tales of Symphonia Chronicles.

>arrives two weeks later than it says
>it estimates 2 weeks later delivery after release

It sure is nice to recieve my package 1 month later user.

Maybe if youdidn't have to pay $20 shipping.

I seriously miss Gamestop.


Amazon Now is in my area so I can get anything I want in less than 2 hours

Last time I went into a game store (on the release day of the game I wanted), they said "yes we have copies, hope you preordered one (teehee)". Game stores can burn

All the people defending amazon in this thread haven't tried ordering from them when living in a place that doesn't have a warehouse closeby.

For example Puerto Rico. They are absolutely horrible with Puerto Rico. I get shit delivered a 2 weeks to a month late nowadays. Worst yet the only option PR has right now for videogames is a single Best Buy and they are trash with pre-orders.

>Maybe if youdidn't have to pay $20 shipping.
You guys actually have to pay for shipping on amazon?

Why don't they have enough "fuck it" money to allow Prime shipping to countries like Puerto Rico.

I literally have no other option other than standard shipping.

Building life long customers is also a great idea, if I end up using a company for 40 more years they'll more than make their money back, something a lot of places don't understand

Yes, and I have prime which I literally only use for videos at this point

I've never had a problem with Amazon delivery, almost always arrives the next for prime items (which most things are these days). Plus their customer service is great. I've had a shitload of partial refunds from the rare occasions where it didn't turn up when it said it would.

Because no one cares about your shithole.
Well that sucks. Orders worth 20 euro and over automatically get free delivery here.

Ignorance sure is a bliss

I've never had a problem with Amazon except for once when they didn't deliver Xillia on time. Otherwise I've always gotten my stuff either on time or earlier.

I haven't had any trouble with Amazon yet, and I don't live anywhere near Amazon headquarters or even a warehouse from what I understand. Here's a tip. All companies are equally shit. Pick the one that is least objectionable, or stop consuming shit you don't need to survive.

*region free system*
*ships you PAL copy*

never again

It's a tough choice because both companies are complete shit, so might as well go with whatever is cheapest and most convenient at the time. For many people, that's Amazon. Fucking walmart wants a days wages for a package of cotton underwear, so not like you save money shopping there.

It's cheaper and I can live waiting a few days for my game to arrive in the mail.

>he bought from a third party seller

>order weights from amazon to get /fit/
>Amazon give it to UPS because they don't want to deliver it
>UPS doesn't deliver it because it's too heavy
>sorry your package went missing
glad video games aren't heavy

I'm sorry we don't live in a third world shithole user.

amazon itself is fine but some of the carriers they use, holy fuck
>order a game
>it doesn't arrive on time
>carrier says they tried to deliver but there was nobody home
>I was home the whole day and they never actually came
>they "try again" the next day
>it actually arrives this time
>open it
>the plastic around the game is torn and the cart is missing

I have never been so mad in my life

All of my deliveries just get left outside the door. Not a big deal because I live in a good neighborhood, but I'm surprised to hear they actually check to see if people are home. They don't check even when we are home.

They never check but it's a good excuse to not have to deliver stuff

No idea how they're still in business.

Usually when you get those slips that say they'll try it again there is a website you can go on and schedule a redelivery on a day you'll be home. I have to do it all the fucking time with USPS because they sure love delivering mail at 12PM on weekdays when everyone is at work.

that doesn't make sense

One time I ordered Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for my 3DS and it arrived without the cart inside the case. Returned that shit for a full refund.

I don't live in flyoverville so I always get my stuff on time with a nice discount for being a prime member

They're mostly the cheaper option for consoles.

When it happened to me they just sent me a replacement, didn't even have to return it
Which was actually kinda nice because I get to have 2 cases, one with the normal cover and one inverted (game was splatoon 2)

Not exactly a notable quality when physical is dead for PC

Not having Amazon prime via a fake student email.

What you don't seem to understand is that they're not magically teleporting shit your to your door. The package needs to go through a bunch of distribution centers and trucks to get to your house, so of course, being on a shitty little island is going to make that difficult for them.

It's good that they're not giving you a promise they can't keep without moving heaven and earth.

>not having amazon prime via a real student email

>Puerto Rico

I'm not from America, but isn't Puerto Rico part of the US?

It's a US territory, yes

this, my Gamestop turned into an edgy vidya game version of Hot Topic.

The last time I went there it happened to be the release night for Super Mario Odyssey and it was full of cringy shitty people. I just wanted to pick up a couple of used Xbox One games, not feel uncomfortable as fuck around a bunch of manchildren. It was fine 10 years ago, what the fuck happened?

>>The rest of the store is filled with trash like funko pop
I honestly think game stop is slowly turning into gamer hot topic

the free market will gix it

I LOVE online shopping, because my fly-over state doubles the price of any game locally, that's what happens when every local franchise is owned by the same greedy family.

I hate state sales tax, but buying directly from Amazon is 100% better if you receive a damaged item. The same professional third-party sellers during the PS3 days are now GameStop re-sellers. They even use their own fake shrinkwrap to fool kids.

The package quality varies a lot. Best Buy has the best deals (not for months) but the absolute WORST customer service (India) and return policies. They want you to get in your car and drive all the way to a Best Buy to return a game they shipped damaged, then they refuse to pay you a penny for the gas you wasted.

Amazon has gone downhill in my opinion based almost solely on how they don't seem to give a damn anymore about packing and whether or not the item will get damaged in transport, likely because they have enough money to throw at the problem. It's hilarious to me that there are small outfits out there which deal in relatively niche products and manage to package better than Amazon.

Their carriers suck now as well, come all times of the day and just drop the package at the front door without bothering to knock on a busy street.

This is really only an issue at inner city Walmarts. The ones in low population/semi rural areas are pretty decent.

Do you really? People in those circumstances always fascinate me. What do you do for fun? For money?

Yeah, you know what I always do when there are like 6 not!Mexicans on an island who want to give me maybe 340 dollars a year in business, max?

I build a distribution center specifically for them for hundreds of thousands of dollars and expedite their shipping to that center for them from around the world and delay my operations literally everywhere else in order to give the island nigger his copy of Breath of the Wild fast.

Everything else aside, you just have to realize that there are limitations based on where you live.

I walked into a gamestop the other night and walked out with an snes classic. Gamestop girl also told me that it was the only one they got and the only one they were likely to get. Hell its probably the only snes classic on the east coast.

This, I'm curious as well.

I bust my ass to make some bucks 5 days a week and yet it seems like there are people who literally just fuck around all day and get by in the middle of nowhere.

>on the east coast
It's astounding how overrated shopping in New York is, when they have absolutely nothing in stock. We need a competitor to Amazon that actually respects people living in Middle America and on the East Coast.

Of course it is. You don't know the human cost that makes these miracles happen.

Do I need to repeat myself?

Usually human sacrifices. Bezos becomes richer as Amazon becomes worse.

Maybe if devs actually optimize their games and make them into a friendly filesize, physical PC games wouldn't be dead but they're only gonna grow in size

>Expects to get the same treatment as people who are paying for shipping for free.
If anything, the cheap jew in here is you.