Why is this game shit again?

cause running to get to the game for 5 minutes just to get killed and have to run to the game again just to get killed isnt fun


Its cause you're trash bud

yes, and?
if im not having fun im not playing your shit game.

games not at a good enough stage right now
its not even close to equaling PR in content or finalized mechanics

it doesnt help it runs like pure shit

>Guys they'll add in enough content in 2014
>Guys they'll add in enough content in 2015
>Guys they'll add in enough content in 2016
>Guys they'll add in enough content in 2017
>Guys they'll add in enough content in 2018
Coming soon!
>>Guys they'll add in enough content in 2019

It's like a budget arma instead of being a standalone PR

because sim shooters are undeniably unfun

I blame tryhard milsim fags to be honest

Shitty, un-fun, and predictable meta that hasn't changed for the almost 3 years and counting this game has been out on Steam Early Access.
All this "content" (that is, features found in games released a decade earlier) that has been released or yet to be released won't mean shit if the gameplay foundation stays the same, don't let fanboys try to convince you otherwise.

Military shooters are a hotbed for undesirable people, third worlders, and Americans.

Besides what is listed here, the community is full of complacent jackasses who don't hold the developers accountable for anything like what said.

>Muh small dev team take too long make content, why can't they be like EA or Activision? they actually release a different game a year or two.
>Look, its another FPS so if I already play Battlefield or CoD I should do great here!
>Do I really need a mic for this? Why would I want to speak with the team? Text chat is enough

I don't get it, everyone in the world plays it then?


>remaking PR in a modern engine instead of remaking BF2 in a modern engine

Fantastic game, the only problem is the needed cooperation between randoms. People don't like being told what to do by the disembodied voice of a nerd. And not following orders or being given blatantly bad orders, or being given orders you think are bad but are actually good and beyond your meager mind to comprehend fucks up the game. And then like the nerdgays in this thread complain about, they run for 5 minutes just to get killed and run back cause they don't know their gun from their unwiped assholes.

The scum of the planet plays it.

>waiting 3 hours in an ugly desert for something to happen: the game

But you said undesirables, so that includes Europeans.
Third worlders, includes most of Asia, Africa and South America.
And Americans include Americans.

What does that leave? The Japanese? Canadians? Australians? All undesirables too.

You haven't played BF4? I got it for $5 on sale with all the maps and it's basically this

>realistic sim shooter
>only way to shoot at range is to guess

Because of Rally Point spamming. The whole game loses any sense of strategy and planning when you can shit out mobile spawn points all over the map.

They should have just copied Project Realitys Rally Point system.

>Headless Chicken Merry Go Round Sim
>Remotely comparable to BF2

why play a game like this when i could literally just join the actual army and have triple the fun

How does that one work?

For one, they are not spawn based. Instead of having 9 spawns available they only last a minute or two and they have very strict limitation on when and where you can deploy them. They are never used as a mobile spawn points and are mostly used for a squad member who accidentally spawned at main or joined the squad late.

no choppers
when we get them game is good
this very much. offworld game design vise went full retard and for unknown reasons butchered many features that made PR good. like supply crates, huge fobs, being able to drop ammo and switch to ally or enemy kits. hopefully, we can mod this messy shit and enjoy true PR experience soon.

All they had to do was to copy Project Reality. That game has been refined during 10 years but they wanted to make the game more "Action oriented". Fuck those devs. All sense of tension and strategy is gone knowing you can just easily respawn close to the fight again. Same thing fucked up the Battlefield series.

Unoptimized garbage shilled to no end by the same braindeads who make up the 99% of DOI and Insurgency. They're so fucking desperate for more players, it's funny. Love watching your indieshit games die, retards.

Bush squatters + big as fuck map = dying from any and every angle from an enemy you never see. Plus there was one time I actually did make the jump on an enemy and the hitscan was total fucking shit and he 360 one tapped me after I mag dumped his laggy ass to no effect which was the last straw for me.

This is why I always preferred Arma. You can make any mission you want to play however you want. If I had to play just KOTH multiplayer arma and nothing else I would never have it installed.

>be deployed to Iraq for 2 years
>come back home and become a glorified welfare recipient
>first thing you do is play war games

Lots of PR players are military people.

>Brainwash a generation so hard they make enlistment propaganda themselves for free
So this is the reason why the US Army is the strongest in the world.

The only good thing about the battlefield series are the mods.

PVP in arma sucks ass.

The only way it works is by joining an autism self-help group.


>Modern era shooting game is propaganda
sick meme

What is America's Army

yeah, hence why 99% of my gameplay in Arma is PvE.

Squad still wasn't very good compared to Project Reality.