Literally impossible

Literally impossible

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Literally git gud. There's no other way around.

>what is parrying

git gud
you too


inb4 that fag ruins the thread


>inbefore I beat him first try! First souls game btw! Gib attention!


Good job, m8. I did it 2nd try with it being first souls game for me.

i came here to post this
i am not disappointed




I'm convinced those posts are made by RPG faggots who beat NG at level 200 or so and feel like hot shit that they steamrolled everything.

this literally my first thought upon seeing this shit on facebook unedited

honestly I found lady Maria to be harder than him

>tfw found the dumb blue ayys to be the hardest boss

Beat it 2nd try.


I think the reason why he's so difficult is because most players myself included spent most of the game before just pressing back and dodge to get away from bosses or enemies that are about to kick my ass. This guy has an attack specifically to punish that and you have to dodge it to the side but the buildup is so similar to all the other attacks.

I've fought him a million times in coop and it is easiest to beat him using tricked axe, tricked whirligig or tricked LHB. Saws and other fast & short range weapons are dangerous to use on him because they tend to make you greedy, while with heavy weapons you just poke with 1 (sometimes 2) heavy attacks and dodge away from his counter. Also the axe's HP rally is insane and easy to use on him (roll->L1 gives back like 400 hp)

Not him but my guess is some people are great at the game but comparitively absolutely horrid at paying attention to multiple threats at once.

That's the only possible excuse, right?

Undead giant is the true boss of Bloodborne.

Yeah, that's it. It's also why many find Ludwig to be so hard.

Parrying him is actually quite hard, and miss-timing it will get you fucked.

The best way to beat him is learning what moves leave his back open for a charged R2 > Backstab. More damage than a Bullet + Visceral you get from a parry.

The easiest one is when he jumps over you. The gut reaction to madly roll away, but you can avoid it by walking like 2 steps forward, then aim a charged R2 180 degrees behind you. You can also get behind him when he dies the 720 degree Placenta spin attack and have plenty of time for a backstab.

It's harder to pull off in Phase 2, but there's still opportunities. Especially with weapons like Saw Cleaver and Blades of Mercy, which have quick Charge R2's.

You should be using a +10 weapon with at least 22% Physical gems (farm Winter Lanterns just before Orphan). Arcane Builds should prioritise Fire Damage, using at least Depth 4 Chalice gems. But if you are truly intent on doing an Arc build and ignoring Chalices, then Bolt damage using the 20% gems from Hamlet Shaman will be better than the shithouse fire gems you find in main story,

Hardest boss imo is the Aylmao in the cursed chalice dungeon. You have half your health and its hitboxes are bigger then the moon

Theres a few enemies that punish backdashing, Blood Starved Beast is the first major one, Abhorrant Beast turns it up to 11.

But Orphan is unique in that there's no go-to safe direction to dodge, with BSB you go left every time and he'll never hit you (I'm sure someone will post the video of WALKING left and avoiding every attack). Orphan has a different safe space for every attack, so you really need to learn his moveset throughly. Some it's best to go left, some right, some backwards, and some it's best to just basically stand still and let him fly over you.

That's why he's the best boss in the game. There's no cheap tactics, you have to get good at reading tells and knowing how to react, most other bosses you can hug a certain side or always do the same thing and be mostly ok. Orphan doesn't let you be shit.

>That's the only possible excuse, right?
If that were the case wouldn't the Shadows be harder? Or Rom?

Ludwig's charge attack is easier to predict because there's at least quite a bit of build up and the scream that he does only for that attack. But you can barely even tell with Orphan of Kos so he can pull that shit out of nowhere. You think you're just backing up from another one of his attacks and then he fucks you up.

Any player who managed to get to that point in the game can beat him, just have patience, learn his moves and time yours accordingly.
I was stuck on him for a few days, feeling confident one day after gym I sat down and fought him for one and a half hour straight using everything I learned, cunt eventually went down.

just shoot at it

then visceral it

BSB still lets you get away with backdashing enough if you keep your distance. I mostly just parry him to death every time. The problem with Orphan punishing backdashing is that you can barely tell when he's gonna do it and if you instinctively backdash once then you're done.

ludwigs harder

beat him on my 100th attempt.

Still my favourite Souls boss

I think I had a harder time with bloodletting beast. Coming back to this game after play monster hunter actually makes it seem a lot easier.

>bloodborne is in the Souls series

Lel you people call aliens "ayys" or "aylamaoes"

Accidental Kino moment

This is not really true, front-dashing is still really effective as always.

Orphan killed me more than any other boss by a significant amount. Second worst for me was Chalice Rom, weirdly

>play with a friend for the first time
>heard much about kos
>friends seconds try
>boss glitches half in wall
>he kills him in seconds
that was a dissapointment

I parried the shit out of them. Pretty much everyone in BB can be parried, when they start attack animation

Easier than Friede

literally killed this cunt on my second try on first general playrhough of the dlc
Ludwig... oh boy.... i lost the count on the many times i died

Easier than Maria

Friede is way harder than Maria